And then the Smoot-Hawley Tariff Act of 1930 which ensured the stock market crash turned into the Great Depression.
Don't worry, with Trump it'll be The Greatest Depression EVER™
Yep, the tariffs that sunk America (and the world) into deeper depression. We are now at the threshold of a combination of Oct 1929 markets (oligarchs went extreme) and Smoot–Hawley Tariff. Republicans don’t learn from history.
In 1929, GOP controlled the presidency, both houses, and had 100% influence over the Supreme Court. Hoover had taken office in March after winning in 1928. The GOP had been dominant throughout the 1920s, promoting pro-business policies, deregulation, and limited government intervention.
…on October 29, 1929 (“Black Tuesday”), the stock market crashed, marking the beginning of the Great Depression. The crash resulted from a combination of speculative investments, excessive use of credit, and a slowing economy that was masked by the rapid industrial growth of the 1920s.
Following the crash, banks failed, businesses collapsed, and unemployment skyrocketed. Hoover’s administration responded with limited intervention, believing in “rugged individualism” and that the economy would correct itself. However, his approach was widely criticized as inadequate….
By the 1932 election, the Democrats, led by Franklin D. Roosevelt, swept into power with promises of a “New Deal” to provide relief, recovery, and reform.
So i guess the upcoming conservatives are as dumb as the current and past gop. Unless of course they believe the GREAT DEPRESSION was when America was great
They'll embrace it and say "the market was due for a correction". It's already happening- I saw one on r/conservative say "at least the interest rates will go down and I can afford my dream home". Ummm.. not if you don't have a JOB!!!
This is what they want. They will crush the economy then the billionaires can buy even more stock at low low prices that will ensure they become the ruling class until time ends. They don't care, they want to destroy everyone so they can rule forever
I know several people like this. They aren’t stupid but are to influenced by their business interests! They don’t delve into the misinformation to find the factual truth! I can tell by what they post that they’re getting their news from Fox🤦🏽♀️
Wonder what the lil’ perv said to Biden at the inauguration as he filed by? Is he the influence that got the Tates back to maralardo? This entire grifting assemblage is alien. Like things outside of humanity we know. Little animal mutilation in there too? U kno rumor control. Smoke&fire.
Just read an article predicting a depression. It makes a lot of sense but predicts it to happen in 2030. I have a feeling it is going to happen sooner.
The main thing these little privileged brats don't get is it was the rich who lost everything that jumped out the windows. The new poor. The old poor always survive.
That lesson needs to be drilled into people who think the GOP has their backs. Think of how many Democratic presidents have had to clean up steaming piles of shit from their GOP predecessors: FDR, Clinton, Obama, Biden.
There's a lot of people in this country who have not had a complete education when it comes to the history of this country. They think the 1920s only had the "flappers". They don't realize when the Great Depression started. You think there were bread lines during covid, you have no idea.
The Smoot-Hawley Tariff Act, enacted in 1930, raised U.S. import duties significantly to protect American farmers and businesses. It is widely blamed for worsening the Great Depression by prompting retaliatory tariffs from other countries and drastically reducing international trade.
Just Saying!
The above photo is of Florence Owens Thompson, US citizen and internal migrant fruit/veg picker, and her children. Dorothea Lange took this photo in 1936 during the Great Depression to raise awareness of and provide aid to impoverished farmers. (Photo & text credit: Rare Historical Photos website).
Unfortunately, I believe it was the stock market crash and the start of The Depression.
I always wondered how people lived through it and hoped I would never have to, but it is not looking good
Don't worry, with Trump it'll be The Greatest Depression EVER™
This is not the first time I've posted this today.
When has conservatism ever been pro-democracy????
Run for cover, Hell is breaking loose.
I noticed the “unknown” at the bottom. The BTC logo is Brian’s initials. He does good work!
So people don’t come off as dumb fucks.
I told him, "We aren't going to tariff ourselves into prosperity."
He said it could work, and I told him to look into the Smoot-Hawley Tariff Act and the Great Depression and get back to me.
He won't.
When you say research, they expect a click-bait TikTok from an angry MAGAt that needs a subscription to fund their addiction.
The guy I am talking about isn't unintelligent, but he is susceptible to propaganda, even on stuff in his field of work that he should know better.
The bottom line is, he doesn't think he should pay income tax.
I consider my income tax my patriotic duty.
Women have always been good at getting shit done while being completely underestimated,and%20last%20approximately%206%20years.
Right now they’re still learning why WWII was bad.
Lol. Maga 🖕
They've never earned anything.
Song for the #Resistance
“Elon Mask” by RavenPhyre
Who the f$ck is Peter Thiel?
#Severance Art
#resist #persist #exist #RiseUp #AmericanHistory #FollowTheMoney
#bluecrew #punchnazis #Elon #Musk #Trump #Thiel #Vance #Bongino
Not really keen on the whole historical thing
If you were born in 1929 you are 96 years old.
If you were born in 1944, you are 80.
Just Saying!
harnessing the finest of their genes, & placing them in the finest of private, secondary schooling
it's a correlation that's hard to miss
it's nature for them
nurture doesn't budge the needle
dumb, & have had no honor instilled at any age
Lib messaging: Do they know what happened the last time a Bosnian Serb got close to heir apparent of the Austro-Hungarian Empire? 🧐
Who’s gonna tell them? 😏
I always wondered how people lived through it and hoped I would never have to, but it is not looking good
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