I think I say this every year or so but…having been brought up in an apocalyptic doom-prepper destroy-the-evil-globalist-government evangelical movement/cult and then having spent my early adulthood really far from that world, this all feels like the third act of a horror movie.
This is still the first part.
You only think it's the third because you are in Freddy's dream.
which is weird, because usually it's the left one that stress twitches and throbs
My husband doesn’t get why this terrifies me as much as it does because he didn’t grow up here with these kind of parents. It’s like weird PTSD.
sigh. they're impossible to reason with. their god decided everyth for them. my own goddess is not so stubborn and she is a natural carnivore.
feels like they’re crawling to get me back by burning the world down
It's really fucked up that this is all happening. My parents' stupid blind faith is going to kill us all exactly like their literal children predicted.
I wonder if they have a certain self fulfilling prophecy on their mind where their time wasted on that craziness can be justified if they manage to bring it about.