It’s so rare that powerful people are actually held accountable for their crimes, that it’s treated as a personal or politically motivated attack.
Donald Trump broke the law, and now he’s dealing with the consequences of his actions.
This is not complicated.
Donald Trump broke the law, and now he’s dealing with the consequences of his actions.
This is not complicated.
"Rule 3: Nothing ever stops until a Rich White Guy goes to jail."
(We note with some hesitancy that Trump has not YET been jailed.)
The cognitive dissonance in their brain must be as crunchy as dry breakfast cereal.
The Post is completely sucking up.
All chickens come home to roost. Schadenfreudelicious!
" " Democrats " " didn't " " bankrupt the Don " "
DON bankrupted the Don by having incredibly criminal habits and terrible decision making with his financial workings
That he's just NOW being made to account for his crimes is a failing of our justice system. Should have been decades ago