We have 1 asswipe who thinks he's a street racer who leaves the parking garage at 6:30am & revs his engine over & over & when he gets to the first light, he takes off like he's racing everyone else just to get to the next light (Dipshit). When he comes home, it's the same thing in reverse.
An EMP or Electro Magnetic Pulse is often portrayed in fiction as creating widespread chaos, however whilst there are some major problems with an EMP it isn't quite as bad as it is portrayed to be. By looking at what can cause it we can also see how to protect from it. https://youtu.be/fMaAr9Febl8
Reminds me of my apartment, people above me kept playing...idk what, games or music loud super late. One day I realized below and beside me were vacant. Retuned my surround from -6dB bass to +max bass, cranked volume, got my hearing protection, watched some train videos lotsa horns/whistles.
Felt louder than being trackside thumping thru my chest. After about 5 minutes I shut everything down, took off the hearing protection, and went back to bed. I never had issues with the upstairs neighbors again.
And yeah I'd already tried speaking with them and management repeatedly before that.
They're totally illegal, and the FCC is really keen on tracking down people using them, but they're available.
the fcc would like to know your location
the fcc will KNOW your location
(This is not legal advice. It is illegal advice.)
but then you need shielding for your own devices...
100% theoretically, of course.
Was totally worth it and I would and will do it again.😏
I'm on my best way to become that grumpy old man who doesn't like fun.🤗
And the youts still find my road to rev and race. There’s just not enough space for silence, or at least I can’t afford it.
And yeah I'd already tried speaking with them and management repeatedly before that.