see when nations work together and when people work together you get real results, and you get things done so when you walk away from people like Dictator trump and a felon in chief and say no we are not going along with this anymore sir your unfit lets worth together and make a better world do it
Russians what are you waiting for? You need to #end that fucking scumbag, war criminal PUTIN. Do it for yourselves. You need to gut this pos war criminal. Anyone can end this madness and NOW!! Save yourself RUSSIA 🇷🇺
There are some components of aid promised to Ukraine that have not yet been delivered to them. Since it had been approved President Biden and Congress, legally Trump  should not be allowed to interfere in that!
Media, Ukraine, lawyers, Congress? Can Ukraine, NATO or supporters file?
France has nukes. UK has nukes. They can unite w Pakistan& India w their nuke weapons. Unite w China to demand full pay of loan debts ASAP. Bankrupt USA. UK & EU& Japan host100s of US MILITARY bases. They can EVICT USA asap! They got cards, mr trumpf! U got untrusted backstabbers. #DUMPtrumpf
I can't remember where I read this but I agree, "Ukraine has been holding down the front line of defense against Russia" for much longer than anyone expected them to.
It's past time that they get all the help, support, and protection they need in this critical battle they have been fighting.
This is the correct attitude! So people cry... what about WW3? If that is what it takes to free the Ukraine... so be it. NATO minus USA will teach the Russians a lesson they will NEVER forget!! If the USA joins the Russians in the fight... big fucking mistake!
The US was under contract from 1994 to defend Ukraine as part of nuclear disarmament deal. When Russia started to occupy in 2014 US failed to do their Job. After no resistance Russia started a full scale invasion in 2022. The US is responsible for the war
We are responsible for the war in part.. we supported a coup to oust a Russian friendly government in 2014. Obama/Biden.
We than supported getting Ukraine in NATO
I don't agree with what Russia is doing.. but I get it.
This war needs to end. Glad Trump is trying to end it instead of extend it
I hope Trump doesn't agree .. EU wanted to pick the ball up and run with it . Time for US to stay out of it.
UK is now talking boots on the ground? We ready for WW3? Why so many hawks want to dump more money and lives into this war?
I believe Zelensky mentioned it the other day when he told Trump what he would feel.....A Russian win puts the EU, at risk first then Canada and the US. A Russian win provide moral and encouragement for Russia and its allies (China, Iran, Afghanistan etc..)
The EU didn't do much for years.. only in action now because Trump was pushing Ukraine to make a deal. A million plus casualties in this since 2014.. time to end the meat grinder.
Good luck. America should hop right the hell out of NATO right now, before Starmer and Ukraine start WWIII. Russia already sank a munitions transport ship. What is Zelensky hoping for NEXT? Once relations are severed, the feckless EU is on their own.
Be careful of what you wish for.😉
It was the first sense in presenting anything to Putin when the one you'd be dealing for isn't even wanting peace. Volod obviously isn't ready for peace. If peace comes elections are back on and his presidency is toast. Question is, does he even dare to go home right now.
How can you fail at deal making when they hadn't even started to make a deal? That isn't even the reason they were meeting that was just the leadup to it...but Zelensky blew it with his demands that Russia grovel to him first.
That's NOT how you go about negotiating!
He showed his colors and Zelensky showed his. As everyone involved agreed, the little man isn't ready yet. That he welcome to come back when he's calmed down and ready to make peace. As of now it's in his court...and if Starmer wants to be the go-between with Russia in place of Trump...good luck. 🤣
It's over. It's not our problem. It's up to Starmer and the EU now to make a deal or to start a hotter war. It's all on them.
I'd just like to see the US pull out of NATO before the sh*t hits the fan. I don't want any of our men dying for the most corrupt country in the world😅
Good luck.
How’s the weather in Suzdal, comrade? Russia is weak. It will fall to a unified Europe. If Putin wants to use nukes he will have to find a willing operator. I’m not sure many people want worldwide destruction.
Is Russia as weak as Nato would be without the USA?
Leaving NATO is on the table. It's actually time the EU takes care of themselves.
Combined, they are as capable as the USA...It's time we use our troops for OUR security, and they take care of their own.
You're in the EU? Fight for your country.
They better, as they have no choice. The US electing Trump made it clear our voters have no interest in protecting the Europeans from the authoritarian Putin. Right now Ukraine is the front line for them, but next year it will be Poland and the Baltics. In a few years it will be Berlin and Paris.
Finally some clarity, it is good that they want to rely on a coalition of the willing. The fact that the British government could also be there with boots on the ground opens a new window with the US government in terms of peacekeeping. Thank you in advance for your willingness to serve.
Starmer is a disgrace. Promising more money/personnel is NOT acceptable when he has deliberately left pensioners out in the cold. Leave Ukraine to fight it's own wars. They've had enough money and arms
The US was under contract from 1994 to defend Ukraine as part of nuclear disarmament deal. When Russia started to occupy in 2014 US failed to do their Job. After no resistance Russia started a full scale invasion in 2022. The US is responsible for the war
Oh well, let's see how those pensioners will be doing after putin runs amok through Europe? This is like the start of WWII, there are priorities to be made.
Pensioners who can afford heating stopped getting their fuel allowance. Those who can't afford heating continued getting it.
Secondly, it's not Ukraine's war, it's Europe's war because if Putin takes Ukraine he'll go for Moldova, and then we're in nuclear missile territory.
That is absolute BS. Try living on a UK state pension. I couldn't care less about Ukraine they have had more than their fair share of support. The UK Govt & EU are fucking hypocrites. Calling Putin a war criminal but NOT Netanyahu. Supporting Ukraine but ignoring the Palestinians.
Some (our friends across the pond) would argue that you, by the very action of claiming state pension, have had your fair share of support too. That’s exactly what Trump is setting about doing, and where we’re heading if Putin wins.
That statement alone 'your friends across the pond' says all I need to know about your twisted mindset. I don't claim any state pension but am paying more into the state pension than those who went before me & will have to wait longer to receive. Clearly you have zero clue or care about the elderly.
You’re paying into it but what if it was suddenly scrapped? Then what? Because that’s what is happening in the USA, and when they sneeze the rest of the world catches a cold. You don’t understand anything about global or European security. Your mindset is narrow and your bitterness is showing.
Nothing I said there was bullshit at all. You don’t appear to understand or are purposefully ignoring the most basic foundations of global security and the fragility of the situation we are in. My mother lives on a state pension, pal, and she understands that we need to support Ukraine.
Your mother is obviously sucking up Ukraine's propaganda. I'm no pensioner but see how many are struggling. The winter fuel payment was godsend. You're a heartless excuse putting a foreign regime before your own citizens. Do you seriously think the fraud Zelensky would do the same for the UK?
Is it propaganda? They’re literally being attacked by Russia. We’re all struggling. The cost of living crisis affected everyone. Pensioners have had everything dished out for them- cheap housing, good cost of living. It’s their time to put in now. The threat to Europe and the UK is real.
I love these dweebs and their fabricated headlines. He said no such thing. He even made it clear that the US must be involved in the peace. So Yet Another BULLSHIT LIE told to you by your GASLIGHTERS
Only that Starmer has committed UK forces to take part in a "reassurance force" on the ground (and in the air over Ukraine) to ensure a peace agreement is lasting. Once that peace agreement has been signed.
Talk is one thing...doing it is something else. And if they go in...and confront Russia...and it goes badly,who do you think they'll turn to for help?And Trump will demand they come on ALL 4'S before he would even consider offering them assistance. If that happens,he will be "holding all the cards."
It better be Starmer's boots then because Starmer is almost universally hated in the Socialist Labour Party being seen as a Liberal establishment plant installed to betray Corbyn and party members.
If we're going to do a pantomine, "Oh yes, he is...."
You're literally a Liberal. It's called the *Socialist* Labour Party. It was founded by Socialists including Marxists, as opposed to the Liberal Party.
To all the GOP former defense hawks who were anti-Russian until Trump got elected, and now they’ve suddenly done an about face and are kissing Trump‘s ring in order to keep their political careers, vs US security - we will never forget that you sold out. WE’LL NEVER FORGET! You’re gone in 4 years.
I like his reaction to Ukraine after the Trump debacle. I hope that continues, no matter who is PM of the UK.
I didn't vote for the US president, and am horrified at what he's doing. At this ooint, I wouldn't trust the US government to do the right thing in any situation.
He has an easier task in that support for Ukraine and outrage at Russia are pretty much universal in the UK across the major parties. Russian meddling has been a lot less successful than in the US.
They are pissed! I don’t understand why they don’t want to turn over their hard earned cash and send their boys off to WW3. So selfish and dumb of them.
Which boots might THAT be? The ones coming in from Africa, or from Gaza, or from Afghanistan?
I doubt he passed that by the Brits who'd be wearing those boots!
The EU knows the Russian economy is crashing and they are losing the war. Their soldiers are dropping their WW2 weapons and giving up. It is why Trump is so out in the open trying to pressure Ukraine to surrender. No time left for Putin to hide it.
This buffoon has solidified a new alliance across the pond. They're going to leave the US behind when the dust settles. Pretty sure France and Germany would love to have a shot at those rare earth minerals as well.
The comments in this thread are so disturbing. People willing to start WWIII to own Trump. This just means more people will die, why do you people want this?
The risk of nuclear war far outweighs any potential strategic gains, Starmer knows that. This is just more needless chest thumping that will result in needless deaths. Good luck 👍
I know exactly what it means, but I don’t think you do. He’s puffing his chest, but he’s dependent on US air to do it. Not happening. So when do you leave for Ukraine?
Nope, I don’t support the US being involved at all. Not only that, I want the US removed from Europe, no access to our military bases or assets and a complete intelligence black out. The US are our enemies not our. We’ve been fooled into thinking that 500million has to be defended by 300 million
People have already died The US was under contract from 1994 to defend Ukraine as part of nuclear disarmament deal. When Russia started to occupy in 2014 US failed to do their Job. After no resistance Russia started a full scale invasion in 2022. The US is responsible for the war
You’re not entirely wrong or right. The 1994 deal promised Ukraine security, not US defense, for giving up nukes. Russia took Crimea in 2014, U.S. aid followed but didn’t stop the 2022 invasion. Russia violated the deal, the US is not responsible in the way you’re implying
I was referring to US commentators when I said the thing about owning Trump (e.g., Krassenstein). You have not done diplomacy, you got several relatively impotent nations together to make promises that they can’t keep without the US (by Starmer’s own admission). Saber rattling with the US’s saber
Just to add more to the soup.
Suppose that Ukraine's Accession to the European Union is fast-tracked and/or suppose that all NATO countries EXCEPT the US offer NATO membership to Ukraine?
Yes! Better to stop Putin in Ukraine than fight him in Piccadilly Square.
The ignored histrionics of Churchill over Hitler were a lesson learned by the Brits. No more minimizing the threat of a dictator bent on World domination.
He's got a spine.
Thanks to MAGA the North Star of democracy and freedom is no longer the US. In a little over a month the orange convicted idiot has made us the object of ridicule.
Let’s not forget, almost 7 years ago today, agents working for the Russian Federation launched a devastating chemical attack on Salisbury in the UK. If ever we need to be reminded that Putin can’t be trusted, it’s now.
If they go into Ukraine with troops and planes won't that trigger a wider war? Would Russia attack British interests? I wonder if Starmer really intends to start a bigger war or just wants to talk tough.
Russia has been conducting lethal operations on UK mainland for years, the Salisbury poisonings and assassination attempts in London just for starters.
You are right, I totally forgot about that. Although those were against Russian nationals. This would be against British territory in general if they put troops into Ukraine.
I would presume you are an expert on Russia since you live so close to them. I on the other hand merely speculate. You sir are a Russian troll, there can be no other explanation.
That's what we want to hear. A leader in Europe with balls.
Except when he means, only to keep the peace. I'd prefer to boot the Russians out of the Ukraine first
In the propaganda war, Krasnov is now a one-legged man in an ass-kicking contest. Even Fellatio News can't help him. So be alert when they try to flip it ... some nasty event staged somewhere in the world they can blame on Ukraine. my guess is -- it's in the works. Beware deception
How interesting the EU has spent more on Russian oil and gas than they’ve ever given to Ukrainian aid.
Oh sorry.. I know these inconvenient little facts disturbed so many here.
There are some components of aid promised to Ukraine that have not yet been delivered to them. Since it had been approved President Biden and Congress, legally Trump  should not be allowed to interfere in that!
Media, Ukraine, lawyers, Congress? Can Ukraine, NATO or supporters file?
It's past time that they get all the help, support, and protection they need in this critical battle they have been fighting.
Both countries have the same problem.
They've each been invaded by Russia.
Here is the oath taken by every member of the US military.
It's time to honour it.
Since Jan6/21
They know it’s “him”.
At least that’s my hope.
When Trump betrays Ukraine, wont Starmer's strategy of tying us to the US look wrong headed, & a massive mistake
Merz made his priority, Independence from US
UK great diplomacy, dreadful strategy.
Look Big Ben, look beautiful gothic spires, more gothic spires!
Not once did they demand that America thank them.
Not once did they ask for their money back.
“America First” is America Alone.
Good job President Trump!
We than supported getting Ukraine in NATO
I don't agree with what Russia is doing.. but I get it.
This war needs to end. Glad Trump is trying to end it instead of extend it
UK is now talking boots on the ground? We ready for WW3? Why so many hawks want to dump more money and lives into this war?
Be careful of what you wish for.😉
That's NOT how you go about negotiating!
Putin doesn‘t sign it and Trump can‘t make a deal.
I'd just like to see the US pull out of NATO before the sh*t hits the fan. I don't want any of our men dying for the most corrupt country in the world😅
Good luck.
Leaving NATO is on the table. It's actually time the EU takes care of themselves.
Combined, they are as capable as the USA...It's time we use our troops for OUR security, and they take care of their own.
You're in the EU? Fight for your country.
Secondly, it's not Ukraine's war, it's Europe's war because if Putin takes Ukraine he'll go for Moldova, and then we're in nuclear missile territory.
As awful an administration as this is it *should* only be temporary.
Should is doing a lot of heavy lifting in that sentence. They aren’t behaving like they’re concerned about being held accountable at the ballot box.
Trump will push for a 3rd term and will cheat to achieve that.
You're literally a Liberal. It's called the *Socialist* Labour Party. It was founded by Socialists including Marxists, as opposed to the Liberal Party.
What liberal party are you referring to? There is no liberal party in the UK.
Read the words in the upper left of the mural and cry more, Liberal. This is where the Labour Party was formed. These are its values.
Liberal, your party was destroyed by its own lies to the working class. Get back in the dustbin of history, Liberal.
Muted for Liberal nonsense.
That’s not the same party as the Labour Party. They both existed at the same time.
That’s not the same Labour Party my dude
Because Orange dicKtator is golfing
dump is a
Orcs = brutal, cruel, uneducated and malevolent unhuman monster
Farage can’t be found for comment all of a sudden.
I didn't vote for the US president, and am horrified at what he's doing. At this ooint, I wouldn't trust the US government to do the right thing in any situation.
I doubt he passed that by the Brits who'd be wearing those boots!
But, for fighting for Vlad....????
#SlavaUkraini !! #GodSaveTheKing !!
“Give us your milk money”
This is the problem in the west, all we have is narrative. Unfortunately, the narrative has met reality on the battlefield.
No, he’s defending our country and our continent. Perhaps you don’t understand what that means.
I know exactly what it means, but I don’t think you do. He’s puffing his chest, but he’s dependent on US air to do it. Not happening. So when do you leave for Ukraine?
Fooling ourselves into thinking we’re weak and defenceless? That we have to buy all our weapons from the US and ask permission to use them?
Suppose that Ukraine's Accession to the European Union is fast-tracked and/or suppose that all NATO countries EXCEPT the US offer NATO membership to Ukraine?
(Опасность! Спитфайр!)
The ignored histrionics of Churchill over Hitler were a lesson learned by the Brits. No more minimizing the threat of a dictator bent on World domination.
He's got a spine.
Manufacturing munitions in the UK using confiscated dirty Russian money.
Kier is a true statesman, don’t agree with all his policies, however here he is amazing,
Never been more proud to be British.
The US is capable of so much more. Get your affairs in order.
Stay safe. Greetings from Europe. 🇪🇺
required for any of these.
From DAY ONE - Dementia, Delusion, Destruction of Democracy, Death Care policies, and Detention Camps!
Impeach FOTUS/Krasnov! Arrest Muskrat!
Vote every single conservative OUT OF OFFICE!
Except when he means, only to keep the peace. I'd prefer to boot the Russians out of the Ukraine first
Oh sorry.. I know these inconvenient little facts disturbed so many here.