He's acting like this is some kind of fun, new video game and doesn't care about the havoc he breaks on others' lives. He will never feel empathy, but losing money, power, and prestige will get to him.
Elbows up Canada!!
Next time for a continued prosperous and healthy economy band all Muskrat companies, Telsa, Neurolink,Starlink, Space X,
there are other alternatives that are far superior than his products. Give his a foot and he will take over the whole country, like he's done in the USA.
They should do their own investigation about all the problems with the swasti-car and prohibit them from the roads. The cars, and their owners are a threat to Canadians!!!
That's step 1.
Next, they should slap a massive tariff on Swasticars.
Third step: Make continued ownership of a Tesla cost 2 or 3 times any other EV - enough so that current owners start selling off.
We should ban them here in Denmark for sentry mode alone but I suspect law enforcement's love for said mode is a reason for not banning that creepy shit.
I missed the reference, because I was skimming through comments too fast. But I saw yours and the "Goddamn foreign cars!" line from Gremlins popped into my head.
Federal not provincial. There is no longer a federal incentive and Ontario itself has not had one for a few years so Ontario can’t exclude them from something it doesn’t even have
Country after country are canceling their Starlink contracts as well. I wonder if he feels like he is winning yet allying w/ Trump. Impossible to think that Dems will ever be in control again - but I can't see them continuing govt contracts w/ him after all this!
Straight white Americans are responsible for everything that is happening in our country. Their posturing and inability to understand this is how severe racism is in America. Your families voted for this man in numbers after the laundry list of reasons he was incompetent and unqualified.
Cool. I tried driving a Corolla and it was like a tin can blowing on the highway. I felt safer is the larger and heavier Ford but that was a gas guzzler.
We have had an electric car, as well as my play Jeep, and a diesel golf, for years now. Paying ~$35/ month for charging the EV (1500km month) makes me not like driving the other vehicles much.
This is what it takes people, the courage of your convictions. It doesn't matter if you're an individual, a state or province or a whole country, WALK THE TALK and stand up for what you know is right and just!
CEO shareholders at tesla sold 100 million in shares yesterday apparently.
I have no researched this yet but if true... huge kick in the teeth for Musk!
Well, apparently when the rebate program was getting ready to close because it'd been so popular, four Tesla dealerships began selling two cars a minute until Tesla got $43M in rebates. No proof yet (probably never happen) if they were individual sales or just bogus mass purchases. I have a guess.
Your comment led me to an epiphany. At first, I declined to share your post because I couldn't verify it. I care about the truth so I don't spread information I can't confirm. Meanwhile, the "other side" has no moral issue doing so. And that's why misinformation spreads so easily. #LeftIntegrity
Snopes has some info. Comparatively, there are 3 x as many Teslas manufactured with a similar fire related death count. Not sure that’s good all things considered but yes it is misleading. Also, Elon can still eat 💩 though.
Don't worry, you'll never have to apologize for fact checking with me. I hate boosting information that ends up being fake or misleading. I have, rarely, had to defend trump and crew for things that were fake. Plenty of real reasons to hate them without made up ones.
Just imagine that a Canadian consortium comes up with EV which batteries do not contain the sweat and blood of children and labor slave (and won't conflagrate!), paying fair wages and the CEOs are no fascistic narcisstic misanthropes.
Ontario doesn’t actually offer any EV incentives. We just have the $5000 federal one. In fact, the Premier here was originally elected on a platform focused on cancelling renewable energy contracts and getting rid of the generous EV incentives we did have.
We will surely come to regret this petty tariff, but I think by the time that happens I’ll be dead so the next generation can deal with the fallout of my feelings
Wish my premier had the balls to stand up to the States... Unfortunately, Scott Moe would rather stand very still next to the potted plant in his office in hopes that nobody will notice him and hopefully it will all blow over soon 🤦
If Scott Moe had any balls he would be putting an export tax on potash, or start pushing sales to other countries. Canada has ~ 1/3 of the resources, we should leverage that.
Omgosh you just literally made me laugh out loud. Congratulations 👏 you just won my 🏆 🏆 for the lol moment of today. Good one ….i can just oioh beside the potted plant with leaves covering his face 🤣🤣🤣
And that rustling sound the staffers hear as they pass by the ficus elastica is really Scott Moe whispering "potash, potash, potash" over and over again.
As it turns out, the ficus benjamina is known as the weeping fig, while the ficus elastica is known as the rubber fig. I picked it because its broad leaves are better for Moe to hide behind 😁
I lived in Saskatchewan back in the Grant Devine days. And remember that when Roy Romanow took over, SK was so broke, the province was refused a loan for an ATCO trailer.
Devine privatized everything that wasn't tied down. You'd think SK would have learned but I guess memories fade.
I will never truly understand how people vote against their own interests with such vain confidence. The best explanation I've heard lies within the adage: "The trees voted for the axe because its handle was made of wood." Identity politics may be the death knell of democracy.
Same in BC. A tax incentive is by definition, public money being handed over to subsidize somebody or something. Our premier very reasonably decided that BC tax payers did not want to subsidize someone threatening our sovereignty
🇨🇦🇺🇦🤔 … Over 250,000 Canadians have also signed a petition to revoke Elon Musk’s citizenship.
Maybe America can get started on that one as well.
Yes, I know the countries are operating differently & this would add to Trump’s enemy list-
Show him you can’t be intimidated!
🇨🇦🤔 Yes, but his mother made the grave mistake of tweeting some crap about encouraging voters to commit fraud during the 2024 presidential election…
She was born in Canada but attacking a democratic right like she did raises questions.
He WAS NOT born here though— so he can piss off!
#Musk #Elon
🇨🇦🇺🇦😳 Holy shit-balls-I stand corrected!
Has anybody else checked out how many Canadians have signed Charlie Angus’s petition to revoke Elon Musk’s Canadian citizenship lately?
Over 375,000 signatures as of Tuesday March 18!
Oh Canada,
How proud I feel! 🇨🇦🇨🇦
Really rather insane that a mega oligarchic owned company was ever getting incentives. These are not publicly owned companies that the public profits from, so why does the public invest in them?
Meanwhile, you may be wanting to look up the sharp nose dive that the Canadian boria forests took just when Amazon was taking off and due to modern logistics and tracking, you can tell that the trees went directly into making Amazon delivery cardboard boxes. But hey stumpage fees so that's okay
You were complaining that you don’t get any money from logging, but you do. That is all I was pointing out. Things are complicated and explanation too long for this type of forum.
Who is making a Logging Company be a Logging company and increase costs? Nobody forcing them. No private company should ever be allowed to cut down a single publicly owned tree for profit unless we the publisher in that profit
Or, you know, investing public money in private enterprises fine, just like all investments, though, profit should then pay back to us directly inprotportion?
BC has already done it, Musk was already whining about the fairness of it. Ontario is just catching up. I would like to feel sorry for the new Tesla dealership here in Kelowna but I can't. Clearly someone misread public sentiment and anger.
... They are not allowed on the roads in Canada ..the EU and many other places ... They cannot pass even basic safety standards ... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pfQjnhTSuQM
Excellent! Let's all do our part to send a message to Elon that he is unelected, he is not in charge, he is a Nazi, and his is deathtouch to a brand. Let's show him the immense power that We The People truly have!
How long do Trump and Musk think it will be before these measures get reversed? I think it will take a year after "normality" is restored, maybe longer. The changed buying habits, eg different drinks, will take longer.
Hopefully, other Canadian provinces and countries around the world will remove Tesla incentives.
Check out Action Network
Next time for a continued prosperous and healthy economy band all Muskrat companies, Telsa, Neurolink,Starlink, Space X,
there are other alternatives that are far superior than his products. Give his a foot and he will take over the whole country, like he's done in the USA.
You guys need to be committed
Next, they should slap a massive tariff on Swasticars.
Third step: Make continued ownership of a Tesla cost 2 or 3 times any other EV - enough so that current owners start selling off.
Now 94% of Germany would never buy a Tesla and EV buyers there are turning to Chinese EVs
Enjoy your tesla replacement!
I have no researched this yet but if true... huge kick in the teeth for Musk!
Could you correct that, please? Because we have to get stuff right.
It's not a rebate it's an incentive so there's that
Kick that fElon where it hurts.
Here's a listing of Tesla deaths
Here's a listing of Tesla autopilot failures.
Just imagine.
Save our forests from wildfires!
Or am I thinking of a different stooge?
Devine privatized everything that wasn't tied down. You'd think SK would have learned but I guess memories fade.
I man really, 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
Polsestar will give Tesla owners $20,000 off a lease as an incentive.
As an added bonus, in case anybody doesn’t know…
Maybe America can get started on that one as well.
Yes, I know the countries are operating differently & this would add to Trump’s enemy list-
Show him you can’t be intimidated!
She was born in Canada but attacking a democratic right like she did raises questions.
He WAS NOT born here though— so he can piss off!
#Musk #Elon
Has anybody else checked out how many Canadians have signed Charlie Angus’s petition to revoke Elon Musk’s Canadian citizenship lately?
Over 375,000 signatures as of Tuesday March 18!
Oh Canada,
How proud I feel! 🇨🇦🇨🇦
Otherwise, you guys are our FRIENDS!🙏🏻
Sign it if you’re Canadian!
Why do Canadians not own at least half the profit from the logging companies of what is essentially our communally owned forests?
If there is an official statement, please link it here.
Thank you.