Why? alot of the goverment "jobs" were clearly bloat so getting rid of those is good, now if you were saying to get the park rangers and such back, YES absolutely. but goverment workers who twiddle their thumbs do menial tasks that could be done by someone who is also doing actual work.. no.
These are a bunch of ignorant hot takes from someone who clearly doesn't understand how the working world works.
First, they're laying off all the new hires, not middle management, so they aren't firing the "bloat" you identify. They are ensuring the workforce is older, less adaptive, and less
fluent in new technology. Second, middle management is essential for any large organization. Senior management needs to be focused on large picture policy tasks. Middle managers develop expertise in their specific area and recruit and develop talent in that area while addressing poor performance.
Without them, every federal agency would be a mess of political appointees saying things like "make Social Security work more... gooder" and line employees asking "how? What does that mean?"
Instead of criticizing federal workers, get a job.
In the kindest possible way, let me say this: put down the kool-aid. We'll get you some water. Stop taking drinks from just anyone. You never know what's in there.
How do you know government jobs were or are “bloat”?? Why did you put jobs in quotes?? How did you decide which jobs are okay with you to keep?? To me, this is a labor and worker’s rights issue, in addition to a public services decline. Very wrong.
jobs that are middle manager are all bloat. You don't need a person to push a paper from a worker to a manager desk, the worker can push the paper to the managers desk and get the answer. simple.those jobs are bloat now secretaries are important but they have more duties than just middle management
Every company and gathering of workers has the same issues, the more employees you have smaller % is doing actually meaningful work. unless you curate it all the time, you will end up with "paper pushers" who are there to for example inform manager that someone lower requested their presence. simple
There was no consideration of any of that with these firing actions. The agencies have literally been told to cut staff indiscriminately- Cut everyone in these grades, or everyone in this location. That doesn’t accomplish getting rid of inefficiencies. It gets rid of high and low perf.
Of course. you don't have to look at what they WERE doing, but you need to look at what the people left WILL be doing. that is important. That is how you effectively stop the bloat. only have as many people as is needed to man the stations. No more, no people who are middle managing nothing.
The rhetoric is that low performers just hang around in the gov more than private sector somehow, but there are plenty of ways to remove people for conduct and performance issues. There are PIPs and all that just like private sector. Yes you have to document it but it’s very doable.
Of course they do. But the Republicans in Congress would be forced to vote it up or down (if it ever sees a floor vote). If they vote against the veterans they claim to support, they won't support the rest. One would think this would hurt them in next year's mid-term election. Assuming it's held.
They are filing suits on the behalf of all workers fired. Thousands of people have gotten their jobs back. Dems have introduced bill to rehire workers. Different unions different work rules, it takes time to go to court. They are fighting for all workers not some workers. Info is out there.
They should introduce the most marvelous and grotesque bills they can find. Or maybe just bills calling out everything Trump is hating. And then like argue for it. Maybe one for recognition of transgenic mice in research bill or government perversion bill against religious influence on state matters
Agreed. I get it they probably think the Vets will tug at heartstrings then (hopefully) reinstate all. (Along with apology/raise/increase pension benefits for all.)
But the gop is heartless. Their king openly mocks military service.
Have you read any of the comments his base leaves? 😱 Dumb fucking bastards saying federal employees don’t show up for work or show up but don’t actually do anything! I’d like to know how they got away with that cause I never could. Bet you couldn’t either! 🤬🤬🤬
I do not get this posturing. This sideshow of putting forth bills which CANNOT pass, which won't be signed into law by Trump. It is BS moral posturing saying "Look at me I oppose trump in a completly irelevant way". When the good rep from TX stood up and shook his cane all Dems should have stood
YEA, IT's Pointless. There a Dem so people already think that, and most people do not keep track of who makes what bills. This entire exercise is not about actually fighting, it is about that individual using our plight to try and makes themselves look good. So they can get re-elected.
I believe that! I’m not a federal employee, but I can say that I’ve never been to a federal office that had anyone sitting around or not busy. They always seem short staffed (it amazes me how professional I’ve seen some of them with the biggest idiots out there).
If you are or know someone affected by this, join our growing community that is sharing stories of the actual harm, compiling a list of actual help, and spreading messages of actual hope. https://www.reddit.com/r/theactualharm/s/1rnA2HUQnU
I agree, Those who support the Mission, in uniform or out of uniform all serve. When I was Active Duty in the AF, We had many civilians that worked with us.
When I was a Fed Civ, with the USMC, we worked the same conditions and hours as our Active Duty Marines. Including Deployments.
They are fighting fascism with the tools at their disposal. The actual battles will be by the people, not our representative.
We really need to quit looking for leaders. We elected those guys to represent us and do what they are doing. It would be a bad thing for them to lead the resistance.
I believe the point is 1. Introducing bills that slow congress down - throwing sand in the machinery so to speak. 2 everyone who votes this down goes on record. No way to get out of it and lie if there is voting records of it.
I get excellent service at the VA in N Colorado. The providers and nurse need to hire because they are short handed. If any cuts are made, start at the UPPER MANAGEMENT level and not the people providing the patient care. Like any organization, that is where the fat is not at the service level.
The Republicans gerrymandering put Loveland CO in with rural Eastern Colorado. Since rural America supports Trump at any cost, they are paying the price for supporting a CONMAN.
I support hiring back the ones who did NOT vote for Trump. Let the ones who supported him and consistently vote Republican feel what their choices REALLY feel like. Maybe then they will learn something. Done taking the high road.
You want to keep trying what Democrats have been doing the last 12 years. Over and over talking about bipartisanship while Republicans spit in their faces and fire everyone who does not agree with them. Time to live in the real world. This is not the same country or the same political parties.
No, that is right. But having everyone who works for the Administration be nothing but pro-Administration and all thinking the same way does not provide a space for ideas or innovation that would affect all Americans not just R Americans, no?
I agree, but when one side is anti-science, the scientists they put in are psychos with conspiracies that influence their every decision. Even with science and facts screaming in their faces. Just look at the measles outbreak now. That is not science, and those are the people they choose.
I realized after I posted that you said the opposite - sorry. But my point still remains. Staff, especially science based staff, need differing opinions.
In normal circumstances, I would 100% agree with you. These are not normal circumstances. We have a Russian asset running the CIA, Patel as head of the F.B.I, RFK as head of the health department. They are not Republicans anymore. They are extremist fascists. No bipartisanship is possible w/ Nazis.
Because Republicans are being so bipartisan right now, right? They have not fired any Democrats at all! and are clearly trying to cooperate with Dems. They are trying so hard they banned all liberal news agencies from the Oval Office and are firing qualified people because of political views.
Remember during the election, when we had to tell women it was safe to vote for Harris because their husbands would never know their vote and therefore could not retaliate against them. We were right then. Don't start being wrong now.
I said it once and I'll say it again. The conditions that created Luigi are going to explode exponentially. And this time with combat trained veterans...some of them with nothing to lose and on their last mental leg. We are very close to "find out".
They need to do something that will actually be effective! This is just theatrics! Democrats might as well be holding Republicans' jackets while they are gang raping our country! This is a goddamn nightmare, and the people have almost no champions! Bernie is at least trying something!
I don't understand why the Dems need to "pass a bill"? Aren't the courts finding Elon's firings illegal? If it takes a bill to reinstate - then it should reinstate as to the date of their involuntary separation. They then become a 'class' with standing - so Elon and Trumpy get sued into oblivion.
All these bills Democrats introduce are going nowhere. It’s all basically for show. Meanwhile, we are in a free fall losing out democracy. What are they doing to STOP TRAITOR TRUMP?? Things that can actually make a difference and not for show, like waving silly signs at the State of the Union.
I’m really afraid it’s just another exercise by the Dems, making it look like they give a red damn. They 100% know that rump will never sign it if, by some miracle, the corrupt Senate would pass it. It’s called “pissing in the wind”.
The thing is… the dems are the party of nothing. I like this bill. But it is tepid at best. They need fighting force right now. And this… is a weak swat. Reinstate would be better. As would the courage to go nonsense for nonsense with the republicans. Drown them in bills rectifying their mistakes.
Unfortunately, Fox News is prominent in VA clinics, Legion halls and VFWs across the country. Vets are being told by Fox that Trump loves them and Dems hate them and that’s what they believe.
My husband is a veteran and believes in the Constitution that he swore an oath to. Like most veterans he is smart and doesn’t fall for propaganda. He believes we are in a Constitutional crisis because of Trump.
The first time I ever watched "The View" I was laying in a bed in a Cleveland VA hospital room with 3 other Veterans all awaiting colonoscopys. I had no idea what the show was then but I do now and it's not on Fox. That said I've also encountered MAGAts there since then.
When it comes to belief systems each psychologically competent adult makes a conscious decision in this regard. Any blame attached to the decision isn’t conveyed to anyone else.
Hello @youranona.bsky.social soo favour ask, maybe impossible, maybe not, can you do that black magic you do oh so well and get creative with TVs? stream something besides fake news in waiting rooms? Maybe it’s too much to ask, 🤷🏻♀️ putting it out there for your consideration. 🙏
But,but,but history., Democrats add programs for vets and expand funding.
Republicans fly the flag, slash, cut, and stab in the back. Reagan had it down perfect, a lot of them still have him on a pedestal, when he should be a urinal block.
I like it because even if the Reps not get on board the Dems win. If the Reps sign the bill and Trump refuses to ratify it - he's against Vets. If the Reps refuse to sign it then their against vets. If everyone signs then it's still the Dems who put it forward, not the Reps.
as a vet who frequents the VA in NH, I have not witnessed this at a CBOC or hospital campus (they don’t have TVs). however, i believe for whatever reason, they still believe fox and newsmax to be the gospel truth. earlier in my career I did think the GOP was for us, but not now.
When I went through Navy boot back in the 90s, our CCs constantly mocked Clinton/Gore and always told us recruits that Republicans support the military and Democrats hate the military. They started the brainwashing early.
In all fairness, with the help of Fox, many Vets do amazing mental gymnastics. Republicans and Trump routinely defund and gut programs to support them, yet they return to the satisfying conclusion that he is going to punish the libs and illegals, weirdos and foreigners. He can't attend a funeral.
Some were "bloat" just because they weren't veterans?
The government is under staffed and IGs found true waste where it existed and it wasn't extensive.
Prove there was "bloat" provide evidence.
First, they're laying off all the new hires, not middle management, so they aren't firing the "bloat" you identify. They are ensuring the workforce is older, less adaptive, and less
Instead of criticizing federal workers, get a job.
But the gop is heartless. Their king openly mocks military service.
Democrats! (True patriots)
Do not accept their premises on anything.
Make them prove that they can't get rid of people another way.
Maybe just rehire all who were illegally fired?
Public question: do you want to restore the jobs of all the veterans you quietly and quickly fired? yes or no?
They AND OTHERS get fired illegally.
They only fight to bring back the vets.
Vets credit Trump with bringing them back, so they don't reconsider their mistake and claim the others deserved to get fired.
When I was a Fed Civ, with the USMC, we worked the same conditions and hours as our Active Duty Marines. Including Deployments.
Tired of these flaccid bozos.
We really need to quit looking for leaders. We elected those guys to represent us and do what they are doing. It would be a bad thing for them to lead the resistance.
to happy to hear my viewpoint. How shocking!😁
This could be the beginning of their downfall!
Bring back my people!
No tenure lost or break in service, plus back pay and benefits.
They need to do something that will actually be effective! This is just theatrics! Democrats might as well be holding Republicans' jackets while they are gang raping our country! This is a goddamn nightmare, and the people have almost no champions! Bernie is at least trying something!
I raise my fist because I don’t wanna be associated with that weird guy who raises his hand in that weird Nazi way.
I served. I think Trump is a disgrace.
Republicans fly the flag, slash, cut, and stab in the back. Reagan had it down perfect, a lot of them still have him on a pedestal, when he should be a urinal block.
That is my opinion.