Regardless of your thoughts on Musk, he has significant business interests in China.
Why the fuck is he getting this briefing?
Why the fuck is he getting this briefing?
Reposted from
The New York Times
Breaking News: The Pentagon is set to brief Elon Musk on the U.S. military’s closely guarded plan for any potential war with China, officials said.
Seems like we REALLY need some additional things added to our constitution
On the other hand, talking with Vlad for years.
Many fine conflicts on both sides.
The depravity just never ends with these people.
He's such an ass
The questions is: why is the senile old guy getting the briefing?
He rigged the election with his 20 year old coders/hackers. This is his reward.
'300M Platinum Ticket' purchase
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Putin, Xi, and Elon have Trump by the pussy.
plain n' simple.
The occupants of the White House are giving our adversaries anything they want
Did you ever see that Tucker Carlson interview with musk and Snotty? The kid is absolutely evil. He creeps me out!
Tell me this kid isn’t straight outta the Omen. And parroting what his dad has said to him
Elon’s money bought the U.S. election and saved Donald’s hide.
Trump is trading our national security secrets to repay his debts to Musk. Elon will pass them along to China 🇨🇳
Because Elon is really the president. Just like Biden wasn’t the really making the decisions.
Is that how being MAGA works? Make shit up and hope it sticks?
If you run a large company, call the congressman in your pocket and tell them you want to be briefed too.
I see staffer is gone. Did musk cruise through and doge you? If so I’m sorry that happened.
Looks like 47 is literally a PRISONER being held at gunpoint ! Hey maybe he was ! We just DONT KNOW the kind of dynamic there - BLACKMAIL GRAYMAIL?!