Thank you, Darth! Then I'm going with a dumb DEC terminal, I think the VT100, with an acoustic coupler. Do you remember Digital Equipment Corporation? I grew up in Mass, where for a time it was the largest private employer. My dad and some of my friends' parents worked there.
I also remember how much we laughed at Dad for his stories about the olden days before television when people listened to the radio. 🙄 I have become my parents.
Yup. I managed 2 PDP-11/70s running BSD Unix back in the day in the university computer center with a fleet of VT100 and other terminals. One of them had actual core memory, one tiny-but-visible magnet per bit.
Magnetic memory looked like this card, which was a few inches per side and holds 1024 bits/128 bytes. I think our PDP 11/70 had 256KB of magnetic core RAM, which would be 1024 of these cards.
First work PC I used (1984ish) was a DEC Rainbow that had no internal drive, just 2 5 1/2" floppies. Later worked with DEC Vax computers for quite a few years
If our dad’s counts, then the portable Compaq!
I played a number of hours of Pong but never had the patience to develop real hand-eye coordination until years later (after mouses were a thing)
Hey, I worked there. In any DEC building you could tell what floor you’re on because the paint trim color followed the resistor color code. I got my start on a PDP 8.
Wrote my Masters thesis on it!
not mine, per se, but i resurrected a lot of ‘em
Either 64 kb or, if he splurged, 128 kb.
I programmed a PDP-8 and Commodore PET in BASIC in 1980-82.
I played a number of hours of Pong but never had the patience to develop real hand-eye coordination until years later (after mouses were a thing)