Fucking sycophantic coward. If we find ANYONE who isnt an old feckless coward your getting primaried. You could not be worse for the moment and your participation was embarrassing. Sic semper tyrannis mut now me cupping tyrant nuts instead of the other thing. #embarrassing
Trump is disrespecting the office so there’s no reason for you to be there “resurrecting the office”. Be out fighting, not collecting an attendance card.
As a constituent and neighbor, I'm disappointed in your praise for Trump's immigration policies. And surprised - I've been proud to have you as my Senator.
Not to mention that deportations are down under trump. They are just making more noise about it and Homeland Security Barbie pits on costumes to attend their deportation parties.
Well, Lindsey Graham let slide last week, or the week before that ICE was almost out of money. The congressional Republicans know exactly where the money is and are turning a blind eye to fElon Musk’s expenditures under DOGE.
He spent the first part of his speech attacking trans kids, and railed on social security and you own him respect, you got added to our primary list we want candidates with a backbone apparently you lack.
Retire and make room for someone who actually gives a fuck about Virginians you useless piece of shit. You have had every opportunity to stand up and fight and have consistently shown that you are worse than worthless in the fight against fascism.
You'd better represent us, your constituents. Absolutely zero clapping, only condemn this tyrant, loud booing! There's nothing he's done worth cheering when you look at what he's done to the community you represent!!!
Here’s Senator Warner’s phone number for anyone who’d like to voice their discontent regarding his praise of the felon today or his compliant attendance this evening: 202-224-2023
Pro-tip: His office accepts voicemail outside of office hours unlike @kaine.senate.gov
Well you helped him"explain" by not standing up against a damn thing. You all (except Al Green) looked weak, cowardly, impassive, and insipid. You let Trump roll on with lies. You all should have taken turns standing and forcing your removal. Be there all night. You disgust me.
After 2 decades of supporting and voting for you that ends now! I am so disappointed that you don't have the courage to do what is needed to protect this Country! No respect is to be given to trump or the office while he sits in it, destroying the Country I fought for! Vote all the Weak Dems OUT!
I have always respected Sen Warner but I am deeply disturbed by his failure to engage! Your constituents are losing everything they have worked for their entire lives!
Man, you suck. We here in Virginia need a fighter, not a bootlicker. Dood, you need to step down and make way for the future. You smell like the methsne eminating from the ass of #FirstLadyDonaldTrump
Dem leadership needs a lot of things you are not capable of providing. Step down and make way.
🥛🍞WHAT FRESH HELL IS THIS: https://bsky.app/profile/atrupar.com/post/3ljldrx6f5427
I’m a constituent and will certainly be looking to vote for better Democratic leadership than the cowardly passion free milquetoast you are shoveling while embarrassing the good people of Virginia. What is wrong with you? I could vomit.
Are you receiving threats? FOX is NOT news. This tyrant has, insulted heads of state, alienated us from the EU, lied on television and in front of our nation, put grieving widows and mothers on stage, and is running government like his bankrupted casinos. The USA government is not a business.
Stop giving him fucking props! Stop appreciating this criminal! Plane crashes, market crashes, mass firings, making enemies of allies through trade wars and refusing promised aide to Ukraine, consumer confidence way down, inflation up. Give us a fucking break already. Get your shit together.
1. Not a SOTU, 2. You are such a disappointment. With totally sincerity, someone who voted for your for Governor, someone who voted for you for Senate. You are a sell out.
Your obsequiousness is making a lot of Virginians ill Senator. From what I glean 2026 isn’t looking very good for you. Something about a formidable primary opponent maybe?
3 Groups are inside the US gov. working together to destroy it. They will soon start fighting as they try to build a new government.
Each has a different vision for the future:
#Trumplard is a criminal. He deserves no respect. He is a fascist who is destroying our country. Go ahead & be polite. When he hangs you as he has stated he wants to do with all #Dems I'll be at home respecting the office of the presidency so there will be no one to save you.
Its clear that the Dems couldnt even come to a consensus about how to handle tonight. Those who either didnt attend or left during the address should seriously consider starting a Dem equivalent to the Tea Party - might as well let the world know which Dems have a spine and which ones need primaried
Why didn't YOU get up & walk out with Senators' Sanders&Van Holland?YOU'RE an embarrassment to VA. & should resign! YOU'RE NOT LISTENING!
Hope you know you're not going to be reelected!
Those posting sarcastic replies here call & email Warner, he's NOT representing us, his constituents! https://5calls.org/
Can you please tell me why democrats aren’t screaming about the fired fec who said that 31 cases against dt weren’t investigated and don’t you find it suspicious that kid hacker helped write bulletproof software? What’s wrong with audits, especially when experts warn about vulnerabilities?
You have another spot booked on Fox immediately after to continue bowing the knee? Virginians won’t forget your actions (and inaction) for the last month. Sic semper tyrannis, right? #primarycoming
Your interview on Fox was appalling! We are so sick & tired of you Democrats bending the knee & sucking up to this traitor! You sounded like a giddy little school girl when talking about him.
Get off your knees & fight for this country!!
Call him what he is ~ a traitor!!
Donald J. Trump has no respect for the Constitution and the office of the president. You Democrats should've been given him hell during the SOTU. The people want to see the Dems fight more bc it's really needed. Y'all are hurting your own party. Need to get more serious.
The state of the union is the inflated Cheetos bag is breaking everything he can on his inferred revenge tour 2025. That includes harming the fiscal, emotional and physical well being of thousands of your constituents and the Commonwealth of Virginia. Think about that while you sit there.
Did you choke at all when you gargled?? That mess of the union speech was pure lies and by agreeing with it and “offering respect” to trump you have DISRESPECTED THE PEOPLE. the living ones and the dead. Our soldiers died for nothing if all you senators will do is grovel!!!! Show a spine!!!!!
The #TangerineTurd is the enemy Senator Warner. He doesn’t respect the office of the president and American Patriots don’t respect him either. Quit bending the knee and covering up his treasonous behavior.
WTH is wrong with you? Trump is destroying the republic. He’s a psychopath. If he does anything right, it’s an accident! We need solidarity against him & his fascist horror show!
Terribly disappointing Sir. We cannot normalize this person’s behavior. As your constituent, I can’t support you enabling the destruction of the federal service and Constitution
The border “crisis” is a hoax. Disappointed to hear Democrats to share this issue as anything other than a chance to persecute those less than others and use this taking point. Anyone buy the Republican story that unvaccinated kids are the kids flooding in from the border—responsible for measles, TX
Heard you say something about respecting the "office" of the president. Here's a fact: When the "office" is co-occupied by 2 mentally challenged despot wannabes, it needs cleaning out, NOT deference. Please stop playing nice with Putin's tools or stand down so Virginia can elect a fighter.
If you're not up to the task of fighting the Russian takeover of America and the dismantling of democracy you should be resigning and not joining their party. Shame on you. #traitor
You should also not run again. I regret every time I’ve voted for you since you were governor of our commonwealth and will not be voting for you again.
Trump just declared war on the First Amendment. He wants to defund universities, jail protesters, and silence dissent. This isn’t just another Trump rant—it’s a blueprint for authoritarianism. History shows where this leads. Read now before it’s too late.
Yes. His administration has been mocking and threatening the press before and during Biden’s time. Social Media has no regulations and they’ve got your credit card info. STOP THE STEAL!
The democrats are more and more a goddamn joke. Wake the fuck up, you morons should have joined your brother that was kicked out. You all should have yelled and screamed. Not one of you have a spine or balls. Pathetic!!
Again, as my representative, can you muster 1/3 of the anger that everyone in Northern Virginia has been feeling for almost three months? You are tone deaf if you think we give a crap about who is sitting with you. Get a spine and do something! Speak up loudly!
We are going to primary the fuck outta you and every other spineless fuckface Democrat who is there legitimizing him. You represent US and you all are betraying us. That's a promise.
Like most elected Democrats, you're simply not up to this moment. You know who is? Lots of regular people. Not everyone has been sleepwalking as this trainwreck--the one many of us foretold--destroys our economy, our shared values, our democracy. Get out of the way of the new leaders we deserve.
This system won’t change itself, let’s build something better.
follow us or visit: https://directedrep.org
#DirectDemocracy #DRP
Pro-tip: His office accepts voicemail outside of office hours unlike @kaine.senate.gov
I will donate money to ANY Dem who will primary you. Then, you an appear on FoxNews and polish that turd Trump as much as you want!
Dem leadership needs a lot of things you are not capable of providing. Step down and make way.
I’m a constituent and will certainly be looking to vote for better Democratic leadership than the cowardly passion free milquetoast you are shoveling while embarrassing the good people of Virginia. What is wrong with you? I could vomit.
If we do have another election, if the U.S. hasn't fallen by then, and those are big fucking IFs, I hope you get primaried.
Each has a different vision for the future:
Tech Bros = technofascism
Heritage Fnd. = theocracy
Russia = autocratic oligarchy
It must be stopped!
Protest! Resist!
Hope you know you're not going to be reelected!
Those posting sarcastic replies here call & email Warner, he's NOT representing us, his constituents!
You’re normalizing fascism, you Quisling.
All you Vichy Dems should resign and let people who want to fight for what’s good take your place.
Your interview on Fox was appalling! We are so sick & tired of you Democrats bending the knee & sucking up to this traitor! You sounded like a giddy little school girl when talking about him.
Get off your knees & fight for this country!!
Call him what he is ~ a traitor!!
Don’t be like the Dem ‘old guard’ & play the safe gentleman. It’s time to step up & FIGHT or step aside.
And stop both sidesing things!
Stand up for the Constitution, the Country, the Commonwealth and the Community.
He’s going to lie his ass off✔️