This is the church in tiny Plains, GA Jimmy Carter attended & taught Sunday school at for many years. His niece, Kim, still teaches his class there now
Compare it to the so called “Christian” mega churches. Can you imagine Joel Osteen selflessly building Habitat for Humanity homes?
Compare it to the so called “Christian” mega churches. Can you imagine Joel Osteen selflessly building Habitat for Humanity homes?
The most UNCHRISTIAN thing imaginable.
They probably also drive more than one expensive car and a house worth at least $2 million too…
He lived what he preached
Too many fake Christians everywhere
The world needs more people, Christian or otherwise, who strive to achieve the same.
Jimmy Carter was an aware man, 'woke' even...
*Aramaic was the dominant language spoken & written in the Levant during the 7th and 6th centuries BCE.