An extremely good point. This is one pretext used by Russia after invading Ukraine (and embraced then by Trump apologists like Tucker).
Reposted from
Nicholas Grossman
America apparently now doing the Russia-style "secret [ie totally made up] chemical labs in your country justifies the cross-border menacing we were already doing" move.
...and thereby allegedly triggering an invasion which had already been set in motion weeks before.
Clean your own house so the garbage doesn't keep spilling onto our yard.
....Which is 900 miles from the Canadian border
Maybe the Trump administration can start by cleaning those up.
Like, yes. Russia, Russia, and Russia.
This is bigger than Canada.
Greenland, Mexico, Canada, US.
What do they all have in common.
Just an ambling stream of not-cited or evidenced bullshit, no specifics or exemplars to provide when challenged.
We should hard stop all efforts by these ones to challenge us to a shadow boxing match. That is a waste of time.