I released the LUT finder: A plugin to see all your ImageJ / Fiji LUTs in a table with previews, auto generated descriptions and filtering! You can try it with the KTZ_LUTs update site or from https://github.com/kwolbachia/LUTs_Finder. I'm looking for your feedbacks!
#FluorescenceFriday #MicroscopyMonday
#FluorescenceFriday #MicroscopyMonday
Source: https://thenode.biologists.com/parrot-lut/research/
I'm happy to discuss and be a test-person (I'm red colorblind)!
We tend to show subsets of markers at a time as well. Fig 3 b-g. But also fig 2 here https://www.nature.com/articles/d42473-024-00262-5
impossible to be safe with more than 3 composite channels,
So in a publication the best move will always be to show individual channels as gray (best of the best contrast) and then be creative for overlays :)