Yeah, they worry when you’re gone. And you probably didn’t bring back a really big kill from that obviously long hunt you went on alone without the expert.
Our cat Nova has THE VERY SAME ATTITUDE. Like, what the hell were you thinking leaving me behind? Plus, I couldn't find the damned remote and missed most of the Eagles-Commanders game...🧐🐱
I’ll never forget the time I went on a trip for the first time with one of my late great cats over 20 years ago. I went to Disney World for five days. When I returned, the cat simply stared at me, locked eyes to assert dominance, then proceeded to take a giant shit on the floor right in front of me
I went away. Upon return, my cat came flying over to me. She looked so happy to see me I was taken aback. I watched as her face went from I’m so happy to see you! to wait, you’re fine? Nothing broken? You just left me? Turned tail and refused to acknowledge me for 5 days.
2. And people tried to tell me this happened bc cats can’t remember you if you’re gone more than 3 days, which is ridiculous but a common belief. I said no, this cat remembers. I was terrified she’d hold a grudge forever. After that any time I went away she ignored me for 3 days.
3. That was actually the punishment for anyone who did something really egregious. A 3 day freeze out. For lesser offenses she’d do a day or night or 2. I miss the cat dearly.
went to the hospital for 3 days and brought a baby home with me. My cat crapped at the front door so I couldn't come inside. That's how Shadow became the outside cat. That was 50 years ago. 😳
Does she always babysit you in the office? Did you not let her know you would be out? Did you not have Athena come in with treats? You didn't, did you?
I was gone for two hours.
He won't talk to me for a few days.