Yet another way Trumpists want to take us back to the days of the Old South, when there were all sorts of gradations of race, but all were terms of degradation.
Honestly... I was still shocked, and I thought I had reached the bottom of that particular well. I figured Trump could keep it together to pander for 30 minutes. He's really lost his shit a lot more than I realized.
"For Mr. Trump, it was an opportunity to stake his claim to Black voters that he has insisted he can win over, even as he runs against the first Black woman ever nominated by a major party.
Can't find who said it, but the point isn't to win Black voters. The point is to give white people social licence to be racist (because "she's not really Black"). MAGA folk don't need social licence but self-perceived moderates do
Better phrased: It gives gives white people who don't like to think of themselves as racist a way to not vote for her on race reasons while maintaining their self-image
Earpieces won't necessarily help if you have hearing loss, which all older people have (cumulative wear) and they will likely aggravate it - seniors aren't the usual users.
TFG struggles to hear stuff because he's too vain to wear hearing aids tuned to his hearing profile.
(No glasses. No cane.)
Either everyone on his campaign is as dumb as he is, or someone is secretly working for the Resistance when they accepted that gig because holy crap how did they *think* it was going to go down?
The habit of demagogues to remove anyone from their inner circle who tells them bad news often leads to a mindless group of sycophants who're more loyal than smart supporting them.
More often than not this is the most direct cause of their downfall.
“The shocking Q&A session…”
The use of shocking needs a stale-date limit, as applied to cheques/checks by banks
Over 90 days/six-months?
Platforming the former president at the NABJ was costly (Attiah) and injurious (When someone shows you…)
But it was not clear he succeeded"
The New York Times, reporting on this debacle.
Not clear if it succeeded
The Harris campaign "didn't directly address Trump's remarks".... because why tf should they?
Even threw in some cover for him.
State of journalism right now....
Delete your account.
also the "Mr." thing drives me up the wall for some reason
my favorite was when they referred to Meat Loaf as "Mr. Loaf."
ol white gloved Grey Lady, just keeping us all respectable
Interesting to think they've been workshopping talking points and this is what they've come up with.
Jon Stewart did a great piece on this.
He even struggles with his hearing while fully miked up with an earpiece.
TFG struggles to hear stuff because he's too vain to wear hearing aids tuned to his hearing profile.
(No glasses. No cane.)
More often than not this is the most direct cause of their downfall.
“Hey lady don’t you be so nasty now. With your mean questions and attacks at me”