I use a Kobo Libra, and I'm happy with it. The reading experience is fine, though changes to things like font size can be a little sluggish. Customer service for their store has been good whenever I've needed it.
I have a kindle paperwhite, and it is great hardware. Wonderful for short stories. Sadly, for the last year I’ve been regretting it and wishing I’d gotten a kobo after Amazon’s attempts to nuke third party magazines.
A Kobo Aura 2 I got several years ago! I love it for my purposes (reading in the dark while my partner sleeps beside me). I find the frontlighting to be easy on the eyes and I like the line length vs the narrow lines of a phone.
I've had a Kindle Paperwhite for ~10 years, and I like the light weight, the battery life and the screen backlight. I hate being tied to Amazon so whatever I buy next (I'd like something larger) will probably not be a Kindle. Also, user interfaces on Amazon devices (Kindle, Fire Stick) suck.
I switched from kindle when physical buttons went. Now use a PocketBook Touch HD that I've been inordinately happy with. Battery life is better than Kindle. Form factor is nice and it's a lovely copper color on the back and non distracting black on front...
The "store" is pretty much crap but I can sideload anything either with USB or through their cloud. Adobe Digital Editions is on the device which helps with any drm issues.
And my favorite feature is the lock screen is the cover of the ebook you're currently reading.
Kobo Ellipsa, because annotating is a big part of my ebook / pdf use case. Yes, great gadget. Handles handwriting recognition well (even my awful scrawl.)
I use a Nook ereader I got about 8 years ago (still works fine- Nook glowlight plus, it was refurbished, and only $30 lol). I only use it for editing and reading arcs for blurbs (or reviews)
But for stuff I read for enjoyment, I still prefer print
I have a Kindle Oasis and I love it. If I was buying now I would probably get a Kobo Sage to avoid amazon and get the 8" screen - the Oasis has a 7" screen. But a second hand Oasis wouldn't be a bad idea either, imo. I like the larger screen, the adjustable colour temp, and the page turn buttons.
I have a Kobo Clara, very small and lightweight and if you turn off the wifi the battery will last a month. You can borrow library books on it and sideload ePub titles, but PDFs I have found end up too small.
And my favorite feature is the lock screen is the cover of the ebook you're currently reading.
I will say their cases are absolute crap. But I just slip it in my old kindle sleeve. It's oversized but that's fine.
But for stuff I read for enjoyment, I still prefer print