It’s never going to happen. These guys are all too greedy to even pay fair wages so why would they ever help anyone else. They have no reason to do anything except make more money.
That's a 2% one time tax on all the accumulated wealth of the top 1% of the richest 1%, followed by taxing all income at the same rate working people pay every year afterwards;
if you were quoting Elizabeth Warren's budget.
It’s kind of been everywhere for years. Not sure it still is, but has been part of the conversation since rump lowered their taxes in his last administration.
I’m finding a lot of news stories wiped but you can google this question and should get millions of sources, at least in the old USA
You know who has a super simple chart that shows how wealth inequality has grown since the Eisenhower administration?
Dr Robert Reich.
He's in my Starter Pack.
It's called the Suspension Bridge Chart, and it's as famous as the Hockey Stick Graph.
I remember this article well. I photocopied several copies to hand out at a political discusion group I was involved with back then. An update would be great!
These 4 are just the tip of the iceberg, all of them owe “ back “ taxes they are refusing to pay, when do we go after tax evaders? Now if it were you or me !!! “ ooooh this is part of the reason we need to dismantle the irs, hey big balls delete that file right there “
I disagree re:Gates - He supports higher taxes for the rich and has been very vocal about it
Those other 3 MFers (and all the rest who just refuse and use loopholes to pay) yeah, they are the problem.
I hear what you’re saying, and I’m are sure there are others . To me, Warren Buffet for example is guilty as charged due to the fact he refuses to comment on the current state of affairs. Kinda like my analogy those that didn’t bother to vote are as guilty as the maggots that supported them
We must shut down the country on 3/22-23 for 48 hours, and again on 3/25-27 for 72 hours. Stop work as you can, call in sick, take 1/2days off, come in late, take long lunches, leave early. We must work stop our airlines, trucking, transportation and retail and industrial manufacturing.
They can’t pay their fair share but can most certainly spend millions on building their bunkers to survive the people coming for them if this oligarchy goes south. I hope they have well paid people who aren’t affected by their actions. They have to have food prepared, & more by those serving them.
2% is fuck all if you are serious about solving societies problems while still having capitalism( do not reccomend) you must tax them over 100% take back their democracy destroying obscene wealth that they stole from our entire civilisation
Crazy for people who live paycheck to paycheck to defend billionaires from having to pay taxes. Hasn’t trickle down economics been thoroughly debunked by now?
Why is it that people are even in the position where they have to ask for this? It's ordinary working people whose labour created these parasites billionaires. Our societies are structured to create extremes of poverty and wealth: we could, and should, structure them very differently.
The root of what we're experiencing right now, is this man. He may be quietly in the background, but his published words have inspired millions to act to where we are now. Very dangerous man for America.
Average workers pay 6.2 PERCENT OF THEIR WAGES into Social Security. Because of the tax cap at $178,100 (highest it’s ever been) BILLIONAIRES PAY NOTHING. The maximum anyone pays this year is $10,000 and change.
First you have to get politics separated from donors. When politicians are millionaires and billionaires themselves, they will never act in the interest of the working class.
If corporations are considered legal persons, their existence should be limited to the average human lifespan, and their successors should be subject to a 30% tax.
*60% inheritance tax minimum for corporations/businesses over $10 million, 40% for those from $5 - 10 million, 20% for those from $2 - 5 million, $10% from $1 - 2 million and 0% for anything less so mom n pop businesses are unaffected,
Eat the rich, they've been eating the rest of us long enough.
While I agree they should be taxed far more than what they're current (not) paying, the money won't be spent where it's truly needed; it'll just pay for a few new fighter planes or aircraft carriers. We've taxed billionaires at higher rates before (see: Eisenhower) and it never eliminated poverty.
Vielleicht sollte jemand eine Webseite programmieren, wo sich JEDERMANN eine Cryptowährung erschaffen kann. Diese sollte dann nach absenden automatisch gepusht werden. Sollte sowas nicht den kompletten Cryptomarkt zerschlagen können? ;)
I believe in flat tax for ALL. Income up to the published poverty level should be tax free. After that, every dollar is taxed at a set %. No exemptions, deductions, loopholes, etc. Similar should be done with corporations. The size of the IRS could be reduced and America would be flush with cash.
This is why you should hate republicans and rich people. You should despise their very existence for the inhumane treatment thry give everyone else. I'm ready to seize assets from everyone who has more than they should
Why the fk are these men all so evil they want more wealth at the expense of working people they couldn’t spend it in 10 lifetimes and surely it’s not as simple as they’re terrified of Trump 🤷🏻♂️
I don’t understand why, why they wouldn’t be overjoyed and ecstatic to be able to accomplish something as remarkable and wonderful as this by only giving up 2% that they wouldn’t even feel or be affected by in the least.
Why wouldn’t ANYBODY do it?
This is the thing I just don't understand. Wouldn't it make you feel so powerful to do this? They seem to want power. Wouldn't it earn you admirers? They seem to want adulation.
It’s like they’re scared of even being adored. We have mechanical narcissistic, insecure men with all the money.
Come to think of it, I don’t understand why Trump wouldn’t want to give it all away & be fully admired. It’s what he craves the most. Why wouldn’t he want the world to praise him?
Because they see empathy or providing for others and being compassionate as being weak and feminine. To them, money is power. Helping others isn’t strength. They’re broken inside . They definitely don’t feel the same inside as the rest of us do.
Because they see it as a loss for themselves. They see giving anything away as weak. They see people as either suckers or winners. They are horders. Sociopathic grifters. They are surrounded by people who worship them. They don’t see beyond that. It’s grotesque.
They won’t allow it, they’d rather spend millions to undermine Democracy and put their people in office because the are useless parasites that want to suck us dry for profit.
Let's end musk contracts with the USA and send him home to South Africa. We don't want his money if we have to have that bastard in the USA, the savings will be enough.
What the billionaires don't seem to know is that this administration is destroying the source of their own wealth and the style of living they have become accustomed to. When they come to their senses the path to recovery will be long, slow and up to their kids - another disaster for us all.
Paid less than a 2% tax rate based on their wealth growth include: Warren Buffett (0.1%), Jeff Bezos (1.1%), Mark Zuckerberg (1.1%), Charles and David Koch (1.3% and 1.4%, respectively), and Michael Bloomberg (1.8% ).
Elon Musk paid a mere 2.1% tax rate. (Tax Policy Center, 5/19/2022)
The threats to the billionaire class' wealth is exactly the reason they threw their considerable weight behind Trump and without which he never would have won the election. So I'm not sure it's the way to go to change course. Putting aside idealism it's best to appeal to every facet of society.
A 2% wealth tax on Elon Musk would come in at around $8 billion a year. So yes it is a threat to these guys. They're greedy+powerful and want more wealth not less. So when Trump promises them tax cuts and the alternative potentially is a wealth tax....well we can see the consequently playing out now
While we're at it, Warren Buffett has spoken out about tax equity and basically putting an alternative minimum tax based on the highest existing tax bracket in place, to name another multi-billionaire who has called out how wrong the existing tax loopholes are.
Really hoping that becomes the foremost populist platform Democrats run on -- the whole idea that "the three richest people in the US have more wealth than the bottom half and pay a lower tax rate than you do" should resonate, especially considering how the billionaires are spending it right now.
I believe they all donated quite a bit to charity... most of them for tax reasons... not for being a good person. But you're right, Gates is the least evil person on that list.
I remember CEOs in the past may have been 2016/17 getting together and wanting to pay higher taxes. They actually wanted to help raise the federal minimum wage.
p.s. low wage workers did and still do the essential work needed for American society to exist.
These oligarch built todays government not to pay taxes on all their salaries and some of them pay zero taxes on their businesses its time to end this corruption and it is corruption !
If they were real humans, compassionate humans they would do it voluntarily, but they’re not. These oligarchs are greedy little pigs who have gotten rich off the working class and like the orange felon, they just don’t care!
There are over 800 billionaires in America. Some, like these four, have over 200 billion each. We’ll likely have our first trillionaire by the end of this decade.
Thank you! I had read a much higher figure somewhere else (randomly - this is not a familiar domain for me) and was hopeful some serious impact was imminent. Seems there never is.
What trickle down jobs? Musk has put more people that worked for him on the street with a days notice, than he’s ever hired. He’s just a greedy, self serving piece of 💩. Think about it.. would you trust any one, other than Gates to cover your back, if you were in a life or death situation?
Sarcasm. Any trickle there ever was from Reagan on was never more than a drip, & now you might as well be squeezing rocks. I wouldn't have another system but capitalism (innovation, freedom), but damn, it has to develop a soul 2 repay the debt to the system that enabled these rich MOFOs to get rich.
The problem is, having this much fucking money evidently renders people - well, men - ABSOFUCKINGLY INSANE.
These fucking geeks think that they know everything. Every time they open their mouths, they betray the fact that they know fuck all.
Well, we know the saying about power, but lots of money corrupts absolutely, too. Interesting perspective on money and gender. Maybe we should get a mansplain of that. 🤣
What's worse is these guys get together and decide what's going to happen without us. An now we see this madness. Was this their plan at Buildeberg the whole time?
The greed from these cunts is unbelievable and I cannot fathom why we've let them get so wealthy in the first place. As Bill Burr said they need now to be put down like rabid dogs. Or stripped of their wealth!
If the billioners had found their money legitimately, no tax would be needed. They would have felt they needed to give back to the society that enabled them to be successful.
The only time you keep whatever you have dearly is when you know other people had nothing with gaining that wealth.
yes my dream is to retire with large amount of stocks that pay dividends. living on passive income that I get taxed less then I do now actually working
When I withdraw from my 401k I have to pay 20% tax. Why don’t they have to pay 20%??? If I would win the lottery I would probably have to pay close to 50% tax. Why should they get to pay less? WTF?!?!?
That’s Why You Are Not A Billionaire!! They don’t help people, they screw people to get there. Everyone thinks Bill Gates is such a good guy— Microsoft screws people all the time. People in Seattle know it well.
At this point I just want to strip them of everything except a change of clothes and a pair of worn out shoes.
Send them to the streets and force up on them the life of our homeless people. Begging and freezing, having the little things you have stolen and trashed.
Might it be a bit unfair to call out Bill Gates like this or lump him with the rest ?
I believe the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation already gives > 10 % of its endowment to charitable causes, Bill Gates has given ~ 10 % of his personal wealth and pledged to give away most of it in his lifetime.
No, not exactly, though it needs to be done and would help enforce and keep the tax in place.
100 years of erased Campaign finance laws (aka Citizens United) affect lobbies, PACS, if corporations are people, and what campaign funds can be spent on.
Billionaires' tax bracket can be taxed now.
I'm pretty sure they're talking about taxing their wealth – not just their income. That's the key, to make up for the decades where they've paid virtually nothing in income tax. Unfortunately wealth taxes have been very difficult to an enact worldwide. We blew it by letting them accumulate so much.
Great idea. Let’s up it to a straight 10%, no loopholes, and pay off the debt. However, Trump and Trump should be taxed at 200%, since too much of their wealth has been at the expense of others.
If we didn't have corrupt politicians particularly lawmakers in Congress, billionaires would stay in their lane and not meddle in government to their benefit. It's high time political contributions from big corporations are banned.
This and pay off our mortgages for all the harm and misery they have caused, poc’s first! And money for a house for people they have red lined for generations!
The problem is worth is not income and they play around with the numbers to get out of even paying the current tax rates. Closing the loopholes is the first step.
Even with a 2% tax, Bezos’ $500M yacht (the Koru) could still keep its $75M support yacht (the Abeona) and its helicopter and three support boats 🤷🏾♂️.
I’ve been saying this for years. What happens when a human becomes that rich? Does the soul leave the body? They are examples of the extent to which we can sink into greed and selfishness.
I hope one of them leaves their body to science. It would be interesting to see if there was a specific change in the brain to make someone so greedy and selfish.
Just one of them could accomplish all of that and take all the credit and go down in history as a hero among men and it would still cost less than how much Elon has personally lost in the last few weeks of spreading hate and ruining people’s lives.
This slimy asshat is committing crime, yet again!
He knows these judges are our last line of defense, so he's using his power and money to rig another election. Please mobilize and spread awareness!
After regaining democratic control, all billionaires who had supported the traitor Krasnov must be stripped of everything they own, including their freedom and citizenship.
Make it 100% or they get strung up until the twitching stops. They don’t deserve it, they never earned it and gosh darn it we need to have a mass reset, by ending the Billionaire class. Chippity chop, get a basket.
How many billions are enough ? At least Bill Gates created a foundation and does good work. But the others zero, nada. The impact of such a tax would be enormous 👏
It doesn't hurt to wish for such a wonderful thing, but the reality is the mindset of most billionaires is to keep hoarding wealth. So they will fight tooth and nail to avoid helping the masses. To pad their resume, sure a charity or two, but not the nation.
It's worse than that: (for most of them, not Gates) the donations to Charity are only tax deductions. So then they start their own charity, donate the money to themselves, and still write it off as a tax deduction.
It's insane.
You just described what Trump was found guilty of doing years ago. He got busted and now the entire Trump clan can no-longer manage, or sit on the board of a charity foundation.
Please use ALTTEXT to describe images for visually impaired readers. You get 2000 characters and can use speech to text to do it quickly and easily. You can set up Bluesky to remind you to use ALTTEXT.
As it is now, your post is basically empty for the visually impaired reader.
How long could you live on 100 million dollars before running out of money? By spending $1,000 a day, you'd go through $365,000 a year. Even if you earned no interest on your $100 million and spent $1,000 every single day of your life, you could still live for 270 years on a hundred million dollars.
This is what people just don’t get . It’s beyond obscene. This kind of wealth and wealth disparity has probably never been seen in history. Even between feudal lords and peasants
I'm never not going to be mad at Musk. I don't want him to pay taxes. I want him so broke that he has to leave the country on foot carrying nothing but his failure.
There’s one in that group that would likely vote for that proposal based on passed statements (and Warren Buffet as well who is part of the Gates Foundation)
The thing is, it's the people who made them so wealthy. They buy products; fund tax breaks. Why wouldn't they, in this very small way, give back to those very people? I don't understand. Making the world better for others, makes the world better for all of us. Simple. Easy. The greed needs to stop.
Things were good until Reagan came along and reduced rich people’s taxes by 50%.
Since then, rich people continue paying less taxes while the rest of us shoulder the burden.
And they all appear to be scum, with numero uno in the White House.
Wonder what the MAGA folks would say if they really thought about it? (Which we know they don't.) 🤔 Why would 13 billionaires want to work for the government, all at the same time. 🤔
Actually,I think it's a no-🤯.
Never happening with the GOP and their “Hands off the Rich,” mantra.
The poorest States in the Nation support it along with totalitarian minded Texas and Florida.
Schizophrenic swing States, fair weather at best do not help..
This proves that it is 98% GREED WHAT IS 2% tax for these oligarch - a lifetime of comfortabl living for MILLIONS of INDIVIDUALS and an EXTREMELY comfortable living for theives, liars FASCIST LOVING T*RD BURGLERS. that make up TRA/45
Bill Gates has contributed a lot to the betterment of the world. How about you only get a tax break after you prove you are using your wealth for good and not evil?
(part of proceeds go to Sandy Hook Promise)
if you were quoting Elizabeth Warren's budget.
I was looking for data to back this up.
I’m finding a lot of news stories wiped but you can google this question and should get millions of sources, at least in the old USA
Dr Robert Reich.
He's in my Starter Pack.
It's called the Suspension Bridge Chart, and it's as famous as the Hockey Stick Graph.
They want give nothing in return end CAPITALISM
Those other 3 MFers (and all the rest who just refuse and use loopholes to pay) yeah, they are the problem.
He has donated over $100 billion to various causes.
Average workers pay 6.2 PERCENT OF THEIR WAGES into Social Security. Because of the tax cap at $178,100 (highest it’s ever been) BILLIONAIRES PAY NOTHING. The maximum anyone pays this year is $10,000 and change.
Eat the rich, they've been eating the rest of us long enough.
They actually would, but only because they are deathly allergic to others having any of their ill-gotten money.
Use Bernie’s tax plan to cut their wrath in half.
It’s a start.
Why wouldn’t ANYBODY do it?
Come to think of it, I don’t understand why Trump wouldn’t want to give it all away & be fully admired. It’s what he craves the most. Why wouldn’t he want the world to praise him?
They are definitely broken.
If they're so smart and so powerful, such winners, why are they like cartoon villains?
Gates i think is the best of this bunch.
The others tho, are in competition for the worlds worst living human award.
A 2% tax will lead to a 3% tax than a 5% tax and a 7% tax
It’s hard to imagine a billionaire is afraid of losing all their money, but that is human nature
Easier to pay for a new politician, who won’t charge them tax
Stop instagram
Stop threads
Stop Amazon
Stop PayPal
Stop Tesla
Stop Star Link
Stop Twitter/X
Elon Musk paid a mere 2.1% tax rate. (Tax Policy Center, 5/19/2022)
Actually, it has been since Reagan.
p.s. low wage workers did and still do the essential work needed for American society to exist.
Each emoji represents 250,000 posts.
Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints alone has a net worth of around $265 billion.
For example, Elon bought Twitter using his Tesla shares as collateral. If Tesla does poorly enough, Then the bank takes Twitter (now X) as well.
Elon Musk has 12.8%
So 409,344,00 shares.
Assuming he secured the entire 44B with all his shares then 107.49 would be the 100% equity point.
Which is in the ballpark of the $114 share price that Newsweek reports. I have not checked on how that one is derived.
These fucking geeks think that they know everything. Every time they open their mouths, they betray the fact that they know fuck all.
Too tax bracket is supposed to pay 37% but the write off so much or just don't file.
IRS doesn't have staff to get through their boxes of tax info. Biden fixed that. We got 1.3 Billion back 2023-2024.
They’ll learn the hard way instead, and we’ll all suffer for it.
Note: Elon wants to be the first trillionaire.
The only time you keep whatever you have dearly is when you know other people had nothing with gaining that wealth.
Send them to the streets and force up on them the life of our homeless people. Begging and freezing, having the little things you have stolen and trashed.
I believe the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation already gives > 10 % of its endowment to charitable causes, Bill Gates has given ~ 10 % of his personal wealth and pledged to give away most of it in his lifetime.
100 years of erased Campaign finance laws (aka Citizens United) affect lobbies, PACS, if corporations are people, and what campaign funds can be spent on.
Billionaires' tax bracket can be taxed now.
Why not raise or eliminate the $176,000 cap on the social security payroll tax?
Why not eliminate the mortgage tax exemption on all homes except for one primary residence per taxpayer?
I’m not making this up. Google it.
He knows these judges are our last line of defense, so he's using his power and money to rig another election. Please mobilize and spread awareness!
As a friendly warning.
"Tax the rich"
"Tax the rich"
It's insane.
As hard as they are to keep 100%
As it is now, your post is basically empty for the visually impaired reader.
you get even pissier.................................
Plus (he's probably not a great guy) he's not a TOTAL shitbag and actually produces some net good for the human population.
What have the other 3 done?
…& MUST be taxed out of existence as soon as possible…
…if civilization & humanity are to survive for much longer!
#WealthTax #TaxTheRich
Since then, rich people continue paying less taxes while the rest of us shoulder the burden.
We want all of it. He had his chance, and he did it all wrong.
Wonder what the MAGA folks would say if they really thought about it? (Which we know they don't.) 🤔 Why would 13 billionaires want to work for the government, all at the same time. 🤔
Actually,I think it's a no-🤯.
Never happening with the GOP and their “Hands off the Rich,” mantra.
The poorest States in the Nation support it along with totalitarian minded Texas and Florida.
Schizophrenic swing States, fair weather at best do not help..
America needs a National shrink..