1, 2, 3 ladyhens
Came to the ladyhens' picnic
And they all played games
At the ladyhens' picnic
They had three sacks, so they ran sack races
They fell on their backs, and they fell on their faces
The ladyhens three
At the ladyhens' picnic
They played jump rope, but the rope it broke
The creatures outside looked from chicken to man, and from man to chicken, and from chicken to man again; but already it was impossible to say which was which
elegant 24/7!
good night, Heather
Came to the ladyhens' picnic
And they all played games
At the ladyhens' picnic
They had three sacks, so they ran sack races
They fell on their backs, and they fell on their faces
The ladyhens three
At the ladyhens' picnic
They played jump rope, but the rope it broke
(Another sentence that Past Me could never have expected to type…)
Johnny says leave it to him!
but those chickens ALWAYS make me smile and smirk!💕💙🤣
Toot in a tutu! Imagine it! 😁