Fundamentally, this is really at the root of my slowness in designing: I'm trying to only make something if I'm excited about it and think it's interesting.
I think there’s lots of good reasons to, but not that fit in a post. We should talk over break, if you’re up for talking about trick takers that week over zoom i’m sure there’s time
the hilarious part is that I’m just now introducing a “commercial trick takers” week in my trad card game class this spring, and I’ll be surprised is more than a handful of my students will know it is A Current Thing beforehand. As always, the future is here, it’s just not equally distributed.
The best-selling one almost has to be The Crew, I have to figure, and even that just hasn't gone anywhere near as far as something like Pandemic (to compare something roughly equivalent in terms of gaming niche). I know FitF sales, and while it's done great by hobby terms, it's still a blip.