90% of people diagnosed with pancreatic cancer die from the disease. That's why the medical community is excited about the results of a small trial in which nearly half of the pancreatic cancer patients who received an mRNA vaccine for the disease remained relapse-free three years later.
This is very promising news!🙏
It is one of the fastest and most brutal of cancers.
My father died of pancreatic cancer. It's a nasty way to go.
Keep it up!
#Heritagefoundation #News #media #march #NowDC #14thNOW #50501Movement #3E #TeslaTAKEDOWN #VerifyTheVote #DigitalResisitance
Bet somewhere in the families of ReTHUGlican legislators there is at least one case of pancreatic cancer.
Wonder how they feel now?!
People like me who are/were in the medical profession get vaccinated. I have had no side effects from 7 #Covid 💉, most Moderna.
I hope this one is immune to that! Pancreatic cancer is one of the absolute worst.
Watching her waste away was a nightmare.
I’ve always been terrified of it.
Viruses are only RNA (no DNA). Why shouldn't we fight them at their own game?!
You didn't even try.
Would I be able to leave Verizon after getting the jab?
Pass it on!
#iowacity #iowahealthcare #iowacancerresearch
Idaho, too?
It hasn't been stopped by the White House?
(Well done!)
How about 5G?
We will not STFU.
If you’re overwhelmed,take a break. Everyone totally understands.
I get most of the rest of what they do, wanting to re-establish an aristocracy/oligarchy etc. But the anti-vax thing is truly a head-scratcher. I can see no benefit for them at all.
Not looking for sympathy, just stating a fact.
At least sanity has prevailed for this vaccine bill for the moment - hopefully Des Moines will think about it.
In other words, they don’t know for sure.
Kennedy will get his claws into this wonderful discovery and talk it into the "it will kill you" category of conspiracy theories in favor of the same castor oil that will prevent measles.
I am horrified and heartbroken that we have a President who denies and decries medical research and climate science.
I am so thankful for this research!
I know you most cherish every moment you have with him.
Mine passes too soon, within 6 months, we were not ready for such a fast and radical physical change. Today, we all really miss him.💔
Original Medicare, the insurance middle man, is NOT there. The doctor/medical practitioner codes and documents it, gets paid (prior cost arrangement) and you get treated.
Not Medicare Advantage, that's insurance between you & the doctor. This is probably where it's headed.
Im am excited and sad all at the same time when i think what will happen to groundbreaking work with the elimination of grants and funding
Its almost criminal
They are trying to make it a misdemeanor offense to take a mRNA vaccine.
2 weeks after diagnosis she was gone
And we lost his optics...
Now I see it everywhere
Just sharing
Not saying I am right
None of these breakthroughs happen in a vacuum.
It was hell on earth to watch her suffer.
She was in agony almost constantly.
This would be amazing! I would love knowing no one has to die that horribly ever again.