What I never heard from Bernie or others was, what to do when all the people that the junta wants to fire anyway don't have a funded job to start with. And, he should remember the first time the Tea Party pulled that stunt; how would this have been different?
🔥 Bernie is RIGHT. This isn’t bipartisanship — it’s surrender. Democrats helping the GOP push this budget are failing their voters. If you’re not fighting for the people, you’re fighting against them. SHARE if you’re DONE with weak leadership! 😡
🔥 EXACTLY, Cindy! Politicians aren’t elected to line their own pockets — they’re there to fight for the PEOPLE. Selling out to the GOP isn’t bipartisanship, it’s BETRAYAL. If you’re not standing for the voters, you’re standing AGAINST them.
Bernie should start his own party with the few democrats that have proven they are willing to fight. Start fresh. The republicans have gone to the Nazi party, democrats are too weak so we need a new guard.
This is why 40% of our population didn’t participate because there’s no one to vote for that is where we’re at Democrats are spineless cowards aside from Bernie and they will never let him even close to a primary election
If the markets stabilize after the shameful capitulation of the corporatist dems voting yes for the CR, we'll know the real reason for their lack of courage.
Their wall street friends.
Most of us agree. Guess we all should be Independents. There’s no backbone with these guys. There’s only petite AOC and Schiff and Murphy and Lawson to follow. The rest have a Lemmings attitude.
Both of my Senators voted in favor of breaking the filibuster. They agreed with Schumer to avert a partial shutdown and continued vigilance over djt's and EM's efforts to tear down the government was in the best interest of the country. I'm not sure I agree, originally it was a hard no. Rs own this.
Mitch McConnell knew how to get EVERY Republican to vote NO against everything Obama tried to pass and they obeyed him every time. (not an endorsement of him, just a fact).
The Democrats who voted to advance the measure also included Dick Durbin (Ill.), Sens.Catherine Cortez Masto (D-Nev.), Maggie Hassan (D-N.H.),John Fetterman (D-Pa.), Gary Peters (D-Mich.),Brian Schatz (D-Hawaii), Kirsten Gillibrand (D-N.Y.),Jeanne Shaheen (D-N.H.),and Angus King (Maine), and Schumer
Schumer wants us to believe that it was right thing to do! Only nine out of the 47 democrats voted with him! He had just enough to get it passed but everybody else was wrong? Chris Murphy, Elizabeth Warren, Bernie Sanders, Cory Booker, Tammy Duckworth, Mark Kelly et Al! Makes no sense!
Heres the text for the last chapter of Schumer’s book:
He will be forever remembered as the coward that ignited the US civil war and dragged a once thriving nation into 3rd world status led by endless dictators wielding murderous power. No nation ever fell so far, so fast as the one he betrayed.
I'm with Mark Twain all politicians totally suck-some suck more like child rapist trumpers and others suck on the down low like Schumers who keep child rapists in office!
I absolutely agree with Bernie here! NO DEMOCRAT should have voted FOR that piece of #GOPFascist Garbage Bill! Chuck Schumer, you are such a Milquetoast Quisling! GROW A DAMNED SPINE or move over and let someone actually LEAD!
Dem leadership & our Whole FCKING Party failed b/c from 2016 on ALL we care about is the latest snarky gop-hate meme, yapping about #Drumph, & the plight of drag queens & those tragic rich transgender kids (its a richkid problem). Poor kids want food, shelter, education, safety, a future!
Don't like Bernie for how he treated Hilary during the 2016 election. But he does have a spine, and he is willing to call people out and fight. He gets it
Just like anyone with an affliction, we need to take a good, honest look at ourselves.
Hard to do, because we fear what might be looking back at us, but it's necessary to do.
Acknowledging the problem is the first step to solving it...
Excerpt from the series 2028: Part 2 -Battle for the Future
#Betrayal #10Sellouts #10Primaries it’s like Sinema joined with Manchin & had 10 minions! #Shame
Great, but does no good from here on out. I want Bernie to talk to @ruthbenghiat.bsky.social @maryltrump.bsky.social & cult deprogrammers to learn how HE CAN REACH is cult followers who turned to Felon47. RFKJr became an excuse after their leap. Pretending covid didn't happen is big mistake.
Bernie being the mover and shaker on the Dems is not something I thought would happen, but he deserves all the credit for going out there, holding meetings and getting the other Dems out there as well.
That man has been saying and doing the exact same shit for decades. He’s never once changed the tune he carries in his bucket, but people just didn’t want to listen to him before. 🤷♀️
You know what to do, folks. This craven bastard chose Wall Street over We the People. Let’s let him know that HE WORKS FOR US! This isn’t about his book. This is about him capitulating to fascists. Make a plan. Show up and show out. BE LOUD. This motherfucker betrayed us! 🤬
Bernie Sanders is a loud mouth jackass that criticizes the Democratic party while sucking on the tits of the Democratic party. If Schumer wasn't such a pussy the Democratic party would run a candidate against them in Vermont he needs to go. Grow up Assenstiens
Bernie along with Sean Fain could unite a movement that could bring the billionaire class to its knees. They have the ability to unite people across all walks of life against this tyranny because they speak the words of the working people and the poor. Eat the rich!
All of them are a disgrace to the dem they thought in their own interests instead of the people they’re are traitors and Shummer needs to quit and let other lead
I love the therapy sessions Bernie is holding across the country in red areas. People know things aren't great for them. The GOP for many years told them it's the fault of the "others" and stoking division. Bernie is telling them the truth. It's the rich. They are listening. Go Bernie.
Bernie is the one sitting Senator who says what he means, means what he says and isn't afraid to say it. I hate dwelling on the past, but we could have had it so good had he won... I supported HRC, but the decision to put her up instead of Bernie was a fatal one for democrats, and this country.
I agree, people loved him but the DNC didn’t. I loved Hillary too and she would have been excellent, but MSM helped the felon who was great for laughs and making money, and the people were duped.
It's bc Bernie Sanders doesn't take money from DNC donors or lobbyists. He doesn't have to tow the line that's why he's never scared n his positions have never changed. We must get money out of politics. The DNC shuns everyone who doesn't accept donors n lobbyists money bc they can't control them.
Hard to know for sure. Who knows what Comey would have announced about Bernie just before the election. The media would have roasted him worse than Hillary. He does inspire devotion though.
A difficult choice . . . agree to the bill or face a lengthy government shutdown that Trump would make no effort to resolve & would blame on Democrats & would make Musk's job of dismantling govt easier. Judges have been ordering fired workers back to their jobs. That wouldn't happen with a shutdown.
i was at a Veterans Protest while chuck was stabbing us in the back. At this time I admit, Im mentally exhausted, I know to watch out for maga, its the time and again its out own people failing us. If we ever get a chance again, We have got to clean house and rebuild this party. More Jasmine , AOC
Run against these asses with @runforsomething.net
Also the new DNC is starting town halls in red districts and working to get new people running for seats all over https://democrats.org/peoples-town...
Use any measure you can to get these assholes out! AOC was a waitress, we can get elected too!
Also new DNC started phone banks for the Wisconsin dems and organizing calls in Florida for the special elections. They also dropped a new lawsuit against Trump to protect election security
They want new folks elected to all levels of gov. Consider going to your local state dem party and running!
If you got Republican representatives then keep blowing up their communications for the bullshit they crammed in the CR bill. Also call for making CR bills mundane rather than this shit show they put on!
It's definitely the line in the Sand. If you voted for that bill, that should be the main reason people vote for a primary opponent. We can't have these people in our government anymore! They are the dooped guards of the concentration camp.
He’s 💯! We are in our own WAR just as Ukraine/Russia/HAMAS/Israel! Unlike over there, we have no dead bodies & limbs in the street, YET! But metaphorically many will die, loose something, because Dems can’t stand united! Too many what about ME in the party! There’s only 1 ME in the GOP!
That tells you everything you need to know about the state of American politics. When the vote is 74 to 71 on something that NOBODY should support, it’s clear that fundamental values are not shared.
I thought only the American people were stupid not the elected officials except for the idiots in the Republican party. Now it turns out that there is an exceptionally low percentage of people and elected officials with common sense in the US.
Utterly astonished in Scotland 🏴 what is happening in the U.S That dangerous orange clown is going to destroy you all for the sake of his inflated sense of vanity & power. A very dangerous narcissist.
Can I declare my little corner of East Kentucky part of Scotland? I'll send you some great Bourbon and you can send me some Scotch no tariffs! Seriously though you are spot on in your assessment.
Choose shit or shit - however...a shutdown would give full control over government spending to Trump/Musk, 'under a shutdown, the administration gets to determine which functions of the government are essential and which are not.'
Tbh it would also group them up easier. If say a revolution at the same time were to happen they’d have nowhere to run and be sitting ducks! Donald sucks if you rather xD
All this article told me is that too many people are not worried about policy when they vote. If one goes from Sanders to Trump....policy means nothing to them unless everything is EXACTLY how they want it...like Trump supporters they want destruction. 1/
We can only steer the wheel with our vote, we can not wave a magic wand because we are a country of millions of people with different ideas. We are human beings. We are not perfect but we should keep trying. We need to keep moving the country in the direction of life Liberty and happiness for all..
I felt I was not supporting the woman in 2016 but as a voter policy was more important. When Hillary won the primary it was between her and the most unqualified man to be President so my choice became easy. I knew Trump would continue to compromise the SCOTUS and was a racist and misogynist. 4/
In the Primary in 2016 I so wanted to vote for the woman candidate. I want to see a woman President....but I stuck to my obligation as a voter to vote for the candidate that aligns MORE with the policies I agree with and that was Bernie. 3/
Neither Trump supporters nor "Bernie Bros" acknowledge the human condition. They think that if they just get their savior in there everyone will fall in line and they will live happily ever after surrounded by their own respective utopia....and neither group ever questions themselves EVER. 2/
Far right meets far left. Russian GRU propaganda targets both. Putin learned that from the East German Stasi when stationed in Dresden. Both are cults.
They voted for it on the basis that it will fund the government… but after its signed… he will just refuse to fund everything in it.. CA is not getting money .. nor is anyone else.. he did it with the other bill..… he is not going to fund it.. he just isn’t.. why is this so hard to understand?
Chucks on Tour!
Let's go out and make it an event. if your local, get your loco on and meet and greet the man who sold you down the drain.
Let him know, he needs to go.
By voting for the funding bill these 9 democrats have shown approval for Trump & Musk. They raised the white flag without a fight. They must be voted out.
Dick Durbin
Catherine Cortez Masto
Maggie Hassan
John Fetterman
Gary Peters
Brian Schatz
KirstenG Gillibrand
Jeanne Shahen
Angus King
Well Bernie loves trashing Democrats; it's his raison d'etre. I urged my NY Senators to vote no, but this is no time to fracture. The Senators who voted yes genuinely thought it was the right thing to do, and nobody knows for sure in these INSANE times when criminal freaks run the country.
I love Bernie always have always will but he’s wrong. There was a reason reason and it’s much bigger than many people out there realize and yes, you’re mad. I get it. I’ve been mad since Kamala Harris certified Trump‘s votes.
You didn’t have to we have a 14th amendment section 3. He’s in complete violation of that. There’s no question he should not have been certified, but she did it because everybody in the Democratic Party thinks they have to do the right thing. Well screw that time to start fighting like a warrior.
During World War I, a white feather, pinned to a man's clothing by women, symbolized cowardice and a failure to fulfill one's duty to the war effort
I like Bernie, but his words change nothing. The damage has been done. The remaining credibility of the democratic party has been destroyed. Nothing they say, from this day forward, can be trusted. America is on fire. We are on. our. own.
We are going to have to find new ways to deal with these threats to our freedom. The legislature has been permanently neutered, and the remaining leverage has been given away by 10 individuals that have chosen to kiss the ring instead of working for their constituents. Best of luck to us all.
54-46. The GOP didn't have the votes to pass this. The level of failure at the top of Dem leadership is astounding. They could have just let the thing die by GOP hands. Instead Schumer and 9 other Dems are now responsible for Trump's rampage through the govt and the ensuing disasters to come.
This is well beyond "own goal" territory. This borders on outright collusion with Trump - Trump's own congratulatory post certainly hints at some deals with Schumer in the backroom which, Trump being Trump, will never be realized.
To Vote r the GOP is a significant fail …… not to do it may like doge *.* …… shutdown the entire Trump government …… but why …… GOP have all majorities they need …… 🤐
This was an embarrassing disgrace of representation! The government is still on its way be being shut down by trumpelon anyway!!! Never compromise with the enemy😡😡😡
I know who I would replace Worthless Chuck with. Bernie has been consistently fighting day in and day out alone for Democracy. This is the type of party we must become if we are to survive. Is Bernie wrong to want the American people to be able to enjoy the untold wealth that so few can now attain.
The danger of shutting down the government to induce anarchy shows Bernies true colors. He’s working to induce martial law as a Friend of the people! I can’t stand Chuck S, but he got his orders from old world money not to induce anarchy at this time. They are liquidating the $38 trillion debt first
It may have been better to say they had their reasons, but I disagree with their action. The American people are under assault the elon and trump regime. We, the non-participants, have to find a way to drive them back into oblivion where they belong.
Dems should not bring their fight into the open.
No wrong they should bring it to the open if you mean public by the word open. Show the world the shit so we all can get mad an join what we support and kick what we don’t to the curb!
The world has 3-D view of our sh*t. Agree to disagree. trump tried to stick it to us by complimenting Schumer. I don’t buy that sh*t.
I don’t fully understand Schumer and party’s full reasoning but some of the best and brightest Senate Dems voted “yay” and I’m going to see where this goes.
We need to see that our leaders are fighting back to encourage hope that we can resist this mess if we band together. We are working hard to unify protests and calls to our leaders, and we get abandoned by our own team!
Folks, including vets, still have their jobs today, thank you schumer. I get it, I hate trump & admin, but theyre not 2 b trusted & maybe he got wind of bs trump, voight were trying 2 pull... then all b bitching about that! yes, it sucks, but folks still have jobs & right now that means something!
The moral center of the
US Senate
#ChuckSchumer chooses #Fascism.
#SlavaUkraini ✊🏼🇺🇦
#ViveLaCanada ✊🏼🇨🇦
This is so crazy.....😳
I call this the bill of how to cast down the downtrodden,and to decimate the poor bill!😡👎❌
WE WILL SURVIVE THE TRUMP/ MUSK REIGN OF TERROR! 😈 #CR #Cloture #Democrat #Impeach #Trump #Musk #Congress #Protest #Doge #Law #Fight
Vote No- shut down the government and Executive branch runs riot.
Then blame whatever they do on the shutdown.
Blame the shut down on Democrats.
All media will sell this version.
Their wall street friends.
For having MN's back
Schumer hasn't got a clue. Get rid of him.
We need strength in the Dem Party - not weakness!
The GOP Cult is weak enough - this is your moment Dems - TAKE IT!
He will be forever remembered as the coward that ignited the US civil war and dragged a once thriving nation into 3rd world status led by endless dictators wielding murderous power. No nation ever fell so far, so fast as the one he betrayed.
Dem leadership & our Whole FCKING Party failed b/c from 2016 on ALL we care about is the latest snarky gop-hate meme, yapping about #Drumph, & the plight of drag queens & those tragic rich transgender kids (its a richkid problem). Poor kids want food, shelter, education, safety, a future!
Until TRUMP/ELON is installed as a totalitarian dictator?
Master Coach Hu
Until TRUMP/ELON is installed as a totalitarian dictator?
Master Coach Hu
Hard to do, because we fear what might be looking back at us, but it's necessary to do.
Acknowledging the problem is the first step to solving it...
Excerpt from the series 2028: Part 2 -Battle for the Future
STOPPED by any means necessary & possible 👍🏼
to do it again
and again
That’s all gone now.🙄
How dare they practice....democracy.
Also the new DNC is starting town halls in red districts and working to get new people running for seats all over https://democrats.org/peoples-town...
Use any measure you can to get these assholes out! AOC was a waitress, we can get elected too!
They want new folks elected to all levels of gov. Consider going to your local state dem party and running!
It’s going to get ugly
Let's go out and make it an event. if your local, get your loco on and meet and greet the man who sold you down the drain.
Let him know, he needs to go.
Dick Durbin
Catherine Cortez Masto
Maggie Hassan
John Fetterman
Gary Peters
Brian Schatz
KirstenG Gillibrand
Jeanne Shahen
Angus King
Please publish their proud districts.
I'm sending them white chickens
I fear you're expressing #agism.
Dems should not bring their fight into the open.
I don’t fully understand Schumer and party’s full reasoning but some of the best and brightest Senate Dems voted “yay” and I’m going to see where this goes.
Bernie loves this moment: He always shits on the Dems, and now he can say, "See? I was right!"
A difference of opinion should not be a flash point when all the choices are bad.
FOCUS ON THE REAL ENEMIES: Trump, Musk and their minions.