Mathew Goodwin is a regular on #PoliticsLive presented by #JoCoburn usually in the seat reserved for right wing loons like Clare Fox,Kate Andrews,Emily Sheffield,Melanie Phillips and assorted Tufton Street think tank shills
Went from a well respected university lecturer to a white supremacist who writes unsold books about how ‘foreigners’ are genetically inferior to white people
He’s currently filling in for Reese-Mogg over on Hatstand Crazy News
Director of Legatum/ Centre for Policy Studies, a darkly funded think tank out of Tufton St. (they constantly change the name).
These are the sorts of people who brought us Liz Truss and her disastrous tenure as Prime Minister.
An academic who torched his academic integrity in pursuit of a far right grift, and someone I wouldn’t cite now if my career depended on it, unless it was to argue against him in the most robust manner
Goodwin, now an apologist for xenophiba said in 2013:
"'Britain has tirelessly debated immigration... the more we stoke public anger and distrust on immigration, the more we threaten the stability of our political system.'
"People who study cults sometimes end up joining them. This has befallen Goodwin, one of the scholars of the hard right. Yet, while mapping the contours of Farageism, he has mutated into an advocate for its tendencies."
That's easy, he's no longer employable as a professor (and shouldn't be using his old job title for clout, it's very cringe), so he's jumped on the far right troll/grifter bandwagon hoping for patronage.
I have no idea either, some sort of far-right social-media grifter one assumes, but they all seem to sort of merge into an amorphous blob of hatred and thought-stopping cliches after a while
He’s currently filling in for Reese-Mogg over on Hatstand Crazy News
These are the sorts of people who brought us Liz Truss and her disastrous tenure as Prime Minister.
The far right are used to arguments about the economy or workers' rights or human rights... they've stumbled across ways to con people.
On migration you scare them, because they can't figure out how to counter your common sense.
GBeebies like to roll him out as an 'expert'/'pollster'/'expert'.
"'Britain has tirelessly debated immigration... the more we stoke public anger and distrust on immigration, the more we threaten the stability of our political system.'
"People who study cults sometimes end up joining them. This has befallen Goodwin, one of the scholars of the hard right. Yet, while mapping the contours of Farageism, he has mutated into an advocate for its tendencies."