That's precisely the point, bc the Frump Admin is not only aligned with the Kremlin autocrats but is functioning as its vassal state to disrupt alliances and seed chaos.
🚨 THIS IS TERRIFYING. If America’s closest ally feels threatened, imagine what that means for the rest of the world. Trump’s reckless behavior is isolating us globally — even CANADA is scared. How far will this go? SHARE THIS — the world needs to see it! 🔥
The problem is saying all that on the internet doesn't do a thing. Are too few Americans, like the Germans, going to try and stop this that fascism takes over? Will all Americans, like Germans in 1945, be held responsible for what comes? If Americans just wait to vote then it's all lost.
Speaking of ally's and friends. How does your government install this POS after the horrible job Trudeau did? You guys need to stand up and fight for the working people.
The majority of people in America hate Donold Trump and his family of rejects. Don’t go to the White House it’s full of Donnie’s crime friends. Rapist,woman beaters ,fraudsters,felons and the convicted felon himself.
Trump has fucked over every person that has entered his life. No loyalty. No honesty. His word means nothing. Eventually, everyone gets burnt. Why this surprises anyone, always puzzles me.
Neither my wife nor I, but all of our neighbors and all the people I work with. Seventy-four million fascists voted, and millions of silent fascists didn’t vote but still support him. Let’s not pretend he doesn’t have support.
I won't pretend to hide my hate for those who betrayed our democracy. I can only fight back by writing. People didn't vote for trump. He was installed like a piece of cheap malware by the nazi musk.
Bullshit. Tens of millions voted for him, and tens of millions still support him. The working class installed him—not the five oligarchs who kiss his ass or the one who manipulates him now. You sound like those Germans after the war who claimed they were all innocent and that Hitler did it all.
He's so right. Americans are just on the front lines of not being safe. Seriously, the J6 Committee should flee immediately. He always broadcasts his evil intentions before fulfilling them.
If they can take away medicine, and food from the world's poorest. And cancer research, and clean water from the US there is no doubt they have gone collectively mad.
Whereas we lost many authentic news outlets and then the vacuum was filled by far right "Christian" preachers groomed to be radio voices. Driving through the Mid-west and hearing what's on the radio is deeply troubling.
Please know American people are very upset with Trump/Musk/Vance ruining every relationship with our friends & 🍁 We do understand your anger as we are also angry frustrated and generally pissed off!
We are all rooting for the States to return to normal !!! The craziness comes from the tech reich trying to take over. See the videos on my pinned post! It’s all there. We NEED to get the word out! You can’t make this 💩 up!
Actually, Canada, Trump is already doing it to us, the US citizens. It's becoming bad over here. Our own rights are being stripped away with each passing day.
It’s absolutely awful! We (Americans) are not this way. Only the deranged leader and the fucked up
MAGA cult. The rest of us are completely embarrassed and ashamed.
Do what you need to do, Canada.
The world needs leadership, and democracy needs a new champion in case we cannot right our ship. Stand with NATO & revive SEATO. Save the world.
Take up our quarrel with the foe:
To you from failing hands we throw
The torch; be yours to hold it high.
Doesn't the Canadian Forces have a special commando unit?
I mean, next time Turdov bloviates in the Anal swift coup and the issue is done.
He is correct, sadly. The US will never be trusted on the world stage again, and rightfully so. And for what? So bloated orange Caligula can throw his weight around.
Our “friends” did the same thing. They lower theirs, we lower ours. Canada’ tariffs before Trump took office:Dairy Products: Tariffs ranged from 200% to 300% on milk, cheese, and butter. Grain and Poultry were also part of Canada's policies to support domestic industries
It is 2/3rds of the American people who supported trump by voting for him or failing to turn up to vote against him.
It is the Republican party who support his presidency.
It is the democrats who failed to have his eligibility to run for president removed.
And yes - his administration as well.
Just a thought, maybe 50% of your post can be for engagement and 50% could list activities, marches, protests upcoming that people can go participate? If you’re sincere about your hyperbole
Please don’t hate on the rest of us Canada, it’s just the 🍊🤡 who is being the tyrant here. We hate him just as much as you do. I’m only 20 minutes over the border from your beautiful country.
This statement is incorrect. It assumes ALL AMERICANS support the filthy criminals. NO, WE DO NOT!
You can abandon America and abandon the 10’s of MILLIONS of Americans who despise this human shithole. Abandon the 10’s of MILLIONS OF TRUE AMERICANS WHO STAND WITH CANADA. 🇺🇸🇨🇦🇺🇸🇨🇦🇺🇸🇨🇦
Wise-up, Canucks. The US hates us because we don't fall in line with their fascist new regime. This isn't some fun schoolyard tif, it's an insidious ramp-up of aggression.
Trump has famously said that he has never had a real friend..and he is " running " ??, the US at the moment . So, for now , forget the " closest friend stuff!@
Yup. Nobody is safe. That’s exactly right. In a way, we are lucky: a smarter fascist sociopath would have been more clever and covert. But the #OrangePsychoClown (OPC) is doing this stuff right out in the open.
Instead of knee jerk reaction read this. Initially there is great ideology to do good for ones country but external influences and interference makes them monsters.
You're right. It's an amoral comparison.
Trying to remember my Philosophy 101 (Logic) but
an argument can be valid without being true?
Or limited in scope.
Compare this to the cruelty inflicted upon the indigenous people of the entire Americas by the Westerners. I am not going to give you links. You need to go to the library and find out the true facts.
There is no reason to apply philosophical logic here. Read the facts, ideology, influences, external interference that lead good ideology to creating a cruel leader and a bitter end.
Who in their right mind would pick on Canada or Canadians? There is something extremely not right about Trump. Actually, probably a lot of things. And that would be okay .... IF he left the rest of us alone!! If ONLY we could find another country that would take him!!
I hope Canadians can make the distinction as well. This one does! 😁
American citizens are uniquely qualified to stop Trump. Your constitution GUARANTEES your freedoms to speak out, demonstrate, etc. I hope Americans rise up before it's too late.
Trump is trampling all over the Constitution, ignoring it completely, then the courts try to undo the damage and guess what, those judges end up getting fired. Trump is shutting down all opposition. No one seems to know what to do to stop him (and Musk). People are protesting, media isn't covering.
Yeah we know… Dems tried .. we tried to tell everyone.. but nobody listened.. the legacy media treated it as they are now.. an interesting alternate reality.. you see us protesting but we need help.. we need the world to hurt the red states and support the blue states.. money makes us powerful..
The fact is that Trump should have been laughed out of US politics 9 years ago.
But that didn't happen. And now we all have to deal with him. Even in Canada (my country) and the rest of the free world.
I'm so sorry to hear about your family. That's horrible. 🥺
There is only one good thing about Trump. He's old. Let's hope when he's gone some people will be able to return to sanity...
I don't feel safe within our borders! I don't! I don't trust that if I were to be attacked on the street that a single person would come to my aid. I don't trust that the cops won't decide to incarcerate me for being a trans woman, or disabled, or because of my tics. I'm desperate to leave.
The morbid placidity of the general population toward what is happening is stultifying. When people ask me how I am, I tell them I am terrified, that I fear for my life. They laugh and say, "You're silly." I'm not silly. There's a dictator who is defying court orders. We're in danger.
These apathetic morons will wake up one morning in Gilead and wonder what the hell happened "all of a sudden." By then, the regime will be firmly entrenched and a shit ton of American will have vanished.
Precisely. And they will smile and say nothing is wrong, while their forced IVF babies are raised by the miliary and shipped abroad to crucify the rest of the world for its insolent desire to be sovereign and free. And it will be our fault for not stopping it.
100% same for me. I am about to send an ultimatum to the MAGA side of my "family" that are supposedly supportive of me being trans but still support Trump. So if they continue to condone this violence and act as bystanders, it will be the last they ever hear from me. This may be tolerated no longer.
I lost my natal family to suicide, and though that hurts, they were all Trump-lovers since the 80's, and before that, they went so far as to want David Duke to run for president. It disgusts me to have been raised a racist, and I'm so glad I've been able to move on from it. I'm glad I stand alone.
But it just goes to show how fragile MAGA is. They committed suicide over money. Yes, that hurts so much, but their outlook was also disgusting. The grief is complicated. What's worse is that I have recent Black ancestry, yet we were so racist against Blacks. I was so proud to learn of my heritage.
But I see my mother in Trump, violently clinging to authority, telling lies, gaslighting and abusing power. It's a pattern of behavior with these people, these erstwhile Confederates. There's a disease of the mind that infects them, and they spread it through inculcation and education through lies.
I'm so sorry, that sounds extremely difficult to have gone through, but I am so glad you were able to get out of it.
And also, never forget that you don't stand alone. We all stand together, each and every one of us. The found family of the trans community, all for one and one for all.
I was following you guys in 2016. It's wild how it was always coming down to this shit. Trump both means what he says, and even means it more, if he avoids speaking about it at all. Where else can Neo-Hitler make his bones, but unfortunately it's all to bring the US down in revenge by Putin and Co.
Even if we manage to survive the Trump regime & eventually have Democrats in control again, the rest of the world won't trust us. He has broken so many treaties, agreements & contracts that our enemies & allies find our country untrustworthy. It will take decades to repair his damage.
Sandy, I hope you’re wrong, I think that the allies closest to us Canada and Mexico have seen the support that the majority of Americans share with them and all hope for the end of Donald Trump
I know they don't blame the majority of us for our government, but our government under Trump has revealed a flaw. In past admins the incoming President would honor any agreement made by the previous admin. Trump just tore them up & refused to honor them. Thus we are no longer trustworthy.
Malignant narcissists don't have friends. Trump would have literally thrown his own mother under a bus. Stop expecting him to behave like a normal human being. Expect lies, cruelty and delusional thinking.
Putin told him that if he shanks his own brother, everyone will view him with fear. He never thought that his brother would fight back. Or that the rest of the world would stand by his brother, not him.
And generations to come they will need to rebuild trust with the real free democratic countries of the world, the damage this criminal rapist is doing to his own people is tremendous. Nobody will trust the Americans ever again!
Trump and Republicans were very popular among Western conservatives(not just in Canada at all), primarily due to shared white supremacist racism. They only soured on Trump after he turned on them with the tariffs and other bullshit.
If Trump keep acting like that without any check or balance in his behaviors, World War III cannot be ruled out. This is even worse when we know Putin is currently doing the same blackmail to Ukraine and the European allies of Ukraine.
One demented sociopath did.
Your country as a whole did this.
And more people DIDN'T vote for him than did.
Go ahead and blame all Americans if you must, but it's not really an accurate take.
Do you blame Hungarians for Orban? Russians for Putin?
I don't blame all Americans.
Saying you blame the country, the entity America, doesn't mean I blame every American.
I would never blame Americans who voted for Kamala. They did their jobs.
People who voted for Trump and people who stayed home?
Damn straight I blame them
We will be alone in the world. [well, except for his buddy Vlad. Vlad loves us, right???]
I think picking on a friend out of the blue is a chicken shit move
You know your friend will be taken off guard, & you can act all tough while punching down again like a chicken shit
When they fight back,Trump acts all surprised bc he has dementia & all the ppl around him are
This has never happened before! Never heard any talk about that ever in my life.
#ElbowsUp #Glovesoff
I’m watching my fellow AMERICANS cower in fear of a a filthy, lying, criminal.
Fuck trump. 🖕🏼
We are pissed.
#ElbowsUp #GlovesOff
This doesn't get more serious.
I am against everything dRUMPf is doing.
After midnight they plug into the globe public interest stations.
MAGA cult. The rest of us are completely embarrassed and ashamed.
The world needs leadership, and democracy needs a new champion in case we cannot right our ship. Stand with NATO & revive SEATO. Save the world.
Take up our quarrel with the foe:
To you from failing hands we throw
The torch; be yours to hold it high.
That would probably be the only way to give MAGA any really sense of consequence…
I mean, next time Turdov bloviates in the Anal swift coup and the issue is done.
Most Americans don’t trust Trump & minions.
So, no country should trust Trump!
at cross-purposes
It is the Republican party who support his presidency.
It is the democrats who failed to have his eligibility to run for president removed.
And yes - his administration as well.
You can abandon America and abandon the 10’s of MILLIONS of Americans who despise this human shithole. Abandon the 10’s of MILLIONS OF TRUE AMERICANS WHO STAND WITH CANADA. 🇺🇸🇨🇦🇺🇸🇨🇦🇺🇸🇨🇦
When/if you get your country cleaned up, we can talk again.
Trying to remember my Philosophy 101 (Logic) but
an argument can be valid without being true?
Or limited in scope.
I am one. I don’t feel safe or tranquil. And I support all pushback from other nations!
And it’s scary as hell.
Love to our peace-loving American neighbors/friends/family.
#elbowsup Canada.
I think instead of you becoming the 51st State, most Americans would like to become an extension of Canada.
American citizens are uniquely qualified to stop Trump. Your constitution GUARANTEES your freedoms to speak out, demonstrate, etc. I hope Americans rise up before it's too late.
51st state talk must STOP NOW.
#elbowsup Canada.
Our founders never foresaw a day when one Party would cede its balance of power.
Courts are the only thing keeping democracy alive.
And I truly feel for you all. ♥️
The fact is that Trump should have been laughed out of US politics 9 years ago.
But that didn't happen. And now we all have to deal with him. Even in Canada (my country) and the rest of the free world.
IMO, I think so many felt left behind for so many reasons, they were cynical. Eager to latch onto a populist blaming "the other".
Others, far right, are just vile human beings.
There is only one good thing about Trump. He's old. Let's hope when he's gone some people will be able to return to sanity...
And also, never forget that you don't stand alone. We all stand together, each and every one of us. The found family of the trans community, all for one and one for all.
We Will Win
Not me
Not you
Organize locally NOW
Count your loss and adjust your ambitions, Trump!
America, under Trump, has no honour.