Anita Bryant is a perfect cautionary tale about how being a hateful asshole will almost always erase all of your other accomplishments. I've always heard she was a popular singer (who was also a spokesperson for Florida orange juice) but have never heard one of her songs played anywhere.
No thoughts or prayers for you Anita.
Quite ironically a grand daughter of hers is a lesbian. Wonder whether she was invited to her wedding.
~Jimmy Buffett: Manana
YouTube is the only place that has those songs, but mainly in the year archive sections.
🎶“And I hope Anita Bryant never ever does one of my songs!”🎵
people don't think of Dalí as a shitty person and a fascist, but he was very much both of those things
that said, fuck Anita, who is still alive even though she deserved to die young if anyone ever did
Thoughts and Prayers.
I had never heard of this lady but, it sounds fitting.
Because at the end the song said "...we'll have a 'gay-old-time'."
a joke my kid self made up. My grandmother thought it was HI-larious!
Todays bigot write a series of seven fantasy novels on Witchcraft and Wizardry.