If she'll permit me to spoil the ending: "terrorist" designation lists are imperial, racist tools and should be abolished. In careful detail, Elizabeth tells you why. Must-read ⬇️
Reposted from
Elizabeth Beavers
My latest law journal article is out!
In this one, I analyze the mechanisms by which the U.S. government designates individuals, organizations, and governments as "terrorist," and the downstream consequences that flow to people many steps removed from the violence.
In this one, I analyze the mechanisms by which the U.S. government designates individuals, organizations, and governments as "terrorist," and the downstream consequences that flow to people many steps removed from the violence.
Obviously, this decision will affect ME far more than the rest of the people reading this.
And I find myself of two minds in this situation.
I'm no fool. I understand the political repercussions this may bring, and they make me shudder.
BUT, seeing the continual degradation of...