Programmers! If you want to hear me get way into the weeds of how ATProto works, this is the podcast for you!
Reposted from
Jeremy Jung
Hi bluesky! If you're curious about the technical details of how this place works I think you'll enjoy my chat with!
Are you guys hiring? 🙌
But I am in Europe and not sure if my wife would let me work PST hours again. 😅
How much of overlap is needed? Currently I am working at around 30-40% but with EST.
Literally everything after: the protocol design just spilling out of my brain
Stopped Modding in 2004 with Starsiege Tribes mods.
That stuff there makes ME feel like a caveman programmer.
It's an app that uses the Bluesky network, built by somebody else
If so, I'll listen asap
Next I’m going to ask a dumb question. Often when I see a Bluesky post and want to reply I’ll go to my browser or photos to locate content. Then when I return, the feed has moved on…
More importantly, that has nothing to do with the ATS protocol correct? A protocol is just a white paper.
So if that behavior were a bug/feature then that would be on the Blue Sky implementation of the protocol?