If you don’t explain it, it’s magic. Mythic. Legendary.
If you explain it, it’s a process you can undo.
Some things are better if they’re just magic. Mysteries.
If you explain it, it’s a process you can undo.
Some things are better if they’re just magic. Mysteries.
Reposted from
Adam Waldron
I always loved Cap's shield as like this indestructible timeless fixture of reality, seeing Cable or Vance Astro in far-flung futures with it always brought a special kind of joy for me.
So of course that’s the thing that pissed me off the most about Spider-man 3, not Venom or the emo dancing.
…the magic’s gone.
We don't get much more detail, but they dropped all that in his origin story.
All I really want to hear about is The Unknown Soldier's pet beagle.
The beagle is unidentifiable.
All we know is that his remains were discovered in the twisted wreckage of a Sopwith Camel that had plummeted into No Man's Land on a dark and stormy night late into the war.
Unless it was Streaky, the cat next door.
A new deconstructionist novel of a series could be very cool, but wouldn’t feel like the same guy to me.
On the other hand, I’d happily edit a Brubaker/Epting UNKNOWN SOLDIER.
I think revealing that he actually went after Thomas Wayne specifically for reasons and it wasn’t a random crime was a huge mistake.
Putting a name to the killer and bringing him in merely makes it specific, a discrete target for Bruce's wrath, rather than leaving him to rage against all crime, because he doesn't have that discrete target.
Having Batman identify and catch Joe Chill I just said was probably a mistake, and I've discussed why I think that, too.
Are they worth the cost? A question that assumes a long future, in the age of the bomb.
But at the same time, I can see some benefit to Chill...
But changing it from a random crime of opportunity to Chill actually targeting Thomas Wayne is just bananas to me. Batman vs. Crime is the idea; don't muddy it up by making it a professional hit.
Have another vodka and you'll see!
This is why I stopped regularly reading comics.
I meant more in the general retcon shenanigans in all comics.
Hmm. She says it’ll work for centuries.
You need a werewolf knight? Got it covered. Or one who grows like Giant-Man?
And the people didn't just accept those stories, they spread them everwhere.
Nailing it all down sold well…
Not giving any sure answers to who the Phantom Stranger is leaves him an eternal mystery, but that’s better than any reveal could be. He’s unknowable, always a stranger.
Tom is more morally pure than the norm though: he loses May not because of selfishness but because they're doing the right thing trying to help the villains.
I do think that while the movie was a blast on its own terms, the number of Spider-variants in the comics is really choking off what makes...
I kinda wish someone would take a sandblaster to it all until we were down to the core idea again. But, well, it sells, and that...
So they're not going to aim the books at me, and they honestly shouldn't.
I want it to do something new with the core ideas.
But I like that Spidey became the multiverse hero & love the "everyone
But a story that...
You can just...not.
But we can still look at it and say "This was a bad idea because ________," and maybe that analysis will be useful the next time someone pitches a similar bad story.
"They'll do bad stuff anyway" isn't a counter argument to "This stuff is bad." Yeah...
This is a mysterious character!
Let's explain them!
Too much backstory. Let's make them an mysterious exception again!