BB: What time is it Eccles?
E: Just a minute, I got it written down here on a piece of paper. A nice man wrote the time down for me this morning
BB: Oh! Then why do you carry it around with you?
E: Well if anybody asks me the time I can show it to them
Goon Show, 7 Feb 1957
E: Just a minute, I got it written down here on a piece of paper. A nice man wrote the time down for me this morning
BB: Oh! Then why do you carry it around with you?
E: Well if anybody asks me the time I can show it to them
Goon Show, 7 Feb 1957
Eccles Oooohhh?
'bottle His firm give it to him when he retired
Eccles Oooohhh
'bottle. It's one of dem tings what it is that wakes you up at eight o'clock,boils the kettil, and pours a cuppa tea.
Eccles Ohhh yeah! What's it called? Um
Eccles Ohh... Ohh, ah wait a minute. How does she know when it's eight o'clock?
Bluebottle She's got it written down on a piece of paper!