Again, too many Americans still don’t realize how offensive, dangerous, & deadly serious this is to Canadians, & we absolutely would not tolerate being told to calm down if other countries’ leaders were talking about annexing our territory or ending our sovereignty 🇨🇦
Reposted from
Jordan Weissmann
Nobody is invading you man, calm the fuck down. The worst case outcome is a catastrophic trade war where we all suffer.
How much does it cost to rent a billboard in Toronto or Berlin??
Canada should arm to the teeth.
I'm going to lose my fucking mind with people who think he's just "joking".
I’m sorry for those that do not.
Canada must stand a formal defense against the United States and conduct diplomatic missions with its neighbor as it would a hostile nation.
We have a very, very bad journalism problem in the United States.
And that trash talk incites violence. Look at J6? All those criminals released so they can buy guns again.
Good for you for being an early responder.