Yeah, if you feel the need to obsessively assign an infinite variety of human mental abilities a single scalar and assign ultimate importance to it you probably have some critical thinking issues.
i also remember the feeling of being like "am i the smartest person in the world" when i was exactly 20 but i let it all out by getting way too into the releases of several small record labels, which was for the best
My experience has been that anyone fixated on quantifying a person numerically tends to lack the ability to grasp how faceted and complex another person can be. Met someone once who was fixated on vocabulary size and head shape. Left that conversation feeling particularly disgusted.
i'm still thinking about the guy (let's be real, the 20 year old kid) who was like "I'm holding 1000 lines of code in my head". unless you program in Assembly this is like saying you're holding 1000 lines of an E.E. Cummings poem in your head
I interviewed a guy once who had listed his IQ on his software dev resume and I was like “ah the folly of youth” and then he showed up and was like 45 and I couldn’t stop laughing
I lost what little respect I had for Mensa when I found out you could join by passing an IQ test and paying a fee... or skipping the test and paying a slightly higher fee.