Been saying this for YEARS. How is someone who led a coup and attack on the Capitol not in prison? Why the fuck was he allowed to run for president, and just treated like a "normal" candidate? Where were/are all the people who vowed to protect the US from enemies "foreign and DOMESTIC"?
Thousands of protesters who do not swear to protect and defend the Constitution. I think the point was to ask where all of our elected officials are, and not just on political lines. Republicans swore the same oath that Democrats and Independents swore.
We need to consider that Republican Senators and Congressmen may be accepting money or favors from Putin. Otherwise, why would they do absolutely nothing about Trump dismantling the FBI? Average Americas depend upon the FBI to keep them safe when the local police lacks resources.
What can we do??????? I can't sleep at night from worrying about the new administration. Seems like something drastic needs to be done. Any activity on the "dark web" that can give us hope?
Why did we bother with a swear in ceremony for Trump. I was laughing when he DID NOT put his hand on the Bible Melania was holding for him. I guess he thought he was hedging his bet, and if there was a God, he did not want to cross him 😂.
Why can’t these politicians see that their decisions are killing/will kill children? The pro-life crowd need to stroll through a cemetery and look at all the young graves. Look at the dates. To have children now is just cruel and unfair to them. To be born into this? Why so they can suffer?
I am still astounded by the people in this country. Congressional republicans in 2020 participated in a failed coup & were left in office and have done everything they could since that time to ensure the next attempt wouldn’t fail. They will implement this takeover unless they are stopped.
Americans must let them know they will have no place in our society ever if they do not uphold their oaths of office and right the wrongs against the people they have perpetrated for over a decade
Pressure today's republicans about what they are doing to Americans today. Keep it current. Don't be cruel or call names but they need to know how determined WE are to keep our democracy, and they are welcome if THEY are also determined to save democracy.
This is the critical point. Everyone is criticising the Democrats for being slow to respond, but real story here is why there are no Republicans who care about Constitutional order
MAGA has seized the sword.
If anyone has a republican rep that may still have a bit of honor, put on the pressure.
Jamie Raskin is looking for 2 strong republicans to support impeachment. Anyone?
Let's use that verbiage more.
Drop the red/blue, right/left, Rep/Dem, and call it what it really is.
I don’t see republicans or those that stayed home last election banging down their representatives doors!
And please thank Jamie Raskin who needs 2 republicans to file articles of impeachment.
Pressure today's republicans about what they are doing to Americans today. Keep it current. Don't be cruel or call names but they need to know how determined WE are to keep our democracy, and they are welcome if THEY are also determined to save democracy.