a big part of the difference was also that centrist Dem pundits in 2008 were not displaying personal animus against gay people, and there was not a growing exterminationist movement against them
Reposted from
Max Read
i always find this stuff kind of baffling--obama was a good candidate. he managed to do the same thing trump does: convince a fractious coalition that he can be trusted to advance their interests. the moderate wing of the democrat party has not produced a good politician in that sense for decades
I'm still pissed at him about what he did with the NC marriage amendment.
Like gosh, if any of this were true why wouldn’t some coach recruit trans athletes specifically to absolutely destroy their competition???
Of course, it’s not helpful that no one left of center is willing to stand up and articulate a clear, muscular defense for trans rights.
That you're ignoring them doesn't mean they don't exist.
Not only are there multiple elected trans people speaking for themselves, there are so many others... Most who are not tankie left.
But the loudest speaking aren't trans.
ALMOST as if he isn’t the thoughtful centrist he thinks and claims he is
The real fight is and has always been for rights, period. Relying on "popular support" is the kind of spinless nonsense MLK wrote about in his famous Letter.
Its actually a mental illness, they are all child predators, they are trying to turn our children into more of "them"
All of the greatest hits of gutter homophobia recycled for the modern day
If that's *anyone's* fault - other than 'these things take time to shake down' - then surely it's the fault of 'moderates' trying to stake out a clear distinct position?
I feel like in the Internet age we've lost the concept that politicians can target different audiences in different ways.
That's the only true measure that you 'moved to the center', don't bore them with a list of actual accomplishments.
Trans rights are in the exact opposite situation.
It's not only morally bankrupt, it's stupid.
We're not in "pick your battles" mode. We're in "fight or we die" mode.
Not very journalistic, but bigotry has a way of blinding you to your obligations
right now trans students have been allowed to compete in sports and this has gone on for some time
it'd be taking away something not granting something
There are literally 5-9 trans collegiate athletes and maybe a few hundred in high school sports. This is a classic moral panic.
Gay Marriage (universality) was a change to the status quo.