Short stories are my favourite medium, and speculative fiction my favourite genre, so I made a Starter Pack for short story writers. Please let me know who to add!
#ShortStory #SpecFic #SFF #WeirdFiction #Fantasy #SciFi #WritingCommunity #StarterPack
#ShortStory #SpecFic #SFF #WeirdFiction #Fantasy #SciFi #WritingCommunity #StarterPack
That image is showing as it's set as your Open Graph (og:image) for that page. Maybe it can be updated in your settings somewhere?
P.S. I spot those kinds of things in my job. 🙂
I did follow all. :)
(you're now in)
You made me wonder why I'm not subscribed to your newsletter. I checked and the last newsletter I received said you'd changed servers, and I don't have a mail from you after that. I'll resubscribe.
Will you enter my short-story writing contest? (For stories by real writers, without AI.)
I'm back on your mailing list now at least - I signed up via your Substack.
P.S. I'm a DreamForge subscriber and loved your recent story there.
If so, I'll pop you on the Pack!
I've only recently sold a short story for the first time, and at least a couple on the list are working towards that first publication.
(... and I am also an SFF short story writer among other things... add me if you feel like it!)
Aaaaand... done! 🙂
Can I be added, please?
Any chance of getting on that list as well? 🥺
Thank you for adding me!