Trump doesn't have business smarts. He's got diarrhea of the brain. He shits any descent thoughts down the stool. The only thing left is a giant orange turd.
The people who are being forced into retirement or losing their jobs are at a point of needing to start accessing their investments, and now it will be a lot less than it was.
If 153,000,000 voters are poorer, losing jobs and cut back $10,000 each on average in 2025, that's another hit of $1.5 TRILLION on the economy. It will snowball.
All because of Trump, Musk & REPUBLICAN policies and bad business practices.
Right and I get hunted down and get warrants for fucking traffic ticketsF Fd as well as Donald Trump can commit infinite crimes with no consequences because they’re rich the rules are contingent upon your bank account meaning there are no rules to begin with 🤷♀️
Donald Trump is a scumbag no good piece of shit predator rapist con artist and he has been since the 80s since he was fucking over 85 year-old women to steal their property and when they said no he made the remaining years of her life a living hell if you support that POS your brain is missing
I don’t have any crimes it’s a hypothetical look it up in the dictionary if you don’t know what the word means but thanks for commenting and engaging over here we love having you
Right the evidence is staggering and these boot licking dumbasses are sitting there waiting to catch a few pieces of his droppings. How embarrassing to support such a man.🤣
POV: Significant loss in my 401K yesterday. Puts mine and many other plans for retirement in peril. I was hoping to retire before 65, which would open an opportunity for a younger person. If they screw up SS…we will all be slaves until disability or death.
Wonder what his concept of a plan for recovery of the stock market because a lost this big is really a bad sign your plan for the economy might not be that impressive.
It feels like the plan is to crash the stock market and then have the oligarchs scurry in to buy everything for cheap. They're going to own everything.
Just before I saw this post I logged on to my account and changed my allocations to a fixed account. In other words I took all the money out of stocks and US bonds. You might want to check it out my feline friend.
And before someone criticizes me for contributing to the crash. 1. These men are INTENT on destruction and they have all the power right now and 2. It pleases me to deprive the billionaires of my money and 3. I’m not going to be the one playing the violin on a sinking ship.
In my 401k I have been in fixed since January. For my IRAs I moved them into a conservative position today. (They’re actively managed). They were doing okish until today so I decided the bond markets are going to be safer. I’d like to get the money sidelined but I have to call the guy to do it.
What’s he going to use? Government securities are T bills. Those are as safe as holding green backs. If you’re worried about them then you’re worried about the dollar in general.
Do you mean "green backs" meaning the actual value of the dollar, or do you mean green back as in not fully backed by gold and will lose value? And are T bills like bonds? I really don't know. That's what I'm trying to figure out. Do you know how to set up an off shore back account??? 👀
Oh…I’m not showing trust here. It’s simply the rock bottom. And if the dollar collapses, no one will care about someone’s gold hoard. Better have weapons and ammo.
You're watching the "dump" standby for the "pump" very soon when trump and his underlings pump $100's of billions into the market, cause a buying spree, then they sell and make huge money.
The Liz Truss model of make money for the hedge funds at taxpayers' expense. She did a smash and grab in only 42 days before being removed. Can trump even be removed?
Millions w/ moderate retirement accounts are hit AGAIN!
My lifetime USA Recessions
(so far) w/ President who was in office when it started:
1969-1970 Nixon
1973-1975 Ford
1980-1982 Regan
1990-1991 GHW Bush
2000-2001 GW Bush
2007-2009 GW Bush
2020-2021 Trump
2025- Trump
🤬 Republicans
It's all part of their plan. The politicians get paid either way. That's why we need at least 5 parties to pretend we're a democratic Republic. Because we're not.
This is what happens when disaster capitalists take control. It happened in the UK, Liz Truss Prime Minister met with disaster capitalist one day, next day announced an un-costed mini budget, crashing the markets. All the folk she met the day before made millions. She lasted 50 days.
I don’t know what more proof the Republicans need that, at the very least, he’s not fit…but even WORSE and more likely, he’s purposely destroying everything. And whose dream has it been to destroy America, western democracy and the post WW2 world order? Trump is a Russian Asset. 💯. Period.
This dumbass could screw up a one car funeral. Congratulations you orange face baboon (apologies to baboons everywhere) you have received the Godzilla facepalm! To receive the coveted Godzilla facepalm, you have to screw up so badly, that Godzilla himself would blast you out of existence, you morron
The crazy thing about this is that the economist said this was going to happen, and the MAGA republicans said. No, he doesn't mean that he's just going to stick it to the libs and get rid of the immigrants.
🔥 $1.5 TRILLION GONE! 🚨 Trump just wiped $1,500,000,000,000 off the US stock market – in ONE DAY! This isn’t leadership – it’s ECONOMIC DEVASTATION. Working families will PAY while Trump’s friends CASH IN. 💥 FIGHT BACK
I'm working families. I don't have any stock. I can't afford childcare or health insurance either. Does this market loss mean more Americans are like me?
Exactly. You might not own stock — but when the market crashes, working families like yours still pay the price. Job cuts, rising costs, and fewer benefits – that’s how they pass the loss onto YOU. And Trump’s friends? They’re cashing in. 🚨
When the market went from annual reports to quarterly income reports it forced companies to show a profit every 3 months, not 12. This means no fluctuation in profits nor serious investment in the company's future. Good times.
That’s exactly it — so many Americans are struggling while the rich get richer. And Trump’s policies are making it WORSE. It’s time to stand together and fight back!
Agree, we need an organizer like we had for the initial women’s march. That was world wide and over 5 million people showed up. I don’t have a clue how to make something that big happen. You?
i don't have any either. but middle class folks do, and some working folks have been able to save a bit. they just watched their retirement get tanked. so me personally hurt? nah. but small savers never get this back. millionaires, billionaires still have millions...average folks never recover
Exactly — the rich just ride out the storm while everyday people watch their savings disappear. And the worst part? They planned it this way. The system is RIGGED
always has been. time for the change. the old systems only worked for a few, and marginally for a few more, and not much at all for everyone else. if it all burns down, it all gets built back. hopefully better. and not by the psychopaths who perpetuated all the misery.
You’re absolutely right. The system was always built to serve the few at the expense of everyone else. But you’re also right about rebuilding — it’s time for real change, led by the people, not the same corrupt elites. We deserve better.
I'm 67, working part time, depend on Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid. I have a mortgage and zero stocks. I feel badly for those who are losing their retirement money.
And that’s the cruel irony — the ones who played by the rules, worked hard, and paid in are now left struggling while the rich keep winning. This isn’t just mismanagement — it’s deliberate. And Trump’s friends are laughing all the way to the bank. kimberly 🤗🤗🤗🤗🤗🤗🤗
And yet somehow, Trump’s crew keeps getting away with it — no consequences, no accountability. The rich destroy everything, and WE pay the price. That’s the real crime.
Exactly! He’s tanking the US economy while pretending to ‘fight’ foreign enemies. Classic distraction tactic — and the working class pays the price. 💥🔥
Everyone knows Trump takes responsibility for nothing! Instead he will either blame President Biden or someone in his administration. History will hold him personally responsible!
its easy to say"so what rich people lost money?" and they did . but lots of regular folks who are saving and trying to get ahead just lost big too. and they are the ones who never really recoup that loss. millionaires and billionaires still have millions and billions. not so much working folks
I'm 61 and i don't even have a 401K. so i know how bleak the future looks, especially for social security. I expect to have to die at work in order to survive. the system wasn't working already, or a bit for some and hugely for a very small few. its all got to change. total paradigm shift needed
i am 61 and I don't even have that. i know what its like to try so hard to save a few bucks only have it get eaten by something stupid. we all know social security isn't cutting it. and so many already lost company sponsored 401K's when companies declared bankruptcy through the sucks
You’re basically a gen xer . The folks that got a pension retired about 8-10 years ago or earlier. There certainly were plenty of unpensioned jobs before, but we went from “likely have one if you worked for a corporation” to “lol you’re working until you die”
yup. and the work field and economy became very unstable and lots of us were hard pressed to find work even with a good degree. Essentially we are staring down the barrel of a loaded gun and the only direction we can go is to walk straight at it. lucky to make bank for the month. its gotta change.
i the auto industry tank and declare bankruptcy and all those pensions and 401K plans get liquidated to shareholders. those 401s were supposed to REPLACE social security. IRA's ROTHs, all of that was created to funnel funds away from SSI. while the seeds of SSI failure were being disseminated.
I’m aware, but the oldest Xers are 60 which makes you a cusper and we’re talking about financial differences between generations, you’re basically the same as the oldest gen x.
On the verge of retirement and losing everything feels like it was all for nothing. Working 45 years, playing by the rules, paying all the bills and taxes, for what? Golden years of struggle.
yup. nothing golden about them. wondering what its like to be old and homeless and wondering how to take care of the bills just got a hella lot worse for a hella lot of people who are already retired or staring into what is now an abyss.
No, they will profit wherever opportunities arise. Right now, they’re likely making money with shorts since they knew the markets would drop. Eventually, opportunities will come in the defense sector (war), then in construction (rebuilding). And everyone will work with a smile for $4 an hour.
Enslaving anyone who isn’t a billionaire. Ensuring those of us who aren’t rich as fuck get sick/die and/or are unemployed and lose their homes so they can be relocated to labor camps and take advantage of those “black jobs” they’re shoveling the brown people out of.
Problem is everyday Americans who work paycheque to paycheque don’t understand the significance of this because it probably doesn’t affect them in a visible way.
The only news they listen to is MAGA news and they are fed an alternative reality. They are told that Trump was handed a mess of an economy by Biden and that he is going to make this such a rich country, and they believe it. The level of deception is…. Like you can’t believe it till you see it.
That’s a pretty sorry state to be in. After the start of COVID, the US and Canada have been fortunate to bring the economy back to a survivable state. I imagine they had no idea how good it was. I understand many underprivileged people would not have known either as things were/still hard.
The American people are speaking!! Not all of us are out in the streets. But now they're seeing us! We are shutting them down out here. And, yes, we can live without them.
We need that enthusiasm, but we also need to be able to coordinate after martial law. After freedom to assemble and freedom of speech are removed. Then they will make neighbor vs neighbor witch hunting. Not just the holier than thou but soon just plain the desperate or unscrupulous alike. 😰
Luckily, because this dictator is really just the bitch of the oligarchy. He’s not going to have time for fascism as he scrambles to fix the economy without backtracking on his economically, devastating policies.
Now it’s really gonna fuck up the economy even further is if the usual stimulus of Social Security doesn’t happen. If Social Security starts missing payments this will get exponentially worse.
It may not make a difference in actuallity but this greedy sicko feels it if he loses even a penny so it IS impacting him psychologically speaking. I hope he's in a LOT of pain because of it!
My house is on the market and I had a showing today. The interested parties showed up in a Tesla 🤮. I will only accept a full price cash offer with no contingencies from Tesla owners
Nice, but home sellers have been doing that for years now. To everybody, not just "Tesla owners". No contingencies, 24-48 hr. sale decision after showings. Buying doing "Escalation Clauses" to auto out-bid each other (to a defined limit). Ridiculous.
I wouldn't accept anything even if they offered over. We sold our last house recently to a young couple who needed a break instead of some asshole who wanted to 'flip' it. Could have gotten $30,000 more but we didn't care.
So the rich will buy all shares for a nickel on the dollar so they can totally control every corner of our economy. How fucking republican oligarchy Russian planned dictatorship.
I want a refund. I demand that Trump, Vance,every member of Trump's illegitimate cabinet and federal appointees forfeit their pay until every American's 401k is made whole from losses between 1/20/25 and today.
Same , calling my advisor tomorrow. I think it's time to pack it in and get rid of what's left , while there still is some. This is not going to get better at all , just worse.
Welp. There goes my 401k retirement plan. What’s another 20 years of working as a corporate slave? I’d grow food to help the hungry, but corporate America and the billionaires have taken that away too. Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of happiness? No longer living the dream. #TrumpRecession
While Biden gets little credit for four years of rising incomes, falling inflation, controlling an epidemic, creating jobs, supporting Ukraine and bring normality back to government, he gets the blame after repeatedly warning voters what was to come from a Trump administration.
Why? So he could mumble something about student loans, shit himself and fall asleep? I'm just kidding. I know he did some shit. There was the whole genocide thing. Oh, and when he had all those students arrested for protesting. Classy 👌#notallheroeswearcapes
A convicted felon was allowed to be released from prison because he sold our country to a corrupt oligarch South African failed businessman Elon Musk who continues to be a traitor and failure like trump. Failed businessmen. Who destroy our country for their profit!!
Every1 losing confidence, so they're getting out.
There's ppl that will figure out how they can cash in with this mkts, roller coaster ride.
Maybe someone already created an app...or maybe even an AI program.
I am so glad i no longer participate in stocks/funds etc
Didn't he say any president responsible for such a loss should be impeached? So why aren't we doing that? Oh yeah, they are autocrats, religious zealots and unlawful lunatics. Rules and consequences are for "other people."
Wow! I don’t understand stocks but I do like that it’s dropping maybe some MAGA cult followers will see that their 401k is going down because of their president’s stupidity
The USSR did more to end fascism white supremacy zionists nazis than anyone with the glorious red army partisans. Pity he didn't take out Bandera or go further. Clear out the US of all white supremacists entirely would be a great start in making America truly great. For all
Unfortunately, the idiots that voted for 🍊💩 have no way to correct their stupidity. And 🍊💩 no longer needs the support of the ignorant masses. That may be the scariest fact of all ....
The PEOPLE'S Pensions and Social Security GROUP investments are in the drain. This is how they do it.
Prevent your access to your pension by dismissing social sec dept employees so you can't access help. THEN
tanking your pension fund stocks. It's called a depression. Susso queues form 1929 style
Are we great yet ?? Ladies and Gentlemen, I have a nomination for “post of the night “ Bravo, salute you sirs 👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾👍🏾 (Informative/Real 💩 +I thought this idiot said we would thrive categories)
can anyone easily confirm whether the oligarchs are shorting the market so they can profit from the crash they are causing? i see this as a giant engine pumping stocks and houses away from the middle class and into the pockets of the billionaires
Those greedy oligarchs are going down. Wealth is an addiction like any other addiction. People addicted to wealth learned that in 1929. Many suicides bc they lost their FIX 💰
FTSE and DAX were both down. Nobody talking about the US$ that weakened 4% against the Euro. So not only will we pay his tariffs but also more for imports because of exchange rates
Wow, he keeps proving that he is the world’s dumbest person wearing a suit and posing as a businessman. As Master Yoda would say, “The stupid is strong within him!”
And some of it (a very very very little portion of it) was mine! I have a really small "portfolio" of less than $20k in the stock market, and the losses seem huge to me. I can only imagine what the big players are seeing.
Which is why I refused to wish anyone “Happy New Year”. I switched my messaging to “Live It Up!” The implication being “you ain’t gonna have it for much longer”. Not that anyone got it.
If you could screw up the markets, and planned ahead, you could sell short a few weeks ahead, and make $$ off the drop..
Agree to sell ABC123 at $100/sh on April 1st; drive the price of if down to $70/sh; on april 1st but the shares at $70 and complete the short sell at $100 and make $30/share!!!!
I think investors are going to show inordinate caution, and expect a huge short market because of the fickle nature of Trump’s…is the word “mind” appropriate here?
Just as Canada is leaving our tariffs and export taxes in place until Trump can commit no further fiduciary crimes against us.
If we stand up together and fight back we will win! Call every day - over and over until they hear us! NO ONE IS COMING TO SAVE US! We have to do this on our own! #EndCitizensUnited #ImpeachTrump #NoDOGE
It’s ironic how people can’t correlate the countries long term debt obligation having as big an impact on our financial well being as a large market drop does.
From all accounts it's makeup. He doesn't look orange on his days off on the golf course - he looks like the pasty, white, half Scotsman half German he is. I have both Celtic and Scandinavian ancestry so I'm as white as they come, but Trump looks like raw sourdough!
Trump believes in the delusion that tariffs result in economic growth, no matter what reality and any respectable economist will tell him. This has been his misguided belief since at least the 1980s. Congress must intervene before economic losses are counted in tens of trillions of dollars.
All because of Trump, Musk & REPUBLICAN policies and bad business practices.
Why is the left so hateful 😕
An enemy at the gates is less formidable.
Marcus Tullius Cicero
He crashed the market to strip the people, and we have to go to handouts or kissing the ring?
I will not be kissing no dang bodies Ring!
These people have no hearts. No compassion.
No soul of a man!
They're building an alternative army of the same type?
You are watching him (main attraction or distraction)🤔
Where and what are others? You know?
The loyalist?
In training? 🤔
Why is it so quiet?
They're not working in the government; or on the TV or every podcast
BUT.. Get out now.
I got out on innaguration day.
It's only going to get worse.
Move them to bonds.
You can always move it back when this shit stabilizes. But that will take a bit.
My lifetime USA Recessions
(so far) w/ President who was in office when it started:
1969-1970 Nixon
1973-1975 Ford
1980-1982 Regan
1990-1991 GHW Bush
2000-2001 GW Bush
2007-2009 GW Bush
2020-2021 Trump
2025- Trump
🤬 Republicans
*moronic hillbillies
So, technically, "We are going to pay..."
And we are getting so much money we don't even know what to do with it.
More stock market loss and our economy crashes… 4 trillion dollars lost… in just weeks
I do not trust this administration to make any decisions that will fully support Americans
We are not spending…
“Look on her, she sold her house to Tesla owner, disgusting!”
Hopefully he takes a ride in it and has an explosively good time.
Let us sing the song of schadenfreude
Payed less in penalties than I would've lost today.
Oh, wait…
not need to have a tax break they can write off there stock losses 😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣 especially ELON
Asking for a friend🤷♀️
Elump and Don aren’t done yet.
There's ppl that will figure out how they can cash in with this mkts, roller coaster ride.
Maybe someone already created an app...or maybe even an AI program.
I am so glad i no longer participate in stocks/funds etc
PM Carney set the terms and took control of the war.
"We will not lift the tariffs until the Americans show us some respect."
What constitutes respect? WE will decide.
Our tariffs have not been withdrawn despite his cowardly pause. They are increasing.
Elbows up
The USSR did more to end fascism white supremacy zionists nazis than anyone with the glorious red army partisans. Pity he didn't take out Bandera or go further. Clear out the US of all white supremacists entirely would be a great start in making America truly great. For all
Prevent your access to your pension by dismissing social sec dept employees so you can't access help. THEN
tanking your pension fund stocks. It's called a depression. Susso queues form 1929 style
That essentially is how fortunes are made in the market.
1.5T is almost 1% of the western investing market.
So, 7-time-bankrupt Trump just lost 1% of all Earth’s invested money via 🇺🇸 . Horrendous, and criminal.
So much whining.
Must be,
Biden's fault!
Fucking hang him!
Hmm, I wonder where the problem lies? 🤔
The sky is falling in on his economic expertise.
"Plunderers Plummet"
"Chainsaw gash"
"Orange recession"
"Reverse Trump Bump"
"I tend to cringe, when someone says 'Happy New Year!', as I know it will go down, as one of the most fucked-up years in America's history".
Agree to sell ABC123 at $100/sh on April 1st; drive the price of if down to $70/sh; on april 1st but the shares at $70 and complete the short sell at $100 and make $30/share!!!!
Just get him to give you a heads-up the day before so you can buy up stocks when they’re cheapest.
Just as Canada is leaving our tariffs and export taxes in place until Trump can commit no further fiduciary crimes against us. (Excellent organization! They can help you.)
Retook it, and this time paid someone to take the final for him.
And how much was the rich people cashing out their winnings?
The Dwarves: Slimey, Greedy, Smarmy, Bigley, Boozey, Felony, and Dumbass.