The crazy thing is every bit of this underperformance is self-inflicted.
Reposted from
Philip Bump
Trump v. Biden v. Trump
Then we sit back & watch to see how quickly he tries to slap tariffs on a fictional country.
Either one has nothing to do with the avg American.
but nah, hammers to it all
Could you imagine the apoplectic breakdowns we would be witnessing from the right if this happened in the first 50 days of a Harris administration?
He got away with committing treason. Why not crazy? Tanking the economy? Sure why not.
Where's Merrick Garland? He just kind of faded into black.
P.S. either of the deserve to have their names capitalized. I mean I don't capitalize other swear words so seems fitting to me.
Trump 2024 thinks Trump 2016 was an idiot and a bad deal maker.
He's right about that for sure.
For Trump it's, "If it ain't broke, break it".
Yarvis says the first stage is Retire All Government Employees (RAGE).
This is called creating a fire sale for rich people.
He did this the last time around as well.
I bet they wish they had Joe to blame.
WTG #joebiden
We’re in Jim Jones / David Koresh territory here.
howthefuck did people I actually know vote for this and how the fuck are they still standing by it.
And they wonder why *I* turned into a bitch.
ya'll are fucking celebrating cruelty. Fuck you entirely.
When the recession hits (and it will), I can't wait for them to explain how record unemployment & high prices are good