So many comics shops and independent bookstores are struggling right now. It's scary. Please shop local when you can, it makes all the difference. And if any stores need a boost, feel free to tag me in your event/sale/etc announcements and I will RT.
Just add to your search
Magic eightball
One word space between term and - sign
The library is more affordable anyways
They even hosted dnd games when I lived near it!
They are called Comics Plus and the owner David Roland is a great guy who can find most anything for you.
I would hate to see this store close, especially since it's the only one in town.
Thank you.
Atomic Comics Emporium
(757) 723-5003
If you order by web, DO pick Up your comics in the store and speak with them.
You never know what hidden treasures you are missing because you are guided by the algoritmos.