Other issues of note:
- Why is it standard for toothpaste to taste like mint or like anything? Couldn't it be a flavorless clear gel like astroglide?
- Why do we brush in front of mirrors? Are we being forced to look at ourselves?
- Why are toothbrushes displayed out in the open? It's inappropriate
- Why is it standard for toothpaste to taste like mint or like anything? Couldn't it be a flavorless clear gel like astroglide?
- Why do we brush in front of mirrors? Are we being forced to look at ourselves?
- Why are toothbrushes displayed out in the open? It's inappropriate
The only toothpaste I like is from a brand called Boka. They make a bunch of different flavors, including the non-mint variety. I’ve tried two different mint kinds of their’s and liked both a lot.
Before anyone freaks out, yes, I do wash my hands before and after touching my toothbrush.
2. The sink is in front of the mirror, you need to spit in the sink
3. Yes
You can also buy fluoride varnish that protects enamel.
Dental infections are serious and can literally kill you. I’ve worked with patients who felt no pain yet had an infection in their jaw the size of a golf ball.
I think the mirror thing is to make it easier to see what you're doing, but tbh I don't use one most of the time. Once you know how to do it you can do it by feel
And then making sure the brush doesn't slip out of the position as you move it along your teeth
i sometimes wonder if that is part of what makes it such a horrible experience
I get that also, but I still need a visual aid to get a task right the first time or two.
It's a milder experience for me I guess?
...I had not considered that some people might *not* be visualising the brush's location based on the physical sensations, and now I'm really curious to know
I can’t even stand the sound of other people brushing their teeth with a manual tooth brush.
nice, nice
like, the first image to pop in my head upon reading what you said
and I hate that I just know that without checking
I brush in front of the mirror so I can see where toothpaste spit lands on my shirt
I keep my toothbrush in my room. bare minimum should be toothbrush caps
Mint is a common flavor for toothpaste because for hundreds of years mint was used to help freshen breath when cleaning teeth. Mint is essentially a weed, so is extremely common. That makes it cheap and easy to get. Mint also has some antibacterial properties.
For mirror usage, it is more of a matter of proximity than anything else. Bathrooms have long had mirrors for helping to check that they're appropriately grooming, and you're just using the bathroom sink for a place to spit and rinse.
I also suspect that you can't just use a fluoride gel because part of the value of brushing is you can dislodge plaque in the gums, the mechanical action is essential.
it's awful
it like makes you taste your own mouth