The immediate reply is equally intriguing – no wonder Johnson is having so much "trouble" retrieving the WhatsApp message from precisely this point in time...
I think the fact this just affirms everyone’s suspicions takes away from the fact at just how shocking it is. Complete breakdown in how a government effectively operates.
Wondering if any of the history people can help us here. Is there any record of an incompetent malicious lazy self serving twat morphing suddenly into a great world leader?
Thing is, even though we all knew that Johnson wasn't fit for any job beyond columnist, it didn't matter one jot. Fleet Street and the Tory party wanted him. The rest of us will be paying the price for decades to come.
It's good to see that what we were all saying, at least some of them were also saying, but frustrating and dangerous those people didn't do anything about it at the time.
No doubt he was correct, but I don't think it reflects well on him that he sent this WhatsApp message. He was the Cabinet Secretary, not some powerless junior mouthing off to his mates.
If only he could have been questioned more about in what particular circumstances this was written.
The impression of utter chaos is becoming increasingly clear.
The moment I realised how seriously cowed the UK media and opposition had become by Brexit was when Italy was already in the throes of the first major covid outbreak and there was no challenge to crass UK gov policy. And there was still a hint of "incompetent, corrupt Italians, what do you expect"
But his performance seemed no better. Yes it wasn't helped by Johnson clearly. But did he have a responsibility to publicly say something when things are imploding given potentially fraud that is widely believed to have occurred and sunak is busy trying to Bury?
I think most people had an idea, just look at him. And those of who had experienced him as London Mayor certainly knew. But I think most people, me included, foolishly thought that when it came to a pandemic, he might have applied himself just a little bit more
I find his complete lack of self-awareness so depressing.
I occasionally wonder if I’d be a capable PM. Two seconds later I quickly realise I’d be a useless PM. He seems to have skipped the self assessment part.
was hard to read the inconsistent government approach and messaging Case complains about as clear proof of one man's failings or something more systemic with how government was being run with multiple voices. Case's lack of experience being a known factor at the time alongside Johnson's reputation.
"decide, and set a direction"
The short tenure of cabinet ministers has made this mantra impossible at every level of government.
Johnson's administration to present = Government by blundering around blindfold and crashing into walls.
Hi I have plenty to criticise regarding Mr. Case, but I still hope that the Civil Service selection, development and promotion system ensured that he isn't as totally brainless, lazy unwise or incompetent as the Spads and Cabinet members with whom he was forced to deal.
This must have been the ‘loose trolley in the supermarket’ moment. Makes you also wonder what safety checks are in place in cabinet when you clearly have a PM unfit for purpose.
Worth remembering that press coverage was so sycophantic that for months afterwards the response to every fresh screw-up was to claim he had got "the big decisions (ie Brexit, COVID) right"
One person, or many?
Cancel Culture Johnson, leading cancel culture Tories.
(Might have strewn in some typos of my own.)
The impression of utter chaos is becoming increasingly clear.
I occasionally wonder if I’d be a capable PM. Two seconds later I quickly realise I’d be a useless PM. He seems to have skipped the self assessment part.
The short tenure of cabinet ministers has made this mantra impossible at every level of government.
Johnson's administration to present = Government by blundering around blindfold and crashing into walls.
Johnson is the natural result of decades of newspapers feeding us whatever 💩will benefit their owners. And that machine is still in place.
Imagine the power to be able to install a Liz Truss on a country.🤡
OK, I'm not shocked.