MAGA rats will moan and groan about whatever Trump tells him to moan and grown about. They have a very simple job. And it does not require a high IQ. Moan and groan on command.
Canadians are cancelling trips and buying Canadian as much as they can right now. These Canadian spending stats are from 2018. I imagine these numbers are even higher 7 years later.
Trump, like all bullies is a weak blob of blubber.
Canada stood up...Trump cowered.
And this is delicious.
Without average Americans paying Trump's tariffs there's no revenue sources to pay for his promised tax cuts..No $$ for lowering corporate rate to 15%..No tax on SS..on tips and overtime.
Just like MAGAs going from “Prices on groceries and gas will come down on day one” to “Prices will come down in about a month” to “Prices will not come down anytime soon and it will have to hurt” is also as culty as one can get.
Plan total oligarchy. take the money from the treasury and put it in the sovereign fund. Use that to support their billionaires bros that exploit the workforce. see why the reps are failing to impeach. Minute matter and we are not blind. We got to keep fighting, once silent they win
Applauding regardless of how out of tune the singer is… Is either a mark of sympathy or idiocy. Trump supporters don’t tend to be very sympathetic, so……
Military Tribunals for Musk. He’s been illegally chatting with Vladdy the Child Killer for months leading up to the election and owes the Saudis Billions for Twitter
We have to work collectively in the stock market to gum up his plans. Who in econ can give us direction in how best to do that? A collective effort to call his bluff when he does things to deliberately crash the market. Make it unpredictable. This is the answer to keep them from sucking $ from us.
It’s not allegorical to say MAGA is a culty. Literal cult survivors and scholars like Daniella Mestyanek Young (author of 'Uncultured': The Intergenerational Trauma of Girls Growing up in Cults) describe in great detail how they are. Check out her socials.
For decades republikkkans have wanted to substitute income tax with a sales tax to benefit the rich and shift the tax burden to the middle class and the poor. trump's tariffs are the first step towards that goal. The people who will be hurt the most are dirt poor #magorons
I think the cognitive dissonance in their brains is slowly cooking and killing the neurons that control critical thinking leaving them as mindless zombies. Soon they will be looking for brains to eat.
I'm sick and tired of the hypocrisy of Republicans pretending to be the party of "Law and Order," when they've just elected the most lawless, chaotic jackass in American history.
In mags world all things are interpreted favourably to trump. Really makes no difference what the facts are. That is the nature of cults. He can do no wrong and they would willingly drink the koolaide.
I saw the same person cheering on the idea that tariffs were going to mean a 0% income tax change to telling people they should have known it master negotiating tactic that can only be achieved by someone who wrote “The Art of the Deal” in the space of about 3 hours.
It’s not even worth arguing.
President Felon could take a steaming dump on the Resolute Desk during a live TV broadcast and MAGAts would think it was the greatest goddamned thing an American president ever did.
Trump killed more Americans with his covid-19 lies than Hitler did during WWll.
Trump is handing the future to China
Canada stood up...Trump cowered.
And this is delicious.
Without average Americans paying Trump's tariffs there's no revenue sources to pay for his promised tax cuts..No $$ for lowering corporate rate to 15%..No tax on SS..on tips and overtime.
-Susan Collins
The boycott continues.
Actions have consequences.
which the ever-loving-fuck is it?!?!
It’s not even worth arguing.
Brilliant negotiation. Shoot both of your feet, give the other side something they’ve always wanted and claim victory.
If the money paid out in tariffs doesn't go into Treasury (where taxes go), where does it go?
Tax pays for many things.
Every act of Trump politics looks like an act of lunacy.
Never elect an egomaniac (or an idiot). It always ends in tears of regret.