JFC the idiocy is astounding.
WWIII is on the horizon, I’m afraid. The US elected the world’s dumbest man as its president. How long will it take for one of our big enemies will be salivating like Cujo to take down the once-mighty USA!
Will it be Iran first? China? North Korea?
I've been giving it some thought. Hypothetically I would rather my own country (Canada) be owned by China. They are the most evolved and have made some great contributions to humanity as a whole. Medicine, spirituality, etc. They have their problems but Definitely the lesser of the evils.
Mocking them won't take them out of office.
Trump's president bc dems are snowflake pussies, otherwise he'd be in jail.
Things are gonna get violent and that's exactly what they want.
They'll declare martial law so no more elections. You'll literally need a revolution which will turn into civil war
Word(s) are important. AI will never be all that useful thereby, IMHO.
For one, Culture Garbage is programmed right in there. How could it be otherwise?
Have any of these morons ever seen the google or the wikipedia? A friend of mine's Mom was named Gay.
Gay is a girl's name of French origin meaning "joyful". Dirty minded #DOG_E humping legs.
Gay wasn’t widely used in the ‘60s in it’s current meaning, but it was used in that context before them. Cary Grant used “gay” in the 1938 movie Bringing Up Baby. He was wearing a feminine robe, his neighbor came over, shocked at what he was wearing. His angry response was “I decided to go gay!”
“The Gay Deceiver” appears in The Number of the Beast (1980) by Robert A. Heinlein. It is a futuristic flying car equipped with a “continua device”, allowing it to travel through different universes and fictional realities. Ban the book!
Yes, I know. My late friend's name was Gaywood, and had the modern meaning been current when he was in school, you can only imagine the bullying he would have gotten.
Seriously, stop wasting time trying to make it make sense. The chaos IS the point.
The whole endeavour amounts to a massive heist, of funds, power and narrative. It's not going to stop, unless and until the people physically stop it.
I saw an ad on Youtube that gave up the scam. Of course the ad was some company to help you join the scam by telling you which stocks to buy to get rich along with Elon. I didn't watched the full pitch, so IDK the full scam, but it sounded related to his plan to use X for financial transactions.
This is the most succinct explanation for what is happening. There is no logic behind what they are doing and everyone needs to stop trying to make it make sense. It’s a power grab, and they will squeeze this country dry until they are forced to stop.
So true. Honestly, sick of the constant "haha, they're dumb" posts. They don't give a fuck. They are burning the USA to the ground for shits and giggles, Musk especially so. Trump is just throwing shit at the wall to stay out of prison. He knows it makes no sense. Tariffs on or off today?
Canada has been such a good neighbor to us for so long -- I don't know who pointed Bigly the Idiot toward Canada and whispered, "They're screwing us over," but I hope that person roasts in the 9th Circle starting tomorrow.
Fully agree, but here's the thing: we know what works, but who's going to pull the trigger? (Literally or metaphorically?) What's really going to happen, a predictable carousel of utterly avoidable failures, or just one that stops the music for a bit?
Anyone remember the Cultural Revolution? Seemingly without reason, centuries of culture, history and irreplaceable art were wantonly destroyed forever. Mass psychosis ruled. It was scary then - and now. The Cultural Revolution ended…
Theatre.He wants to incite violence. How far does he have to go before he can unleash his personal proud boy militia and take the country by force. Lock up resisters. Musk and Putin are in charge. They are looking for a reason. They know all your info now. He said “WW3” again today. Wakey wakey. 😡
Beyond stupid. And pretty telling that his AI grok works as terribly as his rockets. I’m sure he’s trying to train his AI using all of our information he hacked & stole.
I had to check this because it seemed too absurd to be true but it seems so. "Idiocracy" might not have gone far enough in its depiction of a future America
It just shows how unhappy the entire maga Republican ppl are. They’re miserable to the core. Thats why they hate democrats. They have to have chaos in their life’s to function.
But also using AI to just find everything with specific words and phrases is dumb as shit. Come up with a better prompt that at least considers fucking context. 😂
A real data scientist could do what they're trying to do, without even needing AI. They just don't know what the fuck they're doing, or how their software tools even work, that's the long and short of it. They're morons who think they're deep thinkers.
Also true. Often I see people want to insert AI in situations like this and just think “this literally doesn’t need gimmicky AI.” A data nerd would be far better at it.
But of course that would require them to 1) admit actual educated people are valuable, 2) find an actual educated person who shares their beliefs or is somehow not bright enough to see through their lies, and 3) admit their AI fucking sucks and is worthless.
Better yet, leave DEI programs alone because these programs are to make sure the most qualified are hired & promoted instead just unqualified white males
If you were being critical of us dropping the bomb, that would be one thing. But you would think MAGA would be ecstatic about dropping the bomb on "yellow" people.
If there's anyone here that voted for those spineless cowards treasoness republican congressmen, who can stop this nonsense at any time, vote for them again when their term is up, you deserve whatever you're affected by this administration.😡😡😡
Anyone would think that Trump didn't like "Women, POC, or the LGBTQ+ community" - I'm sure that he could put it more pithily.
DOGE is also displaying its historical illiteracy. "Enola Gay" was named for the mother of the plane's pilot Colonel Paul Tibbetts DSC LoM DFC*2 Purple Heart Air Medal
Attempts to wipe away history of black airmen and Asian and calling this DEI is utter nonsense! We will not deny these proud warriors stories! We will not allow our history to be white washed! Fuck the golden age of bullshit!
Actually, it was her middle name. "Gay" was a normal first or middle name for girls in the early part of the century. It fell out of use around the '50s, I believe -- as did the names Edith and Mabel and Dorcas.
I agree. Men have impossible standards for 'manly.'
The only reason I watch football is that you can see men playing grab-ass with each other or crying and hugging together. Affection is a beautiful thing.
I cannot believe how ridiculously stupid this entire administration is so fucking embarrassing we are here but it’s because cowards like the Democrats who sanctioned Al Green for telling the damn truth those Democrats need voted out now
When will the #MAGAMorons grow some brain cells? The #EnolaGay was the name given to the plane that dropped the first #AtomicBomb. Named after Enola Gay Tibbets the mother of the pilot. This is nothing to do with #DEI You Right Wing nut jobs!
I giggle at any of these idiots every time I get email regarding my 401k from TransAmerica. I imagine they must clutch their pearls when one lands in their inbox.
Travel to Florida CD-1 to Canvas for Gay Valimont for Congress. They are offering limited supporter housing for those who may need accommodations while volunteering. Help knock on doors any time this month. Flip the House! https://www.mobilize.us/gayforcongress/event/758552/
These are the key words doge is using to determine what Grants should be halted.
👉🏽Equal opportunity
👉🏽Under represented
You know that was identified by a computer program and not a human
What's not a computer program and a human belief is that liberals think men can get pregnant and have periods
they celebrate open stupidity/simplicity; lack of reading/knowledge about world. They are book-banning/censoring, rewriting history; only allowing right-wing outlets into WH Press. They have demonized fact checking, rule of law, accuracy, not lying, civil disobedience, kindness to others as 'weak'
These people are so fucking stupid they broke the "stupidest of all time" meter...
Remember when they shit all over themselves about the alleged "cancel culture"...
Methinks they are the embodiment of what the cancel culture actually is..
I was in the Army at the end of the Vietnam War and we had to take Training called Race Relations. How are they planning to erase that from our history?
Make the Amazon Blackout permanent, along with Meta, Tesla, X, Starlink, WAPO, etc.
Drop all non-essential expenditures.
Prepare for emergency sheltering in place for a minimum of 2 weeks, due to reckless cuts of Fema, etc., potential gov shutdown, https://generalstrikeus.com , etc.
OMG. An historic plane's photos pulled by the military as Hegseth claims it violates DEI initiatives. This is over the top. Beyond insane. Need to take a mental health break now.
I'll show your secretly taken photos to close friends behind closed windows in a darken room with locked doors to let them know that a plane used in the Pacific Theater in WWII that dropped an atomic bomb on Hiroshima had a naughty painted name on it.
I wonder how long it will be before Pete goes into Udvar Hazy some night and uses a spray bomb on the nose of the aircraft to turn “Gay” into “White Incel”.
Or "Enola Mauler" or "Enola Gaybasher" or "Enola Guy" or "Manly Bomb Drooper." Or put a big Thrump size diaper over the painted "Enola Gay" section of the B-29 so visitors won't be offended by that offensive DEI name.
The two nukes meant the US Navy did not have to carpet-bomb the Japanese islands and the US Army did not have to go onshore, wading in blood up to their knees and shooting grandmothers who were armed with kitchen knives
Personally, my favourite is Trump's lack of comprehension of the term, "transgenic" as applied to research mice—though it sure didn't get in the way of him making pronouncements about it as if it must be accurate 'cuz he said it and he's got a big brain or something.
The truth of the matter is - he does this kind of stuff on purpose. It’s a dog whistle. He meant what he said and it’s propaganda. He knows that the Trumpanzees goes rabid at the mere mention of “transgender”. Trump is an idiot don’t get me wrong but it’s weaponized idiocy.
It definitely helps when you make fact checking “woke” and your billionaire campaign backers conveniently own all the social media platforms where this misinfo spreads like wild fire.
💯 seen it with Boris Johnstone copying him, one example was he said he liked playing with cardboard boxes. They are blatantly rubbing our noses in it, they enjoy it. They are not stupid they are dangerous.
They're computer weenies. They probably never had to take a history course.
MY university requires ALL students to take a full array of classes, including English writing, history, and a foreign language, and the engineers have a required series of sociology/tech classes. No take, no graduate.
Its all about re writing history, America has committed the Biggest & worst atrocities over the past 50+ years, they make the Nazis look like amateurs, even managed to turn the Israelis into a Nazi state, well done America, your actions make those of Great Brittan’s Hegemony look like a picnic. Nazi
How many people in this Administration and DOGE are truly dumber than a box of rocks? Too many to count! All of us non MAGAs are stuck in the middle of their BS as we watch our Democracy get eaten away little by little.
Please help make this go viral! We have to step up our game because our representatives are clearly not going to save us from this fast moving coup! The only thing we really can do that's nonviolent is slow production. Cost them money. Don't get fired. Don't hurt anyone. But do more where youcan
The world is entering a downswing of history. I'm not ashamed to shill my dad's book that covers electricity, ammo, water, food, health, and sustainability. These topics are covered in ways that other books do not. Especially making, storing and using electricity.
Enola Gay Tibbets was the mother of Paul Tibbets, the pilot who flew the plane (the Enola Gay) that dropped "Little Boy" on Hiroshima on August 6, 1945.
"Fat Man" was dropped on Nagasaki on August 9, 1945. Emperor Hirohito announced Japan's surrender on August 15.
Your nuclear bombs are Gay.
WWIII is on the horizon, I’m afraid. The US elected the world’s dumbest man as its president. How long will it take for one of our big enemies will be salivating like Cujo to take down the once-mighty USA!
Will it be Iran first? China? North Korea?
Every day I dread what may happen next
Trump's president bc dems are snowflake pussies, otherwise he'd be in jail.
Things are gonna get violent and that's exactly what they want.
They'll declare martial law so no more elections. You'll literally need a revolution which will turn into civil war
For one, Culture Garbage is programmed right in there. How could it be otherwise?
Gay is a girl's name of French origin meaning "joyful". Dirty minded #DOG_E humping legs.
Same clowns who created "safe speech".🤣
The whole endeavour amounts to a massive heist, of funds, power and narrative. It's not going to stop, unless and until the people physically stop it.
Backed by Field Marshal Hegseth
These people should read books instead of burning them!
Tough sell.
Hey, they're busy bein' HARDCORE! Ain't nobody got time fer that there "readin'" stuff when they're HARRRDCORE!
Context, who needs it?
QA, what is it?
This is long past "getting ridiculous."
DOGE is also displaying its historical illiteracy. "Enola Gay" was named for the mother of the plane's pilot Colonel Paul Tibbetts DSC LoM DFC*2 Purple Heart Air Medal
Homo sapiens will cease to exist very soon.
The ignorance is so exhausting.
The only reason I watch football is that you can see men playing grab-ass with each other or crying and hugging together. Affection is a beautiful thing.
Can rule the world?
This is how dumb AI is.
No. Questions.
👉🏽Equal opportunity
👉🏽Under represented
What's not a computer program and a human belief is that liberals think men can get pregnant and have periods
That's some crazy shit
They found the delete key
Remember when they shit all over themselves about the alleged "cancel culture"...
Methinks they are the embodiment of what the cancel culture actually is..
Drop all non-essential expenditures.
Prepare for emergency sheltering in place for a minimum of 2 weeks, due to reckless cuts of Fema, etc., potential gov shutdown, https://generalstrikeus.com , etc.
But yes
It used
to mean happy and joyful.
Holy Mother of God!
Would that have been better? YOU tell US.
He does not.
It’s The Emperor’s New Clothes in 2025, and no one will tell him that he, in fact, has no clothes.
MY university requires ALL students to take a full array of classes, including English writing, history, and a foreign language, and the engineers have a required series of sociology/tech classes. No take, no graduate.
They asked "AI."
If they knew how to do anything, they wouldn't be where they are. 😁
Although I'm sure Elon would approve.
GOP - can't wait to vote out your stupidity!
a straitjacket
Obstructing injustice.
"Fat Man" was dropped on Nagasaki on August 9, 1945. Emperor Hirohito announced Japan's surrender on August 15.