Science/academia are under siege. Slashed funding from NIH, NSF, and NASA, etc.—plus loss of Pell Grants—will cripple universities. Next, massive endowment taxes aim to deliver the final blow. Research and education are on the line. Call your representatives. Spread the word. Take action. #scicomm 🧪
We will probably be speaking Russian soon to be 100% honest how I see this going
I hope once we are on the other side, we can Rosenberg every last one of them.
We blue states will be like critters that gnaw off their own limbs to get out of a leg-hold trap: surviving, yes, but thriving unlikely.
Your legislators are only just slo-o-owly buying a clue now because enough of you have flipped them proverbial quarters (thank you!).
They’re trying to dismantle the education system within which their children will be part of.
Wonder if they'll still think capitulation worked in the favor then?
It's a time for fierce compassion. Be fierce, do an activity everyday. It's self care. Be the rain, the howling wind, and the mountainous wave. Be the storm. Be the broken record. Pass it on.
When all of the brightest minds are out here, in there will feel the pain.