After losing his temper berating a world leader about not wearing a suit while attempting to extort mineral rights, Norway will never award the Nobel Peace Price to Trump
Self-inflicted elimination
Now we know why Trump didn’t want the White House visit in 2019 - Zelenskyy is a better negotiator
Looks like "European leaders" will be winning the Nobel Peace Prize. IF (the big IF) they can make it happen.
If Donald Trump ever won a Peace Prize, that would be the final straw and the catalyst for me to get rid of ALL my news and social media. ALL. Internet only for books and banking.
Someone should whisper in his ear that the only way he can save this is by rushing a few dozen F22s with all the fixings to Ukraine. And publicly telling Vance to go fuck his couch
Trump and his regime are nothing but spoiled, petulant children who have no business governing America. This is not an administration supporting democracy. They are trying to put a price tag on everything while raping and pillaging the public purse. Where is congress? Your silence means you agree.
The guardians of the public purse-congress have given the oligarchs unlimited access to your personal information, the services your rely on and have paid for with your tax dollars. And still they want more. Higher taxes for the middle and lower class, less services, and higher debt limits.
Who benefits? Oligarchs.
Under this regimes' policy, allies should submit bills for helping in Afghanistan, the 911 support, the list is endless. It would never happen because the allies honor their commitments, unlike America under Trump. People are uniting. Americans will not back down.
If he gets anything other than punishment, the world is doing it wrong. He is a traitor who hates everyone. #fucktrump #traitorsgethung #toddlertantrum
There it is again, Obama envy!! The 2009 Nobel Peace Prize was awarded to United States president Barack Obama (b. 1961) for his "extraordinary efforts to strengthen international diplomacy and cooperation between peoples".
This is what everything has been about: a black man made fun of him and he couldn't handle it because of his fragile ego (and a whole heck of a lot of racism)
It's OK Trump we can give you a participation ribbon for all your efforts. I'm sure Putin will throw you some gold or rubels. Since you don't logically think things through, what did you think would happen when you pissed off all our allies? Being a King in a modern world can be painful. Sorry!
Honestly I’d like to leave him in a box in the middle of a dessert and have hidden camera’s monitor him, would make for great tv, and we have the other dictators in their own crates with a single vital resource with each and they need to beat the other and take their resource… 🤔
European leadership understands that a unified front has tremendous power. Trump is placing the U.S. on the wrong side. Long time allies suddenly in opposition is not where America should be.
Yeah this is literally schoolyard bully mentality on an international stage. None of this makes us stronger. MAGA is too silly to understand that strength means keeping your word.
Zelensky was right to not sign without security guarantees. In 2019 Trump negotiated “peace” on behalf of the Afghan government, excluding them from the process, and look how that turned out for their country. Thank you, European leaders for being leaders!
That's the real deal; he wants to steal from Ukraine and then get a Nobel prize. This waste of space does not care about anyone. I think he would give up his kids to get what he wants. OK, not Ivanka; she would be the last to be sacrificed.
Who is this being reported by? I hate these screenshots that basically amount to “people are saying…” with no citation. That’s basically what Donald Trump does.
This sounds hilarious, but who is actually saying it happens besides a random internet meme?
I'd like to see the locks on the White House changed while Trump's out on one of his pointless joyrides in the Beast in search of anyone who doesn't hate his fucking guts and cheers as he rolls by.
Reminds me of when he was complaining about the flags being flown at half-mast for Jimmy Carter. I bet people have already forgotten about it. Democrats should be running TV ads on sht like that. #FDT
Let him kicking & screaming since it’s his fault to let JD Vance ruined his & US reputation in front cameras & the world saw it. I don’t trust Vance to support Trump for entire 4yr.
He is no master negotiator, no smart man - he is a weak man, surrounding himself not with qualified people but rather "yes men" (and they are almost all men). He behaves as a bully because he thinks he has power. Cutting him out, causes him to lose power
You are not worthy scum bag. The only recognition you will get is worst 2 president terms , surprise you already won. Worst president in history you own bottom 2 spots, Biden is ahead of you and laughing his ass off.
Of course, ALWAYS about HIM! Doesn't matter how many buildings are bombed or civilians killed or children stolen from their families . . . he needs TV ratings and accolades.
And this (along with other made-up bullshit) will fuel the long desired want for him(well, he doesn’t give a shit but Putin sure does)to get us out of NATO. The shams are so incredibly incompetent and transparent. It’s sad to see so many fall for it
I hope we Europeans can do exactly this - make the Orange Emperor and his acolytes irrelevant - let’s see if the fine words translate into real action and investment
Trump should never get an award for Peace or anything else for that matter. ! Zelensky is a hero a true warrior for his country. He is not in anyway acting for himself but for his country. trump is and will always be a wannabe!
Typical narcissist disorder response. I notice he wants to rule Hollywood now. NONE of this is normal presidential behavior. Wake up America before you are no longer a democracy
He can be as angry as he wants to be. I say more power to the Europeans for coming to Ukraine's rescue. And if he tries to punish them with tariffs, just return them in kind. Just show him you aren't afraid of paper tigers.
He has talked about wanting the Nobel Peace Prize multiple times. I think it's because Obama has one.
Let's be real, Trump is a seething racist who is jealous of Obama. He wants to kill everything good Obama ever did.
He should be green with envy, not orange like the color of his dehydrated piss.
Self-inflicted elimination
Now we know why Trump didn’t want the White House visit in 2019 - Zelenskyy is a better negotiator
If Donald Trump ever won a Peace Prize, that would be the final straw and the catalyst for me to get rid of ALL my news and social media. ALL. Internet only for books and banking.
Trump deserves to get dirt kicked in his eyes & a nice long jail sentence in general population (no protective confinement!).
Under this regimes' policy, allies should submit bills for helping in Afghanistan, the 911 support, the list is endless. It would never happen because the allies honor their commitments, unlike America under Trump. People are uniting. Americans will not back down.
Deal maker Trump blew it.
We need solid fact checks.
I live in Europe.
This sounds hilarious, but who is actually saying it happens besides a random internet meme?
But I wouldn’t be surprised if actually feels that way.
But still- facts matter
Who is telling him these things? Because he isn't coming up with them on his own.
He is no master negotiator, no smart man - he is a weak man, surrounding himself not with qualified people but rather "yes men" (and they are almost all men). He behaves as a bully because he thinks he has power. Cutting him out, causes him to lose power
So close he can taste it and pass without it
2 - he should choke on a turkey leg
Thank you for your application for the Nobel Peace Award.
We regret to inform you that you did not make it past the 1st round of qualification.
The panel believe that you can assist in creating peace & harmony in the world & offer constructive idea: Get into rocket with Musk to Mars
This post is unlikely to be verifiable.
But if this pisses him off, I'm all in.. 👍
That’s all it is
*obama shouldn’t have accepted his
"Nobel peace prize"?
Probably because someone else, who might be a bit darker in complexion, won it.
Trump is such a petty little bitch.
He was probably hoping he can do it by bribing the judges.
deal with the EU for mineral rights. Totally cut the US out
The USA voting public now need to realize and do the same.
He'd think it was for pussies.
Let's be real, Trump is a seething racist who is jealous of Obama. He wants to kill everything good Obama ever did.
He should be green with envy, not orange like the color of his dehydrated piss.