I've known my share. Hashtag Not All Venture Capitalists, but the field is indeed a magnet for a certain type of sociopath who would happily feed a school bus full of children into a metal shredder if it meant they got seed funding out of it.
Reposted from
Meat Bicycle Tenderizer
Why are you so good at capturing everything I hate about venture capitalists and distilling it into a pure, rancid tar that I pour into my eyes with every new release?
Of course, the day I lost $21.5M to other people's recklessness and greed may colour my opinion. Watching other people crash your boat while you are shackled by insider trading rules is character changing.
I'm still impressed.
'90s corporate life is a straight-line extrapolation to now (and the basis for a lot of my work).
I suspect this has led to a positive feedback loop in their models.
* delivery of actual children to school not guaranteed
Unfortunately for both of us, I am a possibly autistic combat vet with a compulsive need to call bullshit when I see it.