95% of the world will never support a maga company again. Tesla is doomed, never has a product became the target of a protest like this, I feel sorry for normal people that purchased them, they should be able to alter the cars to be different than Tesla. But who is going to want to by nazi car now ?
Why is Elon flying around in Air Force 1. On taxpayer$$$. How much secret service is he getting. How much taxpayer money is funding this grifter???😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡
Still too high.
And really, it was always way over valued. Its P/E ratio was absurdly high well before the election, and his purchase of donOld.
So it needs to fall. If we can help it along, so much the better.
Keep up the good work, fellow citizens of the world! Return your explosion prone Tesla. Buy another brand. Protest in front of Tesla dealers and starve the beast!
"Protests at #Tesla dealerships growing, vandalism against Tesla dealerships & charging stations, now number more than 12, including attacks with gas filled bottles set on fire. Tesla stock dropped more than 35% since #Trump took office, Germany sales dropped 76%, Norway & Denmark 48%, France 45%"
"Thursday, another of Musk’s #SpaceX rockets exploded, raining debris near south Florida and the Bahamas. The Federal Aviation Administration said 240 flights were disrupted by the debris."
Professor Heather Cox-Richardson FB Update, 3/8/2025.
Irrelevant because he loses all the status.
Having the richest guy in the world (on paper) working for him makes trump feel very important, flattering his ego. If elon loses his status, trump will fire him immediately.
But he's making 8 million dollars a day taking a chainsaw to our democratic institutions. Same ending. He has money and power which is his ultimate goal. I am glad about the Tesla failure. It just shows that hate doesn't fly with most people
The banks care. He borrowed from banks, using unrealized gains of Tesla, to buy Twitter. If the unrealized gains go below a certain margin,
the loan will be called and he’ll have to pay it off in cash. FU€|< him!!!
I completely agree with you that Tesla may just be a stepping stone toward his loftier ambitions. That said, facing setbacks could bruise his ego—and honestly, that's a good thing.
His loan to buy twitter will be called if the unrealized gains dip below a certain margin. He got the loan to buy twitter using unrealized gains of Tesla.
What did Musk think would happen when he aligned with the duck? Most of his customers are blue-leaning and support clean energy. And, Trump's supporters don't buy EVs. This is likely permanent brand damage for Tesla. 😅
Can somebody do a running tally of his wealth against the other top 3 or so, so that we can watch him fall? I think when he is not the richest person in the world anymore, that’s when he will feel the pain his evil deeds have spawned.
i wouldn't be surprised if he doesn't even care about Tesla anymore with all his new "opportunities" to just take what he wants from WTP! For instance, now that he's inside the SSA, wouldn't it just be possible to announce the trust fund had been hacked and they have "no idea" where the money went?
you are right...also he has his hands in foreign affairs-china for instance-this whole tariffs thing is a smokescreen-another distraction-he & trump & the oligarchs are only working to enrich themselves even more & the hell with everyone else on this planet-there is hope-they can move to mars
Am I weird for getting aroused by that information. I think this is my new fetish. Watching Musk lose 35% of his net worth. I may only be able to climax if I can see his reaction, though.🤭🤗🥰😋🙂↕️🫨😬🤩🤤🫠😏🥱😮💨😴
A little less than 40% of his net worth. Tesla and Starlink (unless Im forgetting something) are his only products depending on public acceptance (SpaceX lives off the government). Knock his wealth down and Congressmen may trembling that he will pay for pirmaries against every one of them.
Breaking News!
He and Rubio have cut USAID contracts by 83 %.The Democrats have no more money, and they are being obliterated!
Tesla Australia drop by 70% in February 2025. 💪
In Europe, Tesla’s sales have plummeted by 50.4%, with countries like Germany and France experiencing declines of 59.5% and 63.4% respectively since January. 👍👏👏👏
Continue to Boycott Tesla until Elon Musk and DOGE are both canceled!
This American does not approve of anything Musk and DT are doing. Our money is the only way we can show force at this moment. Do not support Swasticars! Let the stock burn in hell.
I don't think Musk cares at all about any retail/market sales anymore for Tesla, SpaceX or Starlink. He who fomented public rage about companies living on the govt dole is now putting all the marbles into running his companies exclusively from govt contracts. It's what his $250m bought and paid for.
Musk only owns 13% of Tesla. His shares are still worth roughly 25% more than they were a year ago, so has he actually "lost" anything here, other than the paper value of those shares?
The first rule of investment is your stock is only worth what you sell it for...
i agree, his failing companies was why he jumped Trumps bandwagon in the first place.
Under Harris, government subsidies would have gotten turned off, and twitter, space-x and eventually Tesla would have all suffered even more.
I'm trying to get people to understand why knowing history is so important. Unlike the American revolution. The one lenin spent 30 years of his life to make a reality waa based on love for people completely. Which is the complete opposite of 1776. Washington to trump.
If he thought his gas loving maga base would make up for the loss of eco friendly consumers he’s completely alienated with his behavior, he is as stupid as he looks.
This has nothing to do with Tesla, Ukraine, Palestine, Black Lives Matter, or USAID. It has always been a lgbtqia+ agenda. Not what people pay taxes for. Anti-Christian, anti-heterosexual… at the core it’s about their lust and desires. It’s primitive defensive response of guilt-filled lifestyle.
But they aren’t they are a car manufacturer & have been highly overrated for years. Their P/E ratio is at least 5x higher than all the other brands in the industry even though they don’t even make the majority of their revenue from sales. Looks a lot like fraud to me 🥲
I've yet to see a sat nav that can properly handle the M1/A50 interchange or get diversion right when there are road blockages.
If they still can't get basic navigation right, how can we be expected to trust full automation?
Too bad, Musk Tesla and companies, are now feeling the effects of acting Nazi? He will never shed his A$$osstion with tRumpy everything trump touches DIES & horrible damage to their reputation & maybe flat back broke? 🖕🏼👍🏼☠️💙☠️💯🤔
So if it keeps dropping a lot on banks may get screwed 😅
Honestly, it's long been in need of a correction. I'm tired of idiots insisting its an "innovation" company.
This is one time when our inaction gets results - meaning that we are boycotting Tesla. #BoycottTesla
Glitch! 😂
Traitor Elon needs to be fired and sent back to the Emerald Mine. #charlatan
And really, it was always way over valued. Its P/E ratio was absurdly high well before the election, and his purchase of donOld.
So it needs to fall. If we can help it along, so much the better.
Professor Heather Cox-Richardson FB Update, 3/8/2025.
Capitalism RULES!!!
Having the richest guy in the world (on paper) working for him makes trump feel very important, flattering his ego. If elon loses his status, trump will fire him immediately.
the loan will be called and he’ll have to pay it off in cash. FU€|< him!!!
You deserve everything that’s has and will happen! Welcome to being close to Trump!!
3 months is pretty fast.
think he notices?
This is what they said they would do.
$25-$40 should be the price in a normal world. And even that is a big premium based on earnings.
Maybe Tesla should consider implementing DOTE?
We’re headed for a major Recession…
Trump sure is the “King” though—
The King of FAILURE!
Everything Trump Touches Dies ‼️
He and Rubio have cut USAID contracts by 83 %.The Democrats have no more money, and they are being obliterated!
Elon Musk is a CONNING human poop bag! 🤬
In Europe, Tesla’s sales have plummeted by 50.4%, with countries like Germany and France experiencing declines of 59.5% and 63.4% respectively since January. 👍👏👏👏
Continue to Boycott Tesla until Elon Musk and DOGE are both canceled!
Good to see other Countries in solidarity with the America people and against Trump and Musk!
if you crack on anything and go back.. you have accomplished nothing
As a European, we can do far better than this. Let it crash like his cybertrucks.
Maybe he'll go back to dealing with his own business instead of the American people's!!
The first rule of investment is your stock is only worth what you sell it for...
Under Harris, government subsidies would have gotten turned off, and twitter, space-x and eventually Tesla would have all suffered even more.
Even his daughter got burned in his first term.
Episode webpage: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/thesocialistprogram/episodes/Lenin-and-the-Path-to-Revolution-Part-1-e2imt54
Media file: https://anchor.fm/s/35d1dba4/podcast/play/85733988/https%3A%2F%2Fd3ctxlq1ktw2nl.cloudfront.net%2Fstaging%2F2024-3-22%2F59db84e1-a6a7-b372-afd6-bec991246e8b.mp3
Episode webpage: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/thesocialistprogram/episodes/With-Kamala-Harris--Ruling-Class-Knows-It-Can-Get-a-Nice-Nights-Sleep-e2mcie4
Media file: https://anchor.fm/s/35d1dba4/podcast/play/89589636/https%3A%2F%2Fd3ctxlq1ktw2nl.cloudfront.net%2Fstaging%2F2024-6-24%2Fb050bd74-b658-611b-0534-99ddc0be1906.mp3
I'm trying to get people to understand why knowing history is so important. Unlike the American revolution. The one lenin spent 30 years of his life to make a reality waa based on love for people completely. Which is the complete opposite of 1776. Washington to trump.
Let Musk have only his government job to rely on.
Tank Tesla.
If they still can't get basic navigation right, how can we be expected to trust full automation?