You make it sound oh-so-innocent. But you neglect to mention the ongoing moral dilemma - stumps or tops? This is the problem with libruls, always glossing over the complicated issues that divide the nation.
I used to work at a bakery and would tell folks who wanted a cupcake early in the morning that it’s basically a muffin and they should allow themselves a little frosting for breakfast once in a while. Sometimes you just need permission to bake at breakfast cake.
Totally agree. It's criminal how societal constructs have decided pumpkin pie for breakfast is frowned upon but pumpkin donuts are a thoughtful gift to bring to the office.
But what is breakfast food? It was bread, cheese, beer, olives, honey. The Catholic church called breakfast meals gluttony in the middle ages. The industrial revolution was when "breakfast" became a thing.
Ha none of us are ok...I nearly bought a 'fuck it just because' cheesecakes from Costco the other day. It was Tiramisu flavor and I just wanted to feel ALIVE. Instead I bought....muffins.
Used to work at a bakery where the muffins were 800 calories a piece and the babka rolls were, like, 250. Parents would routinely tell their kids they couldn't have a roll, but could have an entire zucchini muffin. 😂
“Ole Vlad’s” Rustic fermented nightshade juice, then slap it in a rectangular prism glass bottle with a brown paper label that has a “certified organic” seal on it
Or you could even do “Ole Vlad’s Health shots” and charge 7 dollars for 2 ounces of vodka
Lucky Charms are acceptable breakfast food
If somebody wants to eat cake for breakfast, I think that's an acceptable breakfast food
i usually deflect by asking how they knew to look for me in a supply closet
Pancakes/waffles/french toast w syrup, muffins, donuts, danishes, croissants, cinnamon rolls, scones, etc.
All dessert style foods that we just decided that it's okay to eat first thing in the morning.
Btw pumpkin pie for breakfast is the best.
Where the hell is all the damn Blueberry Cake?
Something like "new MORNING BURST energy boosting Breakfast Spread with Bs 1-12, D, K, and the nutritional power of cocoa!"
"Also comes in mint, rainbow cherry and butter cream"
Or you could even do “Ole Vlad’s Health shots” and charge 7 dollars for 2 ounces of vodka