Like the spoiled children of the rich who squander their unappreciated legacies, a vast swath of Americans are taking for granted the hard-earned freedoms and rule of law that made us a rich and powerful nation. If we are not careful we will lose our inheritance forever.
"Because you haven't done anything to keep me ". Our democracy is walking out the door,we haven't maintained it.
Dan Froomkin has details:
What won for Trump was the grievance of tens of millions of people left out by a system that works very well for a very few and very poorly for most. That rightful grievance has grown under every administration since Reagan.
Trump was the worst of two bad choices, sure, but...
Fact is, the Dems aren't even TRYING to reform it. They're maintaining Hayekianism. That's my point.
Let's not forget that...
Let's not also forget that the result of that transformation was that the rich...
Bigotry is a tool the far-right utilises. That's true enough. But a contented...
G. Michael Hopf, Those Who Remain (The New World #7)
Exactly the same. A post war generation that had everything better than their antecedents, but didn't appreciate it.
So they threw it away for their children and grandchildren because they believed the lie that of 28 EU Nations, they were the ones being told what to do and had no say.
What would you be doing today if I told you we'd be living under martial law by summer?
Your toxic country is now in the history books as a traitor to humanity on climate and on peace.
Fitting that the latter category includes the likes of Nazi Germany and Stalin Russia (qv Hitler-Stalin pact).
You need to tell yourself that WE can win democracy back. Be part of the effort.
It will *never* get its honour back.
There is no difference between the Trump-Putin pact and the Hitler-Stalin pact.
Americans today seem lackadaisical about the horrors that may be in store for them. What will it take to shake them up?
Slavery was supported by the rule of law.
The issue is we have lost sight of justice, soon rallying to the rule of law will be outright siding with evil.
They’re all clones of JD Vance. It’s a sickness.
The painful crash is way closer than anyone attempting realizes.
Our privilege has led us into not appreciating what we have.
Not all of... But, far too many.
We are about to find out what true hardship is about without the safety nets to fall back on.
I just hope we have elections in 2026.
Is it fair for the public to expect journalists to identify and name clearly what the US terms are that are being proposed so that we understand?
In contrast our daughters all have careers and make decent money.
different problems to deal with.
However the destruction of our democracy and economy in subjugation to Putin which Trump is pushing us towards really scares me, especially for my kids and grandkids.
Not having many years left is starting to look like a good thing.
Years and years of Fox News brainwashing.
When Trump will entice them against any opposition, 🇺🇸 people might realize just how quickly things can tur very, VERY bad.
Think Yugoslavia 1992.