My Reddit recommends are currently polluted with Who Would Win and other power-scaling nonsense, so I get to see questions like "could 10,000 people with Brightburn powers destroy the USA?" when the plot of the movie was that a single child was the entire invasion force for the whole world.
And also, sometimes someone asks something both really dumb and quite novel. That's fun.
85% sure that this is also part of the enshittification of the internet brought by the rise of fascism
I hope the good people back there with me in 2015/2016 never didn't fall into becoming basic powerscaling discourse guys
Sometimes, there would be interesting match-ups or restrictions, and people honestly looking through the respect threads
It was fun. Now it ain't.
Anyways, TLDR: I swear this thing used to be Good but now it's most definitely not
P.S. That circlejerk sub could get its own Dan Olson post bro, it is so fucking WEIRD
If a man was given a million dollars to buy anything off Amazon that's not a literal weapon could he defeat a tribe of 200 bloodlusted cavemen?
Top reply: actually they're Viltrumites, Invincible is Mark's code name.
So bloodlusted Superman can win a fight against someone by pushing the Earth into the Sun, while in-character Superman wouldn't do that.
Pile it up until it's pure absurdist chaos holding on by a thread of audience comprehension.
Akira Toriyama settled the Superman vs Goku thing ages ago, he was like "Superman would win because he has no limits, Goku is all about overcoming his limits."
because yeah it doesn't matter how "strong" a character is, it matters what their story purpose is
It is an attempt to take a piece of media at its word, which causes powerscalers to contrive exceptionally literal readings of any work.
They're almost required to miss the forest for the trees.
"If X and Y fought, how would you write who won?"
Frankly I find these fun on occasion but it is to such a prominent degree that it is baffling. A bizarre cargo cult art appreciation spectacle of trying to mathematically quantify art.
All timer line
Bringing in the crucifixion into that discussion was hilarious though.
Okay, someone else make the video
Sasuke vs. Galactus