I bother with it because I write for an audience in mind, and when it comes to novels, publishing is still the best way for an audience to find my work. Also the submissions process isn't impossible, just difficult, and for some people the money involved is acceptable for their needs and desires.
Reposted from
Janeishly (she/her)
Good grief. Why does anyone bother with publishing when it pays so badly, even for people who've "made it"? You might as well just write for your own pleasure and never go through the all but impossible submissions process or the hell of trying to market your self published book.
Also, I'm absolute crap as a salesman and I'm not self-publishing because that would be like a third job.😖
And, books saved me. The escapism of a chunky trilogy on my shelf made my life better. I have a manic drive to be that escapism-savior for someone else.
I do kind of wish I'd found out sooner I wasn't meant to be a writer. I'd have done something else.
Is it just that we need to pay more for books?