Me, a person whose memory stretches longer than the racist story that people like Naomi Wolf tell themselves, remembers that she’s actually been good at this the entire time.
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All these people are really telling on themselves by admitting that they think being good at something *has to be the result of cheating* because obviously preparing and working on your skills is such an unthinkable concept.
I am old enough to remember when they made fun of Harris for using wired earbuds, which some government agencies require for folks working with sensitive data.
its almost as if the default media mode is lazy and they don't do THEIR homework and research. I was not a Harris stan in 2020, but I thought the quality in the candidates to choose from was strong, each had strengths. Harris has become more polished after being the VP, adding FP to her resume.
Side note: there is no way that you could put on the performance Harris did last night wearing earbuds. Did you notice her waiting a long time and then saying a sentence and then waiting a long time and saying another sentence?
Anyway, here’s VP Harris in the 2020 presidential debates. I particularly remember this moment because it was such a brave and vulnerable point that Harris made, and she did not get nearly enough credit for it.
Loved this take-down, educational moment! As a person her age, I was amazed how many people didn’t know or memory-holed the work-around/foot-dragging done by local school districts/cities to prevent integration wherever possible for as long as possible. It was 1975 when our town integrated 6th grade
She is, in fact, an excellent public speaker and the problem is that racists cannot square that reality with their view that a Black woman cannot be as smart and articulate as a wealthy white man, and so every time it happens they think it has to be faked.
Remember that when these people decry “DEI”—the reason we need DEI is because there are too many racist assholes like them who are completely incapable of judging the true worth of some of our best and brightest.
Anyway, one of the reasons why they just cannot seem to land an attack on Harris is because they consistently do not understand that she is actually very good, and they keep assuming that everyone else sees their mental caricature of her.
They are also surprisingly hamstrung by the fact that she’s pretty. I think they keep making the leap from pretty to bimbo, and it leads them to say things that are just very stupid to ppl outside their bubble. Obviously that’s not more important than misogynoir, but it’s interesting
There’s a consistent thread running through all of their attacks on and complaints about her, and it’s that they cannot believe a Black woman has her position on her merits
They’re convinced it’s because she leveraged her race, gender, and sexuality to gain unfair advantages
They don't understand her work experience. I once helped a friend do a moot (pretend) court in law school. I played the defendant in a rape trail. I thought our side had done a good job. After the exercise, the prof. who had many years D.A. experience demo'ed a cross-examine and eviscerated me.
this smacks as their labelling strategy, they did this with 'sleepy' joe. start far enough back and keep repeating... but here it backfires spectacularly... and wonderfully
I am old enough to remember republicans calling young Obama “articulate” and “well spoken” in that extremely telling tone of patronizing, impressed surprise, but I guess at least then they weren’t accusing him of being AI
It's amazing watching people see someone whose multiple careers have all required public speaking and thinking on her feet be good at public speaking and thinking on her feet and decide she must be faking it somehow.
She was excellent. I was a Warren supporter, but Harris was the other candidate I donated to that year based on what we saw in her debate performances.
besides her Senate experience, and crucially her friendship with his son, I also wonder if this incident might have been part of the reason he chose her for VP.
And, as others have pointed out, it absolutely reflects well on Biden that he said "THIS is the person I want as my running-mate" after she crushed him like that
Yup, because we are people who actually watched Kamala Harris interrogate Brett Kavanaugh, show Joe Biden up for the flaws he had while being kind and caring, and make Mike Pence look like a cheap suit filled with silly putty.
Thanks for posting that, very timely. Plus a credit to Biden that he saw that for what it was, a well made and correct debating point and he still picked her for VP.
Their whole movement is insane and she’s one of the worst. As bad as I knew her to have become, I didn’t know the full extent until I read Doppelgänger.
Exactly that. This is the heads you win, tails I lose situation they dream up. She’s either bad or she’s cheating. They cannot process the reality of her talent. And it’s pathetic.
Out of the gate she mobilized, kicking off the campaign with a string of feel great rallies. Then she soared at the DNC— her acceptance speech displayed mastery and gravitas. Then she dominated the debate stage, looking and sounding presidential. Three is a trend, not an anomaly.
They’ve been telling themselves all this time that she only did well in rallies because of the teleprompter, but that she can’t speak extemporaneously.
Yup. Their theory is that anyone can read a speech. But that is nonsense or GWB and Dan Quayle would have been great. Delivering a persuasive message effectively and working with a team to craft a message that resonates is something entirely different. And her legal career is crazily underestimated.
Plus I’m old enough to remember republicans said that teleprompter nonsense about OBAMA, one of the most talented rhetoricians of our time. It’s what they say faced with a talented POC that leaves them in the dust.
I was at the rally in Milwaukee and could see the teleprompter. Both she and Walz would vary quite a bit from the written words, seemed like they used it more as a prompt, like notecards.
During the runup to the debate, I kept saying to Mrs. Furious, "Don't worry, she cleaned Biden's clock when she debated him." She didn't remember either.
It’s the middle of the night here, and as I woke to use the loo I thought, “No wonder the VP was so good at taxonomizing Pres. Trumps’s forensic style— good trial lawyers *explain arguments* for a living. And what a beautiful long-delayed thing.
She's just good. Being good at what she does is how she's gotten where she is. Admitting that she is skilled conflicts with all their racist lies, so they have to deny what their own eyes and ears tell them.
I think it really depends on her opponent. When she is up against fellow democrats, or from the left, she ends up struggling against them because she can't use the same prosecutorial skillset.
I love that in their mind, an earbud is an insurmountable advantage. Like if Trump had an earpiece and someone whispering to him, "Make an actual point. Don't just act like a giant asshole," he would have won, in their minds?
They are stuck in middle school mode where the set-up up is question& answer
So cheating is being slipped a single fact that you need but don't know
The earbud would supply her with this vital missing
E.g., Annapolis is the capitol of MD, and she'd win
Argument and discussion don't work that way
Putting that, and the difficulty of speaking while having the words fed to your earpiece, aside: the thing that made Harris look best wasn’t what she said, but how Trump responded. Did they manage to get control of his earpiece as well?
Yeah, preparation, education on the issues, and concentration.
trump could have done better if:
1. He didn't think he knew it all and...
2. If the debate, rather than vindictive anger, was his focus.
Come on.
GOP: tell us more
Me: money please.
it requires willful blindness and therefore…
There’s a consistent thread running through all of their attacks on and complaints about her, and it’s that they cannot believe a Black woman has her position on her merits
They’re convinced it’s because she leveraged her race, gender, and sexuality to gain unfair advantages
Obviously wrong.
So cheating is being slipped a single fact that you need but don't know
The earbud would supply her with this vital missing
E.g., Annapolis is the capitol of MD, and she'd win
Argument and discussion don't work that way