Well he definitely took a little snippet from the full phrase “ participatory communication is the buy directional sharing of ideas”
I learned that in a book that’s how I know that’s where he got it from
My most often vocalized Gen X complaint is, for information or discussion, I won’t watch videos, because you can’t stop it and rewind and unpack the claims as easily as with text.
there is only one thing I want to share with someone who uses a phrase like "the bidirectional sharing of ideas" and it is directions to the nearest lake
I can't argue with books. I can only quietly consider their ideas and measure them according to their relative merit. Make books the internet or the ignorance gland putting pressure on my brain will explode
I learned that in a book that’s how I know that’s where he got it from
The enemy is inside the gates
*An English degree at a prestigious arts university
more books. You write a book back.
Have these assholes not ever heard of pamphlets?